Royal Society Picket : Our Planet is not your experiment
Alex Ludd , 08-11-2010 - 21:35
A picket of the Royal Society (London) happened today to oppose dangerous geoengineering experiments proposed by scientists and OECD governments. Geoengineering is the attempt to alter the Earth's climate using by altering basic elements of the earth (the sky , the oceans, other)
Our Planet is Not your Experiment
Alex Ludd , 07-11-2010 - 18:20
Grassroots activists have come together to oppose dangerous Geoengineering experiments proposed by scientists and OECD governments. Proposals include creating an artificial volcano effect to black out the sky or changing the oceans to increase plankton blooms.
ANOTHER Oil rig explodes in the Gulf of mexico!
Nessuno , 02-09-2010 - 15:51
CNN is quoting the Coast Guard as saying that an oil rig that was on fire off the coast of Louisiana has sunk.
Danish Court: Climate activists are innocent
Tjalfe , 02-09-2010 - 15:46
At 11 this morning, August 31st, outside the City Court of Copenhagen, climate activists Tash and Noah were acquitted of all charges!
Bonn CJA meeting / Klimacamp / Climate Wave and associated actions
... , 22-06-2010 - 11:36
Here's a short report back from Bonn, the CJA meeting, the Klimacamp, Climate Wave and associated actions. Written for other purposes but posted here to share.
Climate Justice Action speech at Bonn climate talks demo
r2r , 22-06-2010 - 11:06
5th June, Bonn, Germany
Iceland volcano smokes toxic aluminium!& Geothermal to stop global warming+erupt
green syn , 10-05-2010 - 18:53
As an ex raf cadet & former metal worker although I mainly worked on a lathe I did some metal work & forge work so I know it should be possible to pour-drop alot of iron or maybe marble into a volcano & then seal it with water sprayed on or dropped. Hopefully volcanologists, meteorologists & expert metalurgists are looking into this.
IF you smell sulphur, Keep in as much as possible especially kids& babies! The smoke from Iceland has alot of aluminium in it A potential win,win,win,win,win situ though if this wakes the world up to the geothermal power in iceland that could potentially power the whole of europe & alleviate volcanic activity if done safely
Listen to an interview from Cochabamba...
dissident island radio , 18-04-2010 - 19:02
From the dissident island radio correspondent on the ground in Cochabamba...
Tune in to a live panel discussion on "activist realism"
chickpea the dissident , 10-04-2010 - 17:41
An opportunity to forge new links between critical theory and contemporary activism...tune in to a live broadcast of the panel discussion happening from 6pm to 10pm - available for download after...
Issue 8 of The Land out now!
LH , 14-03-2010 - 16:24
'The final and inevitable achievement of a rootless global market will be to destroy itself'
The Land is written by and for people who believe that the roots of justice, freedom, social security and democracy lie not so much in access to money, or to the ballot box, as in access to land and its resources.
3 years after the Ungdomshuset Riots
Shift Magazine , 03-03-2010 - 11:59
first published here:
Mass arrests of anarchist activists, squatters and punks are nothing new to Copenhagen. Compared with the battle to protect an autonomous social centre in 2007, the climate protests last December hardly saw the worst of the Danish police.
Interview with Erik Swyngedouw: The post-politics of climate change
SHIFT MAGAZINE , 15-02-2010 - 22:01
Interview from Shift Magazine, issue 8
Erik Swyngedouw is Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester. He is committed to political economic analysis of contemporary capitalism, producing several major works on economic globalisation, regional development, finance, and urbanisation. His interests also include political-ecological themes and the transformation of nature, notably water issues, in Ecuador, Spain, the UK, and elsewhere in Europe.
Indymedia Radio at COP15 - 16 December 2009 Reclaim Power live broadcast
Dissident Chickpea , 08-02-2010 - 17:51
Check out the live audio from the Reclaim Power COP15 day of action live radio broadcast...
Lost in Translation
Jay Digger , 08-02-2010 - 13:50
Debating radical political culture in Germany, the UK and beyond...
