Notts Uncut Newsletter No. 1 - April 2011
03-04-2011 - 22:24
The first of Notts Uncut newsletters. Come to the next event and take action against corporate tax avoiders! Also check out the new website: http://www.nottsuncut.webeden.co.uk
Stapleford Eco Farm
anon@indymedia.org (aaaa) , 03-04-2011 - 15:24
This coming weekend we are gathering on the land at Field Farm, Stapleford, Notts to discuss setting up a sustainable community here this spring. Acoustic music and food on the friday night, and a chance to check out the site and local area. This coming weekend we are gathering on the land at Field Farm, Stapleford, Notts to discuss setting up a sustainable community here this spring. Acoustic music and food on the friday night, and a chance to check out the site and local area.
Bring seeds and matierals to prepare the site for when we are ready to move in permanently
Although we are gathering on the friday we will be camped on site after wednesday so feel free to pop up then
We found out about this place after this message from a local:
Gareth Whitedog 20 March at 18:43 Report Hi Hope you are well. Thought we'd give you a heads-up about a nice opportunity...
There's an old empty farmhouse behind where we live, in a couple of fields, which have been left fallow for ten years or so, and have become a bit of a wildlife haven, and even host a couple of endangered species, we think. The owners of the land intend to build on it, and current Tory plans will make it even easier for them to do so. Nobody in the village wants that. It occurs to us that if the farmhouse were to be squatted by some community minded people, who put it to good use, then it would make it somewhat more difficult for the building to happen, and would also give good scope for a high-profile campaign, where the media is concerned. You know, "Big-hearted eco-warriors in face-off with evil developers trying to destroy nature reserve..."
We feel pretty sure that if anyone were to do this, and they did it right, then they would probably get quite a bit of support from the local community, and they could certainly count on support from us, some of the closest neighbours.
Here's a Google maps link to the place: http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&ll=52.945716%2C-1.265466&spn=0.011572%2C0.033023&t=h&z=16
Let us know what you think.
Gareth & Sue Google Maps maps.google.co.uk View maps and find local businesses on the web. Share Google Maps maps.google.co.uk View maps and find local businesses on the web.
Travel from Sheffield involves a train to langley mill followed by a bus to outside the entrance road.
Also Buses from derby and local area to Stapleford.
There is also much other devolopment planned for this area including devolopment of Trowell Moor for open cast mining so this area is under a lot of threat.
A link to a news report about Field Farm is here
Photos also follow for information on finding the site, please spread this about!
Phone calls can be made on 07849449532 after Wednesday
Compare & contrast two squares over two weekends!
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 03-04-2011 - 15:24
Trafalgar Square, London. Saturday 26th March 2011 Market Square, Nottingham Saturday 2nd April 2011 Had been to the shindig in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 26th March and the police action there. It was scarry getting pushed and shoved in front of the police lines. Then, behind the police lines, getting all sorts thrown in my direction inc. a lot of bottles. I was grateful for the donation of my shiny new hard hat! The following Saturday, walking across Market Square in Nottingham I shared in viewing this spectacle. Like many others there, I found it hard to believe what I was watching. I have to say after the previous weekends stress, it offered some most welcome relief. I compare and contrast :-) ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
Notts Shop Withdraws Fur After Protest
anon@indymedia.org (Nottingham Indymedia + Led) , 03-04-2011 - 12:23
Following protests, vintage clothing and fancy dress outlet Celias on Derby road has decided to no longer sell real fur. Campaigners welcomed the move as “yet another clear message to the fur trade that animal cruelty has no place on our high streets.” On the newswire: Celias Decides To Stop Selling Fur | Anti-fur Activists Target Derby Road Horror Shop Previous features: Another victory for anti-fur campaigners More than 45 million animals worldwide, including raccoons, dogs, rabbits, foxes, mink, and chinchillas, are raised in cages and killed each year for their fur. Not only are cage-raised animals killed inhumanely, but they suffer from numerous physical and behavioural abnormalities induced by the stress of caging conditions. After spending their short lives in squalid conditions, animals raised on fur farms are killed by cruel methods that preserve their pelt, such as gassing, neck-breaking and anal electrocution. Some are even skinned alive. Fur farming is illegal in the UK and unfashionable in most of the world but there are still a number of enterprises that will do anything to make money regardless of the suffering caused.
Save Our NHS Demo, Standard Court
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 02-04-2011 - 00:23
12 -2pm. As part of the 'All Together for the NHS Day', health service workers gathered in the courtyard outside of the Standard Court offices, Nottingham.
