Sheffield BNP Meeting
The Bloodhound Gang , 31-03-2011 - 12:25
Sheffield BNP will be holding a meeting tonight at The Malthouse Public Ecclesfield.
Libya: The objective of "humanitarian bombing" is death and destruction
Michel Chossudovsky , 27-03-2011 - 11:34
The objective is not to come to the rescue of civilians. Quite the opposite. Both military as well as civilian targets have been pre-selected.
Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage".
Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians.
Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
Obama’s imperial twist: “Humanitarian” regime change in Libya
Glen Ford , 24-03-2011 - 21:54
President Obama demanded regime change in Libya more than three weeks ago, but now acts as if that’s not his policy. He will use the assault on Muamar Khadafi’s forces to introduce so-called “humanitarian intervention” as an anchor of the Obama Doctrine. Regime change will remain a basic tool, while the “humanitarian” ruse expands imperial options. Obama may well opt to turn Libya into a kind of protectorate, as Haiti has become. Meanwhile, France interprets the UN mandate in Libya as allowing the Euro-Americans to act as air support for the rebel armed forces, as the French did at Benghazi.
BNP shit it out of South Tyneside
IHTF , 24-03-2011 - 19:16
The odious scumbags of the BNP are not to field a singal coandidate in South Shields due to infighting amid claims Nick Griffin is not fit to lead the party
Obama’s War in Libya
Margaret Kimberley , 23-03-2011 - 21:30
The continuity between the Bush and Obama administration’s is now complete. Almost exactly eight years after Bush invaded Iraq, Obama’s Euro-American military alliance swooped down on Libya to enforce a western world order. “Obama definitely took a page out of the Bush administration recipe book,” including “peddling scary stories of poison gas stockpiled at a remote desert location.” All this may serve Obama well in domestic opinion polls, since “American blood lust is always just below the surface.”
Israeli Propaganda Week - Thursday March 24th
Hasbara , 23-03-2011 - 16:42
This week, the Israeli government is sending 25 Israeli students to Birmingham University campus to spread pro-Israel propaganda. This initiative, called " Israel Awareness Week" is being deliberately timed during "Israeli Apartheid Week"*, to argue the case for Israel.
Between Tuesday and Thursday this week there will be a marquee on campus outside the main library promoting Israeli culture and portraying Israel as a peace-loving country.
The Israeli delegation will arrive on campus on Thursday and will be leafleting outside the library.
Lies, damn lies, and humanitarian intervention
Stephen Lendman , 23-03-2011 - 02:54
Masquerading as "humanitarian intervention," Washington launched full-force barbarism on six million Libyans, all endangered by America's latest intervention.
Beginning March 19, it was visible. However, months of planning preceded it, including US and UK special forces and intelligence operatives on the ground enlisting, inciting, funding, arming and supporting violent insurrection to oust Gaddafi and replace him with a Washington-controlled puppet like in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Muslamic Ray Guns - Weapons Of Mass Distraction!!!
Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers & Buzz Lightyear! , 23-03-2011 - 00:44
On the 2nd of April, the drunken nobodies of the EDL will be marching up and down the streets of Blackburn chanting racist abuse willy-nilly at any passing Asian man, woman and child. The best way to beat these pissed-up fascist losers is to take the bloody piss.
Petition: SAY NO to the UK's Largest Eviction of Travellers
Mairead Moore , 22-03-2011 - 14:41
A decision was taken by Basildon Council last week in favour of issuing the 28 day notice period for the eviction of resident's at Dale Farm (although there are still negotiations taking place). This is despite widespread concerns from the UN, the Children's Commissioner and a recent visit to the site from the Council of Europe. If this goes ahead it will represent the largest ever eviction of Travellers in the UK, with over 150 children affected.
#541 - Outing Prison 1 (Mass Incarceration Is The New Jim Crow)
Robin Upton , 21-03-2011 - 12:55
This week we hear author Sasha Abramsky and professors Viviane Saleh-Hanna and Michelle Alexander on the US incarceration industry, or as they call it, the "Prison Industrial Complex". How can a country which used to style itself the "land of the free" lock up far more of its own population than any other country? Why has the US prison population exploded? And what is the connection with racial segregation and Jim Crow?
