Tibet Protest Great, But . . . .
Carry On Team , 07-04-2008 - 09:33
Are there lessons to be learned for the wider activist scene in London? or questions to be asked about these Free Tibet Protests that seemed so successful in saturating the media?
Call for a Superhero Block at the G8 2007
transmitter , 17-05-2007 - 11:15
The Dispensables and precarious Superheroes called The Unbeatables are calling for a block at the mass demonstration and at the mass blockades against the G8 summit. Both entities are part of the ongoing struggles to understand and resist contemporary conditions of precarity of live and work. Video: Superhero block, Euromayday Hamburg 2007
Mayday Sur 07 - Brief Chronology
transmitter , 15-05-2007 - 14:15
MayDays of the precarious take place in many cities [euromayday network | lists on imc estrecho and imc uk]. MayDay Sur 007 was a five day gathering with meetings, actions, workshops, manifestation, discussions, parties, and lots of socialising [program | call | Desobediencia Mutante Rumbo al Maydaysur 07 (mutant disobedience on target for Maydaysur 07)]. This year, it took place in Malaga, with people mainly from cities in Andalucia in the south of Spain, a border region between the Continents of Europe and Africa. People came from Sevilla, Granada, Madrid, Tarrassa and Jerez. Here is a rough translation from indymedia estrecho [original]. Maydaysur - Cabaret Pics | Maydaysur - Visiting a Shopping Center
Maydaysur - Visiting a Shopping Center
antocaria , 13-05-2007 - 18:33
On Sunday, 29. April, MayDay Sur visited the shopping center María Zambrano at Malaga’s trainstation. After a few short pickets at chosen shops, Mayday Sur materialised in the main shopping hall with bodies and banners, while a voice from nowhere denounced the precarious conditions of workers in the shopping center. To conclude, an informative assembly was held outside the doors of the shopping center, where members of the collectives of the precari@s as well as members of the syndicalist section of RENFE (spanish national train company) denounced precarious work conditions.
Maydaysur - Cabaret Pics
antocaria , 13-05-2007 - 14:45
Friday, the 27th April, was the beginning of this year's MayDay Sur gathering in Malaga [chronology en | es]. This was celebrated in the evening with an open air street-performance-cabaret show. About 200 people, some neighbours, some from the Casa Invivisible, some guests from other cities, watched the performance until 11pm.
Mayday Sur 07 - Brief Chronology
transmitter , 12-05-2007 - 23:00
MayDays of the precarious take place in many cities [euromayday network | lists on imc estrecho and imc uk]. MayDay Sur 007 was a five day gathering with meetings, actions, workshops, manifestation, discussions, parties, and lots of socialising [program | call | Desobediencia Mutante Rumbo al Maydaysur 07 (mutant disobedience on target for Maydaysur 07)]. This year, it took place in Malaga, with people mainly from cities in Andalucia in the south of Spain, a border region between the Continents of Europe and Africa. People came from Sevilla, Granada, Madrid, Tarrassa and Jerez. Here is a rough translation from indymedia estrecho [original].
RORM celebrate international workers day
RORM , 10-05-2007 - 12:37
About rythms of resistances participation on the mayday march in manchester
Mayday Events at the ASBO Centre 2, Nottingham Night Events
Tash [alan lodge] , 08-05-2007 - 17:01
A set of party pictures
Mayday Events at the ASBO Centre 1, Nottingham Day Events
Tash [alan lodge] , 08-05-2007 - 16:50
A set of party pictures
Chesterfield Mayday 2007
Chris , 07-05-2007 - 21:35
The Mayday march and rally in Chesterfield always takes place on the Bank Holiday Monday and there was a good turnout as usual.
The spectacle strikes again. May day 2007 London
UPB , 07-05-2007 - 13:16
Leaflet handed out in Trafalgar Square by the new Angry Brigade
Mayday Photos
Medyan Dairieh , 06-05-2007 - 20:16
More Mayday pics
Mayday! Mayday! Celebrations in Nottingham
imc-notts features , 06-05-2007 - 17:48
Mayday was celebrated properly in Nottingham. On the 1st May the PCS civil service union celebrated by going on strike, picketing and marching, including through Nottingham to a rally in the Congregational Hall. Picket lines sprung up with the sunshine all over Nottingham this May Day. Besides the main civil service workplaces (Revenue and Customs, Department of Work and Pensions, Driving Standards Agency) all sorts of office blocks in the City, housing a civil service work unit, sprouted a PCS picket in the door way: many experienced pickets; many first time pickets. Read full report. On 5th May another Mayday march decended upon the city. Marchers rallied in the Brewhouse Yard, just around the corner from Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, departing just before one. The march was led by a samba band followed by the No Borders, No Nations, No Deportations banner. A good few hundred people made their way up Castle Boulevard, onto Maid Marian Way and then down Friar Lane. After having been at the Market Square and once back in at the rallying point, marchers were addressed by speakers talking about Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the occupation of Iraq, the rise of the BNP, the PCS strike last week and ID cards. There was also music by bands from Zimbabwe, Kurdistan and even Birmingham. Read full report. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 On the newswire: May 5th: Mayday 2007 | May Day in Nottingham (Round One) | Mayday in Nottingham (Round Two) | Nottingham Mayday 1 Event Pictures | Nottingham Mayday 2 Parade Pictures | Mayday Events at the ASBO Centre 1, Day Events | Mayday Events at the ASBO Centre 2, Night Events | Links: UK Indymedia Mayday 2007 page | Wikipedia on Mayday | Global Indymedia article about conference and actions around the world
Nottingham Mayday 2 Parade Pictures
Tash [alan lodge] , 06-05-2007 - 00:54
Nottingham's Mayday march and rally took place on Saturday May 5
Nottingham Mayday 1 Event Pictures
Tash [alan lodge] , 06-05-2007 - 00:44
Nottingham's Mayday march and rally took place on Saturday May 5
Mayday in Nottingham (Round Two)
Disillusioned kid , 05-05-2007 - 17:02
Nottingham's Mayday march and rally took place on Saturday May 5.