As part of the 'All Together for the NHS Day', health service workers gathered in the courtyard outside of the Standard Court offices, Nottingham. Unison organised a lunch time demonstration against the planned cuts which are putting many jobs within Nottingham City NHS at risk. Commissioning staff and Community Mental Health Workers are currently at risk of redudancy. NHS Courtyard Outside 1 Standard Court, Park Row, Nottingham, NG1 6GN In the TUC Press Release, they say: All Together for the NHS The government is imposing huge changes on the NHS. These plans – set out in the Health and Social Care Bill currently going through Parliament – will change our National Health Service beyond recognition. The speed and scale of these changes is massive. Patients and staff will be the losers. They will mean big cuts in health spending. Before the election David Cameron said: "I will cut the deficit, not the NHS" yet the cost of this reorganisation could be up to£3 billion. At the same time the government is demanding £20 billion in "efficiency savings" which only ministers believe can be achieved without affecting patients. This is being taken from patient care and leading to job losses – including clinical staff – across the NHS. Waiting times are already on the increase. Opening up the NHS to private profit. The Health Bill opens up the prospect of far more NHS services being organised and delivered by private companies. Taxpayers’money destined for NHS patients will be diverted into shareholder profits. NHS patients will be pushed to the back of the queue. The Bill takes the cap off the amount hospitals can earn from private patients – so NHS patients risk being pushed to the back of the queue for care. It means competition, not co-operation. The Government wants to run the NHS through competition between different health providers and market forces. Bureaucracy, lawyers and contracts will replace co-operation and joint planning.It will create a huge postcode lottery. Under the proposals, the care patients can expect will vary from place to place, increasing costs and health inequalities and hurting vulnerable people the most. No-one voted for this: before the election we were told there would be no more top-down reorganisations of the NHS. Now the health service faces the biggest upheaval since its creation – so big that NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson said they could be “seen from space”. The NHS is working: Public satisfaction with the NHS is at an all-time high. Doctors, nurses, midwives, support staff, patients groups and more have all spoken out about the dangers of these changes. http://falseeconomy.org.uk/files/nhs-keypoints.pdf False Economy http://falseeconomy.org.uk/nhs All Together for the NHS flyer – PDF http://falseeconomy.org.uk/files/nhs-flyer.pdf Notts Save Our Services http://nottssos.org.uk ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
Celias Decides To Stop Selling Fur
anon@indymedia.org (led) , 01-04-2011 - 18:23
. Vintage clothing and fancy dress outlet Celias on Derby road has now decided to no longer sell real fur.
There had been protests by animal rights activists outside the shop in previous weeks, see: http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/1083
Well done to the management of Celias for making the only ethical choice! Yet another clear message to the fur trade that animal cruelty has no place on our high streets.
Anti-fur Activists Target Derby Road Horror Shop
anon@indymedia.org (led) , 31-03-2011 - 21:23
. At least a dozen animal lovers attended protests outside Celias, a fancy dress and vintage clothing outlet on Derby road. Celias is one of the last shops in the country, dealing in real fur garments (from trim to full coats and jackets).
Armed with placards and leaflets, the protester's message to weekend shoppers was clear: killing animals for fashion is wrong, wearing fur is a throwback to caveman days that society has evolved beyond.
More than 45 million animals worldwide, including raccoons, dogs, rabbits, foxes, mink, and chinchillas, are raised in cages and killed each year for their fur. Not only are cage-raised animals killed inhumanely, but they suffer from numerous physical and behavioural abnormalities induced by the stress of caging conditions. After spending their short lives in squalid conditions, animals raised on fur farms are killed by cruel methods that preserve their pelt, such as gassing, neck-breaking and anal electrocution.
Some are even skinned alive..
Fur farming is illegal in the UK and unfashionable in most of the world but there are still a number of enterprises that will do anything to make money regardless of the suffering caused.
The Vintage Argument:
Some people consider that vintage fur is somehow "alright" on the grounds that it is not directly funding the fur trade.
This is a flawed argument however as the acceptance of ANY fur creates demand for fur, normalizes and fuels the general market and desensitizes our reasonable disgust.
To say that second hand fur is alright because money doesn't directly go to fur farmers is a bit like saying second hand child pornography is alright because money doesn't directly go to paedophiles.
Some economists predict that the vintage market will act as a life line to the fur trade which is looking for ANY way back onto our high streets. Already, some garments sold as vintage are simply re-branded fresh fur...
Of course the people that make their money from the harrowing cruelty of the fur trade love vintage fur.. - it's fur!
Not surprisingly then, the non-violent activists whose only agenda is to end animal suffering will continue to protest outside vintage shops which sell fur..
