Lies, damn lies, and humanitarian intervention
Stephen Lendman , 23-03-2011 - 02:54
Masquerading as "humanitarian intervention," Washington launched full-force barbarism on six million Libyans, all endangered by America's latest intervention.
Beginning March 19, it was visible. However, months of planning preceded it, including US and UK special forces and intelligence operatives on the ground enlisting, inciting, funding, arming and supporting violent insurrection to oust Gaddafi and replace him with a Washington-controlled puppet like in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Muslamic Ray Guns - Weapons Of Mass Distraction!!!
Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers & Buzz Lightyear! , 23-03-2011 - 00:44
On the 2nd of April, the drunken nobodies of the EDL will be marching up and down the streets of Blackburn chanting racist abuse willy-nilly at any passing Asian man, woman and child. The best way to beat these pissed-up fascist losers is to take the bloody piss.
0742 Club - Evicted
anon , 22-03-2011 - 19:42
the 0742 club has been evicted, we are looking to relocate to a new home as soon as we possibily can. keep your eyes peeled
The Common Place is closing 24th April
C P , 22-03-2011 - 19:09
closing statement
US, France and Britain launch war of aggression against Libya
Patrick Martin , 21-03-2011 - 23:40
The United States, France and Britain began air strikes and missile attacks on Libyan targets Saturday, initiating a war of aggression that threatens to destabilize North Africa and the entire Middle East. The first two days of bombing have already claimed many lives among the Libyan population that the imperialist powers falsely claim to be protecting.
JAPAN Nuke Emergency Continues!
Radio Ecoshock , 21-03-2011 - 16:17
Several Fukushima Reactors, and their spent fuel pools are still out of operator control, some are still emitting dangerous radiation, and a more serious accident could still occur at any time. Full run-down for March 21st from Radio Ecoshock.
The wars on Iraq and Libya: Front pages from 2003 and 2011
Cem Ertür , 21-03-2011 - 14:04
Here is a compilation of newspaper front pages announcing the launch of the war on Iraq (2003) and the war on Libya (2011).
#541 - Outing Prison 1 (Mass Incarceration Is The New Jim Crow)
Robin Upton , 21-03-2011 - 12:55
This week we hear author Sasha Abramsky and professors Viviane Saleh-Hanna and Michelle Alexander on the US incarceration industry, or as they call it, the "Prison Industrial Complex". How can a country which used to style itself the "land of the free" lock up far more of its own population than any other country? Why has the US prison population exploded? And what is the connection with racial segregation and Jim Crow?
Census by Arms Manufacturer Lockheed Martin
Social profiling , 21-03-2011 - 10:07
In case you're not aware, the upcoming UK census is being run by a big US arms and surveillance company, Lockheed Martin.
Rotherham BNP Candidate Resigns
sheffieldlib , 21-03-2011 - 03:00
Rotherham Fascist Tom Holmes has resigned from the far-right British National Party. The following article is not libel; fictitious; contains personal information nor is it a personal attack (partly an apology!). SheffieldLib is a peaceful, localised anti-fascist movement of mostly students several of whom live within Tom Holmes' ward and such would never knowingly breach any policy/rules. Revised/snipped article as below.
Community Profiling of Information Needs and Providers: PhD thesis of Broomhall
Zapopan Muela , 20-03-2011 - 09:17
This is my final PhD thesis at the University of Sheffield, which I submitted in partial fulfillment to obtain my doctoral degree. It is a scientific study in the field of library and information sciences which I conducted in Broomhall, Sheffield, UK, from 2003 up to 2006. The thesis was submitted in 2007. The successful viva voce examination held in 2008. And my PhD degree finally conferred in 2010. This is a humble way to fulfill my research aims with working class people of Broomhall, to show the world the scientific results of my study. And a way to show my thankfullness and gratitud to all who took part in this study and who helped me to succeed. The access to the full thesis is available at the Web link shown above, but it is also available at the University of Sheffield Library, see library record here:
Obama to Qaddafi: Comply with UN resolution or face military action
Cem Ertür , 19-03-2011 - 21:24
"U.S. and coalition vessels and aircrafts attacked Libya’s air defense systems in the opening phase of “Odyssey Dawn” the international operation to establish a no-fly zone, military officials said today.
A coalition of as many as 25 U.S., Canadian, and Italian vessels, including the USS Mount Whitney command vessel, led an attack that included U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles and aerial jamming, according to a Pentagon official"
Members of the 0742 club arrested!!!