CNT MayDay in Madrid
Chairman Mahou , 05-05-2007 - 14:53
Some 300 people marched in Madrid at the CNT's annual rally.
'May Day Melee' in Los Angeles
one of noborders , 05-05-2007 - 10:47
"first-hand video reporting from the scene at the May Day Melee here in Los Angeles which we covered as it broke l
Mayday 2007
imc-uk-features , 04-05-2007 - 23:00
While most workers were still working on their 'special day', hundreds of pickets, rallies, demonstrations and other events took place throughout the world on 1st May to celebrate the International Workers Day and the social and economic struggles of the working class and labour movement. In the UK, Mayday 2007 was marked with a series of demonstrations, actions, events, pickets and strikes throughout the country. Click at the Full article link for an overview of what went on, and see the Mayday 2007 topic page for full coverage.
Space Hijackers Mayday report
Bristly Pioneer , 04-05-2007 - 21:03
A report on the Mayday Suited & Booted party from the Space Hijackers site.
Mayday 2007 in the West Mids
IMC Birmingham , 04-05-2007 - 10:51
Well, it was almost pathetic compared to other places such as Turkey, Germany or Switzerland, for example. But at least some things happened on May 1st to celebrate the International Workers Day and the social and economic struggles of the working class and labour movement. PCS Strike and Rally in Birmingham | Protest Against ESOL Cuts in Birmingham | Mayday Festival in Wolverhampton | See also Indymedia UK's Mayday 2007 topic page Mayday was also Birmingham Indymedia's second birthday. That's two years of reporting, growing and evolving. Birmingham Indymedia has been a successful alternative to corporate and mainstream media due to volunteers who post, maintain, code, write, support, promote, video, photograph etc. If the Indymedia project is to survive another two years, we need to continue sharing and disseminating the message that another form of media, our media, is possible.
1st + 2nd May: Riots in Madrid
autónomo , 04-05-2007 - 09:27
Spain, Madrid. On may the 1 st and may the 2 nd streetfights in the city centre. About 3000 people against an unknown number of cops. 80 people hurt (20 cops). 20 people captured by police. barricades were built and many police vans demolished. banks and shops looted.
parto , 04-05-2007 - 04:45
KASBI (Kongres Aliansi Serikat Buruh Indonesia) Congress of Indonesia Unions Alliance Jl.Pemuda 3A/12B, RT 10/02, Rawamangun, Jakarta 13220, IndonesiaTelp/Fax: +6221 471 5675 kp_kasbi@yahoo.com
Mayday march and protest at Canary Wharf
Mike Wells , 03-05-2007 - 13:16
One arrest with photo of police using "pain compliance" techniques. Police take photos but do not like being photographed.
Sheffield Mayday
imc-sheffield , 03-05-2007 - 09:21
Striking civil servants joined other protestors to march through the city centre on 1st May 2007. The Mayday protest was called by the Sheffield Trade Council, NUJ and Sheffield Keep Our NHS Public. Elsewhere in Europe the precarious took to the streets and on Monday 7th May the Chesterfield Mayday march and rally took place. See the Mayday 2007 page for reports from across the UK.
Thousands of migrants demonstrate in Italy for Mayday
trans , 03-05-2007 - 01:23
More than one thousand migrants took part to a demonstration in Reggio Emilia, Italy, last 1st of may.
The demo was organized by the autonomous Comitato Lavoratori Irregolari supported by Lab. Aq16 and association Ya Basta! of Reggio Emilia.
Mayday Switzerland: fire bomb attacks on banks, courts, police stations
yyyyy , 03-05-2007 - 01:08
Switzerland, Zürich: After many hours of streetfighting between protesters and police, people began to attack banks, private companies, courts, police stations and cars of the rich with fire bombs and paint bombs. countless windows were smashed.
Mayday Festival in Wolverhampton
IMCista , 02-05-2007 - 21:20
Workers and activists from across the Midlands headed to Wolverhampton on Mayday evening for the 13th Wolverhampton Annual May Day Festival, organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee. The event was supported by the West Midlands Fire Brigades Union, the West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. The theme was "Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone". Apart from the tasty Asian food and cheap beers, there were lots of enthusiastic speeches, including those by Yvonne Washbourne from the PCS Union, Dyal Bhagri, president of the Indian Workers’ Association GB and Naeem Malik from the Guantanamo Campaign. There was also some good and uplifting music, including Dave Rogers from the Banner Theatre and Atilla The Stockbroker. And, of course, loads of stalls with all kind of political literature from as many groups and campaigns.