For more information see: http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1505 http://furfreenotts.weebly.com/ http://www.caft.org.uk/
To lend your support to anti fur campaigning in any way, contact your local animal rights group! :)
Never Trust a Copper
anon@indymedia.org (Sandal Wearer) , 29-03-2011 - 19:24
The Guardian has published a video from Saturday's Fortnum and Masons occupation by UK Uncut. Taken by legal observers from Green and Black Cross, the footage shows a police chief inspector telling protesters that they will soon be allowed to leave. Of course, they were all subsequently arrrested. No doubt most of us can think of instances when Her Majesty's Finest have lied through their teeth at a demonstration, but they're rarely stupied enough to get recorded doing so. When they are, it can have a seriously detrimental effect on an cases which follow arrests. In Nottingham, on April 1st 2008, "Fossil Fool's Day," 2 activists locked on in front of the Nottingham offices of energy company E.On. The police arrived around 30 minutes later and at about 9.15am Inspector Will Chell arrived at the entrance and read a Crimminal Justice Act warning. That he "believed that peoples action were intimidating and disrupt an person engaged in a lawful activity. That if people did not leave this land immediately, in this case 10.00am, you will be arrested for failing to leave the land on which you are trespassing, this being contrary to Section 69 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994". This was widely interpreted as a statement that provided people left by 10am, there would be no arrests. So, at about 9.56am, the two blockaders were unlocked. They were promptly arrested for aggravated trespass. On arrival at Bridewell police station, the charge was substituted to Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. It would later be substituted again, this time to "disorderly behaviour." The case fell apart on the first day in court, after the magistrate contracted by the Crown Prosecution Service, went to view the police DVD of video material from their evidence gatherers. This had not previously been entered in evidence, and was news to her. It appeared that this showed the same sequence of events as the photographs and audio recording the defence had submitted. Thus, when she returned to court, she said that in the interests of justice, they would offer no evidence. It was not in the public interest to proceed. The magistrates thus formally dismissed the case. The witnesses were all called together and the court apologised to them for the waste of time. Both defendants were thus free to go. These are just 2 relatively high profile cases in which the police have been stupid enough to go on record lying to people. For them this is routine. Of course, as camera phones and other recording devices become more common on demonstrations this might start to change. Even so, we should never lose sight of the old truism: Never trust a copper.
Notts Strikes, Protests and Marches Against Cuts
anon@indymedia.org (Nottingham Indymedia) , 29-03-2011 - 18:24
Last week saw a huge array of anti-cuts actions beginning on Saturday 19th March with a UK Uncut action which saw Barclays Bank and a number of shops targetted. On Tuesday UCU members went on strike in defence of pensions. On Wednesday a protest was held in the Market Square against the budget. Thursday saw a second day of UCU strike action, this time around pay and conditions with a rally in the city centre. This was followed by a defend ESOL demonstration. The week was rounded off by the huge anti-cuts demonstration in London which drew anything up to half a million people. On the newswire: After March 26th–a good day out & a lot more to do | English for speakers of other languages ESOL Rally | University and College Union Strike & Rally | Interview with a striking lecturer | The Lecturers Strike Back | Notts SOS Newsletter #4 March/April 2011 | University staff picket line support from students | Cuts Protest @ Vodafone, BHS, NatWest, TopShop etc | Barclays Bank visited by anti-cuts protesters | ESOL Cuts Will Devastate Language Education Previous features: Notts Joins March Against Cuts | Resistance to Nottingham City Cuts | No Cuts in Nottingham! | Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank | Notts County Council workers strike against cuts | Notts students protest EMA cuts | Notts Occupation Ends; Resistance Continues | Uni of Nottingham occupied in anti-fees protest | Nottingham students protest cuts | Action against cuts continues in Notts | Week of action against cuts in Nottingham | Notts County Council announce £72m cuts | Notttingham mobilises to save services Despite the sheer scale of the TUC organised march, Vince Cable was wheeled out to confirm that the government intended to ignore it: “We’re not going to change the basic economic strategy… No government – coalition, Labour or any other – would change its fundamental economic policy simply in response to a demonstration of that kind.” This should not come as a great surprise, nobody seriously expected the government to crumble after one demonstration, but anger about the cuts is not going away. Nor can it be contained by trade union bureaucrats, as the clashes and widespread property damage which followed the main march demonstrate. TUC general secretary Brendan Barber has described this as the end of the “phoney war” and anti-cuts, locally and nationally, campaigners have no intention of giving up. Strike action is planned by the PCS with Nottingham City Unison planning to ballot its members and further protests are inevitable. This struggle is only just beginning.
Cop Shop Attacked
anon@indymedia.org (Petty Vandals) , 28-03-2011 - 15:34
Last night just after middnight police station on Wollaton Road, Nottingham was attacked with glass jars filled with black paint. We send this loving kiss to Jock Palfreeman and all those who represented for the eternal struggle against domination on the streets of London this weekend. We chose our target to emphasise the fragility and weakness of the state. If their first line of defence can be hurt with such ease then crackes in the status quo will grow and begin to bleed. We view the cops as the security guards of capitalists, protecting property, reinforcing white supremacy and state control. With this action we show their inability to protect themselves. As things get worse, as the divisions between the capitalists and the rest become deeper and more entrenched the facism inherent in any police force will become ever more clear. As this become the case it will be important for us to know in our angry little hoodlum hearts that we can strike back whenever we choose to. In doing this we did not forever alter the state of things, but we did forever alter the strength and resolve within ourselves as we prepare for all out social war. The love in our hearts is offered up with this action to Jock Palfreeman imprisoned by the Bulgarian arm of state power for refusing to cower in the face of racism and facism. Also to the 14 Chilean anarchists currently on hunger strike, physically captured by the industrial prison complex, but still free in their hearts and strong in their resistance. We won't let them be forgotten. Finally to those who rebelled against state control on the streets of London, those black clad lovers and fighters who strove to liberate themselves . Solidarity to those who were arrested on Saturday. Not because they're innocent. Not because they're peaceful. But because they're comrades.