Rotherham BNP Candidate Resigns
sheffieldlib , 21-03-2011 - 03:00
Rotherham Fascist Tom Holmes has resigned from the far-right British National Party. The following article is not libel; fictitious; contains personal information nor is it a personal attack (partly an apology!). SheffieldLib is a peaceful, localised anti-fascist movement of mostly students several of whom live within Tom Holmes' ward and such would never knowingly breach any policy/rules. Revised/snipped article as below.
Orion coaches transporting the EDL
Shut Down The EDL , 19-03-2011 - 10:43
Manchester based Orion coach travel have been supporting the English Defence League spread their racist message. They were most recently spotted at the Rochdale gathering.
Racism and Animal Rights.
Anarchist. , 16-03-2011 - 20:03
From time to time people are going to have to challenge racist behaviour in pretty much any movement, and the animal rights movement is no different. The same can be said for any other sort of discrimination.
Power and Privilege within - a workshop
Shilpa , 15-03-2011 - 09:49
Based on Anti-Oppression training techniques (currently offered in the UK by groups such as Otesha and Platform), this workshop is aimed at people who are part of any group with environmental or social justice goals, who want to become more aware of how power and privilege within their own organisation affects what they do.
Marching Mothers on the Move
Anne Neale , 10-03-2011 - 18:53
On SATURDAY 12 MARCH Mothers are Marching In defence of Everyone's survival and welfare, and for an End to cuts, poverty and discrimination. We'll be meeting on the north side of Trafalgar Square (in front of the National Gallery) at 12 noon then marching to SOAS for a Speak-out. Keynote speaker: distinguished campaigner and author SELMA JAMES on International Women's Day:how rapidly things change.
Screening of Land and Freedom for Brighton AntiFascists
Brighton AntiFascists , 09-03-2011 - 18:34
Brighton AntiFascists are hosting a screening of Ken Loach's 'Land and Freedom'.
6.30pm Thursday 10th March at the Duke of York's, Brighton.
War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley
Angola 3 News , 06-03-2011 - 08:03
We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.
EDL Rochdale: Piss Poor!
Bury Black Pudding , 05-03-2011 - 17:58
The EDL turnout at Rochdale today was rubbish. When are they going to leave us alone?
Detention of children - a makeover.
anoborderer , 04-03-2011 - 11:06
The detention of children for immigration purposes was labelled "state sponsored cruelty" by the Lib Dems and Yarl's Wood is being forced to close in May. Instead, they aim to open "pre-departure accommodation" at Peas Pottage near Crawley. This is just an image makeover and one we can prevent.
Anti-Fascists film showing. 10th of March. 6.30pm Duke of York's, Brighton
Brighton Anti-fascists , 03-03-2011 - 13:27
Fundraiser and film night for Brighton's new anti-fascist group.
Libya evacuations: Africans ‘left out’
Dario Malewa , 03-03-2011 - 12:28
Africans ‘left out’ in Libya evacuations ....... In the rush to rescue foreigners from Libya, thousands of migrant Africans are being left behind, holed up at home terrified as insurgents mistake them for mercenaries fighting for Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. Rumours that Gaddafi has hired fighters from south of the Sahara to quash a popular revolt against him have made hordes of Africans targets of popular anger, many from poor countries unable to organise their evacuation.
BNP Crufts reaches over 10.000 hits
Dave B , 02-03-2011 - 19:50
The spoof website claiming that the British National Party is Sponsoring Crufts has today reached over 10,000 hits.
The revolt in the Centres d'identification in Italy
Valeria Pini - trad: Proken , 02-03-2011 - 14:12
"It 'a living hell from which escape"
Voltage at maximum levels. Four hundred new visitors to Lampedusa. In Bologna, a hundred activists of the social centers have entered the Cie over the wall. An assault: "To free the immigrants." Flames and riots in Turin and Gradisca Cie d'Isonzo Cie-center for identification and expulsion
Protests of the activists of the social centers in the Center for identification and expulsion of via Mattei
Where is our solidarity
Hunger strike , 02-03-2011 - 13:58
where is our solidarity to the 300 immigrant hunger strikers in Greece?
EDL Latest
'Accountant' , 28-02-2011 - 10:05
Warning : this article may contain ‘big words’ so to help the EDL trolls, here is a link to the dickshunry :
Video: Shir Hever - The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
inminds , 26-02-2011 - 23:23
Shir Hever looks at the economic dimensions of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. A highly original talk revealing many startling facts. Full video and photo report now on-line.