The political success of the COP15 mobilisations is still to come…
Shift Magazine , 02-02-2010 - 19:09
article by Bertie Russell, published here:
Earth First! Winter Moot location announced, 6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010
EF! Winter Moot Collective , 01-02-2010 - 11:59
"A weekend of networking, reflection, strategic discussions & campaign planning for anyone involved in ecological direct action who believes in non-hierarchical organisation and directly confronting the forces responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants"
6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010 Dipton Community Centre, Front Street (A692), Dipton, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 9DR
Nottingham climate action meeting
Nora Ludd , 27-01-2010 - 18:26
Live in Nottingham area and interested in talking, organising and taking radical action on climate change and it's causes...?
Anti-nuclear activists disrupt Parliamentary Select Committee
Nuclear People Power / No New Nuclear , 27-01-2010 - 14:56
This morning in Westminster, during the Department of Energy and Climate Change Parliamentary Select Committee on the proposed nuclear and other energy National Policy Statements, two anti-nuclear activists stood and unfurled a banner in the centre of the committee room reading "Local Democracy Dumped." The banner also featured radiation symbols and drums of radioactive waste. A third activist handed out briefings on why they believe nuclear power is unacceptable and an inappropriate technology for tacking climate change. The three activists were taken away and detained inside the House of Commons, along with a forth man who was taking photographs. The four were held for over two hours for alleged breaches of the House regulations, before being released and banned from the Parliamentary estate for the rest of the day.
Reel News Newcastle
Star & Shadow Cinema Volunteer, Newcastle Upon Tyne , 25-01-2010 - 23:15
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Theory into Practice? Shift Magazine no. 8
Shift Magazine , 22-01-2010 - 16:05
Issue 8 of Shift Magazine is available now. It should be in radical bookshops and social centres soon, or can be ordered from the website.
This time, we have reports and analyses from Copenhagen, a look at Griffin's appearance on Question Time, and an interview with geographer Erik Swyngedouw. The focus is on the (im)possibility of alternative practice in a post-political world. To this effect, Anarchist FAQ author Ian McKay provides a critique of mutualism that shows up the limits of a cooperative lifestyle and the need for antagonistic action.
All content will be online eventually. So far, here is the editorial:
Neo-con Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to pollute and kill the planet
Nessuno , 20-01-2010 - 14:17
An Alaska Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, is expected to put forward a proposal for a vote as early as tomorrow that would seek to prevent the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.
Obama faces emissions U-turn with new Congress challenge
Interview with Tadzio Muller- Climate Justice Action
Notes from Below , 18-01-2010 - 15:08
Interview with Tadzio Muller- a spokesperson for Climate Justice Action
Haiti: Cuban Medical Brigade
Francisco Dallerta Viscoya , 17-01-2010 - 19:54
Cuban Medical Brigade, Refused by Bush During Katrina, Treated Over 1,000 Haitians in 24 Hours, Including Dozens of Life-Saving Surgeries .... Cuban doctor with a Haitian man who is a recent graduate of Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine providing much needed treatment to the people of Haiti.
Only the extinction of capitalism will ensure the survival of our species
Hugo Blanco , 15-01-2010 - 22:50
The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is already so high that the climate system has been brought out of balance. The CO2 concentration and global temperatures have increased more rapidly in the last 50 years than ever before on Earth, and will rise even faster in the coming decades. This adds to a multitude of other serious ecological imbalances, the impacts of which threaten the lives and livelihoods of the people of the world, most acutely, impoverished people and other vulnerable groups.
Green Solutions, Not Nuclear Greenwash! - Demo at London Nuclear Conf, 26 Jan
Nuclear People Power / No New Nuclear , 14-01-2010 - 20:59
Green Solutions, Not Nuclear Greenwash! - Tues 26 Jan: Demonstrate at UK Nuclear New Build Conference, central London
Tuesday 26 January, 2010, 8.30am – 10.30am, Guoman Charing Cross Hotel, The Strand, London WC2N 5HX (next to Charing Cross railway station)
Map / directions:
Nearest tube: Charing Cross / Embankment
Conference website:
Dress code (optional): White overalls and gas mask / paper mask