A response to the Sisters of Resistance
anon@indymedia.org (Some male activists in Nottingham) , 28-03-2011 - 11:23
Dear Sisters Thank you for ignoring society’s and the activist scene’s expectations and calling out male privilege and sexist behaviour. We recognise the behaviours that you describe and the consequent oppression of women that they result in. We are sad to say that we recognise many of these behaviours as ones that we ourselves have perpetrated. Although we recognise that this is not just about us, we are deeply sorry for any actions of our own that have had the effect of oppressing women and upholding patriarchy. Recognising the widespread complicity in sexist behaviour that exists within our community, a group of men in Nottingham started meeting regularly in Autumn last year, to attempt to deal with our shit, be conscious of patriarchal behaviour and to be better allies of the women in our lives and community. Working from the basis that it is our own responsibility to do this work, not the responsibility of women, we have tried to challenge our own assumptions and behaviours and support each other to change. We have discussed a wide range of issues that have come up for us, including consent in relationships, gender dynamics in meetings, who does domestic tasks in our homes and aggression. We have sought to pick through our own personal histories to identify how and where we learnt our patriarchal behaviour, thus better enabling us to unlearn and hopefully end these behaviours. We have tried to educate ourselves using the experiences of women, to identify our own failures to live up to our anarchist and anti-sexist ideals regarding gender, and to find ways to start changing our mindset and our relationships with the women we know for the better. We are trying to learn from the women we know as to how we need to change, asking them to challenge us on our bullshit without us responding with defensiveness, fear or hostility. This is not an attempt to show what great anti-sexists we are – we know that we have many failings and that unpicking patriarchal thinking takes a long time. We write out of solidarity with you and to show that, despite the hostility and denial from some men, this is not the whole picture. Whilst it absolutely should not be left to women to criticise us, and face the aggressive response that inevitably follows, we try to use that criticism to challenge ourselves. We have found your suggestions for overcoming patriarchal behaviour a useful tool in helping us to progress. We see our men’s group as a very small contribution to the fight against patriarchy and recognise its limitations- as men we are likely to be blinded or ignorant to some of our sexist behaviour. We would like to contribute towards the creation of spaces with women in which the issues including those raised by the Sisters of Resistance can be discussed amongst women and men, with the aim of challenging patriarchal thought and action rather than seeking to justify the status quo. We strongly believe that patriarchy is entwined with capitalist society, and that if we wish to build communities of resistance then all the abuses and hierarchies prevalent within the dominant society must be challenged with equal determination. We would also be very willing to participate in the initiatives of others around these issues. We have had enough of men’s denial and excuses – let’s work together to bring down the patriarchy!
English for speakers of other languages ESOL Rally
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 25-03-2011 - 23:27
Thursday 24th March 2011 At 3.30pm staff and students of courses for 'English for speakers of other languages' gathered in the Market Square for a protest rally.
At 3.30pm staff and students of courses for 'English for speakers of other languages' gathered in the Market Square for a protest rally. The government are preparing to cut much of this service. Even stranger, it had ealier pronounced that it expected imigrants to this country to have some ability with the english language as a condition of citizenship. Further, there is obviously a requirement for anyone seeking work here, to be able to speak english. Not very joined-up thinking ...... me thinks! Earlier in the day, there had been another rally on an educational / cuts issue. Many had attended both since there are overlaps with how all these educators are being treated. Many students came to both events to support their teachers. University and College Union Strike & Rally http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1073 ****** Action for ESOL Press Release Rally to Defend ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) March 24, 3.30pm, Market Square ESOL Cuts Will Devastate Language Education, says Action for ESOL ESOL teachers and students are campaigning to defend ESOL programmes. They are warning that Government cuts in ESOL funding will devastate language provision for people who don’t speak English as their first language. Currently, ESOL classes are free to students in receipt of a range of benefits, including Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, or Council Tax Benefit. Others pay subsidised fees for classes. But the government has proposed cuts amounting to 50% over 3 years. From September 2011, only those getting JSA and some receiving the new Employment Support Allowance, will be entitled to free classes. The cost of classes is also expected to rise to around £900. In Nottingham, 76% of students do not receive JSA or ESA and are currently studying on free courses or paying subsidised fee rates. They will be expected to pay fees for the first time or fees that are 50% to 66% higher than before. This includes people in low waged employment, spouses of people receiving benefit and asylum seekers who have £35 to £39 a week to live on. Campaigners warn that this will price many students out of learning English. Campaigners have argued that these new measures discriminate in particular against women, who make up over half of current ESOL students in Nottingham. They argue further that it will make it more difficult for those who don’t speak English as their first language to find sustainable employment, access services, support their children in schools or to participate in society. They point out that many migrants bring important skills and experience to the UK and are keen to contribute to the society. As a result of these cuts, the government will have to pay more for interpreters, whilst non-English speakers will find themselves caught in a trap of low-waged, insecure work. Campaigners are angry that the Government has not carried out a credible assessment of the impact of these proposals, and the likely effects on individuals and the wider community. Rather, the Government seems to have the view that migrants simply come to the UK, learn the language and go home. A spokesperson for Action for ESOL said: “It is not easy to join ESOL classes and learning a new language is always difficult for adults. There are strict residency rules to meet before a person can join a class. Many may then wait months because there are not enough classes. Many juggle class times with long unsocial or irregular work hours. Many people on low wages may struggle with the current fee rates. We are calling on the Government to rethink this disastrous policy. It will leave many people without the opportunity to learn English. It contradicts every statement the government has made about the importance of migrants learning English” ESOL teachers and students have declared 24th March to be a Day of Action to protest against the Government’s policies on ESOL. In Nottingham there will be a public meeting in the Market Square at 3.30pm. Students, friends and tutors will use placards and speakers to demonstrate the importance of English classes. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! The national Action for ESOL petition will be handed in to 10 Downing St at 1.30pm. You can sign it at www.gopetition.com/petitions/defend-esol.html Notes for the Editor: 1. The Government’s new policy is outlined in Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth and Skills for Sustainable Growth Strategy published by BIS 2. Action for ESOL is a national campaign alliance, and includes the lecturers’ union, UCU, the Refugee Council, the National Association for Teachers of English and Community Languages to Adults, trade unions and other organisations. 3. In Nottingham it is estimated that there are around 3000 to 3,500 ESOL learners in addition to 800 people currently waiting to join classes. Contact: Fiona Vale / Amy Gittins, 0115 978 0942, Fiona@begin.org.uk (Nottingham) Rebecca Galbraith, 0797 1719 797, rebecca.galbraith@yahoo.co.uk (national) ****** English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/EducationAndLearning/AdultLearning/ImprovingYourSkills/DG_10037499 &&&&&&&&& earlier on Thursday, another education cuts issue: University and College Union Strike & Rally http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1073 ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
University and College Union Strike & Rally
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 25-03-2011 - 22:24
Thursday 24th March 2011 At 11.00am, members of the University and College Union gathered in market Square for a rally.
At 11.00am, members of the University and College Union gathered in market Square for a rally. They were on strike, to draw attention to to changes in their pensions and working coditions. UCU said : The university employers had to get back round the table and negotiate with UCU in an escalating row over pensions. UCU members in around 500 universities and colleges have been on strike in the culmination of a week of action that has seen five strike days. UCU members in 67 universities across the UK started the action last week opposing changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension. The union says it is willing to clear its diary to talk to the employers and has invited them for talks through the arbitration service ACAS. However, despite pressure from the National Union of Students who has supported UCU's strike action, the employers' representatives, the Employers Pension Forum (EPF), are still refusing to talk to the union. UCU said the day had been a huge success and apologised again to students who had seen their studies disrupted. The union said it shared students' frustrations and urged them to keep putting the pressure on EPF to join the union for talks. UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'The action we have seen today across the country has been quite magnificent. The support of students for our action has left the employers looking isolated and foolish. We share students' frustrations that today's action was forced upon us by the intransigence of the employers. We have no interest in their reasons for refusing to talk to us so far, we just want them to change their mind and start talking to us now. This dispute can go nowhere unless we start talking.' http://www.ucu.org.uk earlier action: Demo by University & College Union, derecognised at Nottingham Trent University http://indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/nottinghamshire/2008/10/410112.html UCU derecognised at Nottingham Trent University as Parky installed as Chancellor http://nottinghamshire.indymedia.org.uk/2008/11/412825.html ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
Notts Arms Dealer Back in Spotlight
anon@indymedia.org (Nottingham Indymedia + Notts Anti-Militarism) , 25-03-2011 - 20:24
The repression of pro-democracy protests in countries such as Libya and Bahrain has refocused attention on the arms trade. The issue was even covered by the BBC’s One Show which did a report on arms dealers in Nottingham. This included a section on Lenton-based Heckler & Koch. On the newswire: One Show reports on Notts arms companies | Nottingham arms company linked to Gaddafi | Demos continue at Heckler&Koch weapons HQ in Nttm Previous features: Middle East dictatorships armed by H&K | Nottingham anti-arms trade activist convicted | Direct action shuts down H&K | Shut Down H&K Goes to Church | Campaigning against Heckler & Koch Weapons in Germany and the UK | Campaign Against Nottingham Arms Manufacturer Enters New Phase | From weapons to wars to refugees | The Arms Trade: From Nottingham to Georgia | Protesters Return to Nottingham Weapons Manufacturer | Protesters Target Nottingham Weapons Manufacturers H&K is one of the world’s largest producers of small arms including assault rifles, submachine guns and grenade launchers. The company has a history of evading arms embargoes in order to supply weapons to repressive regimes and conflict zones. Millions of H&K guns are in use in over 90 countries, and have caused an estimated 1.5 million deaths. Among those countries is Libya. According to Jane’s Infantry Weapons, Libya’s armed forces are still equipped with Heckler & Koch G3 rifles. The Libyan government bought these rifles from the Greek state manufacturer, which was in turn licensed by Heckler & Koch. This is an arrangement that H&K has used many times in order to evade export restrictions. A recent video even showed Saif al-Gaddafi (son of Muammar Gaddafi) holding a Heckler and Koch G36 assault rifle in the air, as he told a crowd of supporters that “weapons are on the way.” While Libya has attracted much of the attention and is now the target of military intervention, it is not alone in repressing pro-democracy protesters. The regime in Bahrain has also been shooting pro-democracy demonstrators. Bahraini forces are equipped with the more up-to-date MP5 submachine gun. This weapon is also used by the armed forces of Egypt, Jordan and Morocco, all of which have seen pro-democracy demonstrations recently. Jordanian forces are also armed with Heckler & Koch’s modern G36 assault rifle. H&K’s office in Lenton is responsible for “international customer sales” and has been the target of protests since 2007. Despite the attention it has received, H&K is not the only arms dealer in Nottingham, as the extensive list produced by Notts Anti-Militarism as part of its"map of militarism" attests. How many others have sold weapons or equipment to other repressive regimes in the region isn't clear.
Notts SOS Newsletter #4 March/April 2011
23-03-2011 - 13:25
Issue No. 4 highlights NHS, Academies and Save Sherwood Forest local campaigns. Previous newsletters are here: No. 3 - Feb 2011 No. 2 - Dec 2010 & No. 1 - Nov 2010
Cuts Protest @ Vodafone, BHS, NatWest, TopShop etc
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 21-03-2011 - 19:23
Saturday 19th March Tour around Nottingham, visiting the usuals at Vodafone, BHS, NatWest, TopShop & Boots. Earlier, Notts UK Uncut had occupied Barclays Bank in Nottingham city centre. The theme was "homelessness, hostel provision and general cuts in public services". Earlier bank occupations had taken place at NatWest. They then went on a tour around Nottingham, visiting the usuals at Vodafone, BHS, NatWest, TopShop & Boots. All to highlight their lack of social responsibility in not paying there taxes. Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/995 Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/997 Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank [Feature] http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1005 Vodafone & Philip Green stores, visited by anti-cuts protest http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1017 Natwest Bank Damage in Hucknall Road, Nttm http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1048 ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
Barclays Bank visited by anti-cuts protesters
tash@indymedia.org (Tash [Alan Lodge]) , 21-03-2011 - 18:23
Saturday 19th March Notts UK Uncut [Notts division] occupied Barclays Bank in Nottingham city centre.
Notts UK Uncut [Notts division] occupied Barclays Bank in Nottingham city centre. The theme was "homelessness, hostel provision and general cuts in public services". Earlier bank occupations had taken place at NatWest. Some people brought their own sleeping bags and for others, bedding was provided! The police were called and read out the criminal trespassory and preventing lawful business bit of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. However, all remained fairly good natured and protestors left after a couple of hours. They then went on the usual tour around Nottingham, visiting the usuals at Vodafone, BHS, NatWest, TopShop & Boots. All to highlight their lack of social responsibility in not paying there taxes. Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/995 Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/997 Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank [Feature] http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1005 Vodafone & Philip Green stores, visited by anti-cuts protest http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1017 Natwest Bank Damage in Hucknall Road, Nttm http://nottingham.indymedia.org/articles/1048 ____________________________________________ ALAN LODGE Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK Email: tash@indymedia.org Web: http://digitaljournalist.eu Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ] ____________________________________________ "It is not enough to curse the darkness. It is also necessary to light a lamp!!" ___________________________________________ <ends>
Tesco's attacked
anon@indymedia.org (Socially Related) , 21-03-2011 - 14:23
On Sunday night at 1:45am the Tesco's on Hucknall Road was visited by some individuals. As a result of this visit it's front door was smashed and "every little hurts" was written on it's wall. We did this because of hatered for the physical manifestation of capitalism that is Tesco's. We also did this as gesture of solidarity with the people of Kulon Progo in Indonesia who fight with beauty, rage and defiance against the capitalist forces which are trying to destroy their land. We know our efforts are slight, but they are sent with love for anyone who struggles against the systems of destruction and domination. We know that capitalism is more than the bricks and mortar these building are made out of them, we know they are more than the companies which work out of these buildings. Capitalism lives in our interactions and our relationships, and we must constantly challenge it. The destruction of property will only ever be one form of this challenge, one tactic that we can use whenever we see fit. But it is one where we are able to share our affinity with one another, learn with one another, develop trust with one another, these acts enable us to temporarily penertrate our relationship with capitalism. Enabling us to prove that it is not infalliable, that it has it's weakness, and we can exploit them. The expression of our anger against symbols of capitalism empowers us and deepens our desire to deform the control that capitalist society has over us. We will not just sit back and let companies like Tesco's go unchallenged as they attempt to rip right through the communities of which we're a part. Tesco's are the epitomy of corporate exploitation and monoplisation. Profiting from the commodification of our diets, our nurishment and our relationship with the earth. The chain of commodities of which they're apart is a chain where everything and everyone suffers. Well fuck you tesco's, fuck you coporate destroyers of the earth and everything living in it. In glorious rage and with eternal love to all those who resist coporate exploitation.
One Show reports on Notts arms companies
http://nottsantimilitarism.wordpress.com/contact/ (Notts Anti-Militarism) , 20-03-2011 - 17:26
On March 17th, BBC TV’s prime-time magazine programme The One Show aired a report about Nottinghamshire’s hidden arms companies. In the wake of revelations about the UK selling arms to repressive regimes such as Libya and Bahrain, the One Show decided to do a report looking at the UK’s arms trade. The report was based around the Map of Militarism produced by Notts Anti-Militarism. Kirk Jackson, from Campaign Against Arms Trade and Notts Anti-Militarism, took One Show reporter Simon Boazman to a few of the local arms companies, including small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch, the target of a long-running local campaign. It’s almost inevitable that in media reports such as this, there will be a few errors and omissions: - Contrary to the report, campaigners do not claim that Nottingham is a “key player” in the arms industry. There are other areas of the country that have a much bigger arms industry. The point is that wherever you are in the UK, you’re never far from an arms company.
- Kirk was quoted out of context saying that “jobs that were shed from the arms industry would be soaked up by other industries”. Simon Boazman dismissed this as “wishful thinking” but Kirk was actually quoting Sandy Wilson, Vice President of the trade organisation that represents the UK arms industry.
- The One Show cut out the name of the last company in the report, following unfounded concerns that the programme might risk a libel suit. The company, which deals in small arms and ammunition, is called Easy Tiger International and is based at 10 Kingston Drive in Cotgrave.
- The arms fair mentioned by Simon Boazman is actually called Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) and it takes place every two years.
- The One Show did not give campaigners the chance to respond to government assurances that the UK arms industry is tightly controlled. In fact, the licensing system is a façade that gives the image of control while allowing companies to export weapons to repressive regimes. It is obvious that belatedly revoking arms export licenses to Libya is a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Of course, a light-hearted magazine programme like The One Show is never going to have the time to examine the issue in depth. For example, although the report repeatedly stressed the economic importance of the arms industry, it stopped short of asking why the UK has such a large arms industry. The UK arms industry is so strong because successive UK governments – Labour and Conservative alike – have protected and nurtured it with a variety of subsidies even as they allowed other domestic industries to be lost to globalisation. This is because Britain still wants to “punch above its weight” – to exert a disproportionate influence on world affairs. In order to keep our seat at the top table, we need to be a major military power, and that means having our own hi-tech arms manufacturing base. However, maintaining this capability is extremely expensive, so to offset the cost, the government helps British arms companies to sell as much as possible to other countries. When arms trade apologists like Francis Tusa point to the economic importance of the industry, we need to challenge the policies that led to that dependence. But we also need to go further than that. To debate the economic importance of the arms trade is to allow its supporters to set the terms of the argument. The arms trade is no more important to our economy than the slave trade was in the 18th century. Back then many people defended slavery on the basis of its economic importance, but now no-one would say we were wrong to abolish it. Our strongest argument is the moral argument. Back to the One Show report and studio guest Lorraine Kelly expressed concern that weapons sold to a foreign country may subsequently be used to kill British soldiers sent to fight in that country. While it’s nice that she questioned the wisdom of arms exports, her comment carried the assumption that any such UK invasion would be justified. As anti-militarists, we are opposed not only to arming other countries, but also to equipping British forces to wage imperialist wars like the one in Iraq. However, despite its shortcomings, the One Show report was valuable in raising the issue of the UK’s immoral trade in arms with an audience of millions who may not normally be aware of it.
Notts Joins March Against Cuts
anon@indymedia.org (Nottingham Indymedia) , 19-03-2011 - 17:23
On March 26th, Notts residents will join hundreds of thousands of people from across the country to protest against the government’s austerity drive. Our friends at Indymedia London will be covering the protests. On the day you can: - Text sms news updates direct to the website on 07943 103 736
- Call in breaking news reports to 07929 469 640
- Visit a mobile friendly version of the website at: mob.london.indymedia.org
Other groups will also be reporting live on the day. On the newswire: (Not) Wanted Jon Collins | M26 Posters, art, agit-prop, maps | UK Ungoverned: a call to action on March 26th | #NetworkX Call for TUC Demo + Class Struggle Notts Travel Details: Notts TUC | False Economy After a few faltering starts, the anti-cuts movement in Nottingham really got going in late-September last year, with a public meeting organised by Notts TUC serving as a catalyst for the launch of Nottinghamshire Save Our Services. Since then the city has seen a wave of protests including a march of 1,000+ in the city centre and a similar number at a march against Royal Mail privatisation in Beeston; an occupation of Nottingham University; actions against tax dodging corporations and bailed-out banks; disruption of the city council budget meeting; strike action at the county council; and attacks against government, corporate and party political targets. Much of this activity has taken place with one eye to building for the national demonstration which is likely to be huge. Reports from local trade unions suggest that there are more coaches booked from the region than there were for the 1 million+ march against the war on February 15th 2003. The RMT Union have even booked an entire train which is making various East Midlands stops. While the TUC has been actively collaborating with the Met to try and keep control of events, a wide array of non-TUC authorised activities are planned. Including (but not limited to) an education bloc feeder, a radical workers bloc, a South London feeder, an occupation of Oxford Street, a dissident feeder march, a mass bottling/egging of Ed Miliband and a 24 hour occupation of Hyde Park. Nottingham residents may be particularly interested to discover that city council leader Jon Collins will also be attending the march. He revealed this to campaigners during a confrontation on the day his council set a budget slashing millions from vital public services. Since then he has been excitingly tweeting that he will be “joining” Unison Vice President Chris Tansley and even comedian Mark Steele on the march. Wanted posters have been produced to ensure Collins cannot evade identification, should anybody want to have a friendly chat with him about the council’s recent budget.
LibDem Freepost Address
anon@indymedia.org (ConDemNation) , 19-03-2011 - 16:23
Local LibDems have recently distibuted a special edition of their "Focus" newsletter looking for residents' views on local and national issues. In order to encourage responses, they've set-up a freepost address. The more stuff they receive, and the heavier items are, the more they have to pay. Why not send them something to let them know what you think about the policies of Nick Clegg and Co? Like a brick or a fridge. The address is: Freepost RSEG-LESB-JJXE Nottingham Liberal Democrats 34 Brookside Avenue Nottingham NG8 2RD
ESOL Cuts Will Devastate Language Education
anon@indymedia.org (Action for ESOL) , 18-03-2011 - 16:24
ESOL teachers and students are campaigning to defend ESOL programmes. They are warning that Government cuts in ESOL funding will devastate language provision for people who don’t speak English as their first language. Currently, ESOL classes are free to students in receipt of a range of benefits, including Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, or Council Tax Benefit. Others pay subsidised fees for classes. But the government has proposed cuts amounting to 50% over 3 years. From September 2011, only those getting JSA and some receiving the new Employment Support Allowance, will be entitled to free classes. The cost of classes is also expected to rise to around £900. In Nottingham, 76% of students do not receive JSA or ESA and are currently studying on free courses or paying subsidised fee rates. They will be expected to pay fees for the first time or fees that are 50% to 66% higher than before. This includes people in low waged employment, spouses of people receiving benefit and asylum seekers who have £35 to £39 a week to live on. Campaigners warn that this will price many students out of learning English. Campaigners have argued that these new measures discriminate in particular against women, who make up over half of current ESOL students in Nottingham. They argue further that it will make it more difficult for those who don’t speak English as their first language to find sustainable employment, access services, support their children in schools or to participate in society. They point out that many migrants bring important skills and experience to the UK and are keen to contribute to the society. As a result of these cuts, the government will have to pay more for interpreters, whilst non-English speakers will find themselves caught in a trap of low-waged, insecure work. Campaigners are angry that the Government has not carried out a credible assessment of the impact of these proposals, and the likely effects on individuals and the wider community. Rather, the Government seems to have the view that migrants simply come to the UK, learn the language and go home. A spokesperson for Action for ESOL said: “It is not to join ESOL classes and learning a new language is always difficult for adults. There are strict residency rules to meet before a person can join a class. Many may then wait months because there are not enough classes. Many juggle class times with long unsocial or irregular work hours. Many people on low wages may struggle with the current fee rates. We are calling on the Government to rethink this disastrous policy. It will leave many people without the opportunity to learn English. It contradicts every statement the government has made about the importance of migrants learning English” ESOL teachers and students have declared 24th March to be a Day of Action to protest against the Government’s policies on ESOL. In Nottingham there will be a public meeting in the Market Square at 3.30pm. Students, friends and tutors will use placards and speakers to demonstrate the importance of English classes. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! The national Action for ESOL petition will be handed in to 10 Downing St at 1.30pm. You can sign it at www.gopetition.com/petitions/defend-esol.html Notes for the Editor: The Government’s new policy is outlined in Investing in Skills for Sustainable Growth and Skills for Sustainable Growth Strategy published by BIS Action for ESOL is a national campaign alliance, and includes the lecturers’ union, UCU, the Refugee Council, the National Association for Teachers of English and Community Languages to Adults, trade unions and other organisations. In Nottingham it is estimated that there are around 3000 to 3,500 ESOL learners in addition to 800 people currently waiting to join classes.
Nottingham arms company linked to Gaddafi
anon@indymedia.org (Disgusted) , 18-03-2011 - 10:29
Gaddafi's son confirms possession of Heckler and Koch weapons On February 28, 2011, CBS News showed a clip of Saif al-Gaddafi addressing a group of supporters in Tripoli. Holding a Heckler and Koch G36 assault rifle in the air, he told the crowd that "weapons are on the way." He later confirmed the make of his weapon during an interview with Channel 4 News Correspondent Jonathan Miller. Miller asked Gaddafi about the AK47 he could be seen holding in the news clip. To which Gaddafi replied, 'that was not an AK that was a Heckler', in a tone to imply he had been insulted by the suggestion he would be seen with such old technology as an AK. The Shut Down HK Campaign pickets H&K on the second Monday of every month from 4:00 to 5:30 at the gates of Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2PX. If you are also disgusted then please come along. For more information about Heckler and Koch, Nottingham's very own armer of repressive regimes, visit the Shut Down H&K website.