Ernesto , 18-03-2011 - 16:14
Last night (at approximately 11pm) three people involved in the organisation of the 0742 club (The art collective and squatted building on the moor) were arressted for theft; merely for attempting to take food that had been thrown away from the bins at Waitrose on Corporation Street in Sheffield.
The 0742 Club
Sheffield Indymedia , 18-03-2011 - 12:02
Update 22th March: The 0742 club has been evicted after police entered the building after arresting and holding two occupants and then waiting till the building was unoccupied. A squatted social centre on The Moor, next door to Debenhams, has opened opened as the 0742 Club following the squatting of the building as a convergence space for the Liberal Democrat Conference protests. The Collective invites a broad variety of artists, collectives, and political groups to come and make use of the space (which is huge) as well as opening it's doors to those wanting to show independant films (A projector is avaliable), hold poetry sessions, or generally hang out. Spaces can be booked or aquired by inpromtue informal discussion with the residents as and when they are needed, and doors will open on monday to the wider public for the display of an art exhibition, a poetry session (to which any poets are invited to take part in), and the provission of hot beverages. The Collective also puts out a request for Residential Artists and persons who can help to maintain the security of the space (this does not have to mean every night and day, but it would also be useful to have volunteers willing to stay a night or two). The 0742 can be contact via its SQAUTLINE on 07806414837 or via the contact number that has already been given out in other articles written in reference to the Centre.
Newswire: Convergence Centre Open in Sheffield | Sheffield Community Project | Residents urgently needed at the 0742 club | The 0742 Club | Members of the 0742 club arrested | 0742 Club - Evicted Links: 0742 on Tumblr
Desperate efforts to prevent full meltdown at Fukushima
Patrick O’Connor , 18-03-2011 - 10:30
Japanese authorities yesterday stepped up their increasingly desperate efforts to prevent a catastrophic meltdown of spent fuel rods and reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
UN vote clears way for US-NATO attack on Libya
Bill Van Auken , 18-03-2011 - 10:29
The United Nations Security Council Thursday night approved a resolution that paves the way for the United States and other major imperialist powers to conduct a direct military intervention in Libya under the pretense of a “humanitarian” mission to protect civilian lives.
Bahrain: U.S. backs Saudi military intervention, conflict with Iran
Rick Rozoff , 17-03-2011 - 09:11
On March 14 Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Cooperation Council partner the United Arab Emirates deployed 1,000 troops, 500 security personnel and armored troop carriers across the 25-mile King Fahd Causeway to Bahrain to shore up their fellow monarchy after a month of protests against the Al Khalifa dynasty. The following day the Bahraini government declared a three-month state of emergency and authorized the military "to take necessary steps to restore national security." On March 16 government security forces staged a violent crackdown against protesters in the nation's capital with tanks, armored personnel carriers and helicopters, killing at least two people and injuring hundreds.
The U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Bahrain three days before the launch of the Saudi military intervention. The U.S. Fifth Fleet, one of six used by Washington to patrol the world's seas and oceans, is headquartered near Manama, where between 4,000-6,000 American military personnel are stationed. Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, U.S. military partners but not hosts of American bases, Bahrain is vital to U.S. international military and energy strategy.
An Anti-Social Document Prepared in Secret by the European Commission
Henry Crapo , 16-03-2011 - 23:45
The Secret Pact: its complete text, here presented as obtained by the European Deputy Patrick Le Hyaric.
JAPAN: Twilight of the Nuclear Gods
Radio Ecoshock , 16-03-2011 - 20:19
Developing news from a chain of reactor fires, explosions, radiation. Nicole Foss, The Automatic Earth (with nuclear expertise), Shawn Patrick, Greenpeace, plus alternative news clips. What does it mean for aging American reactors? For Canada, Europe? A world-changing event. 1 hour weekly Radio Ecoshock Show. 20110316 14 MB
Flashback:How the forgotten city of Halabja became the launchpad for war on Iraq
Sharat G. Lin , 16-03-2011 - 19:29
When the Bush administration went to war with Iraq in March 2003, the centerpiece of its justification for war was weapons of mass destruction. But its precise timing was driven, in large part, by the March 16 anniversary of the poison gas attack on the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja. On the fifth and twentieth anniversaries of these two tragic events, a study of the connection between them reveals a deliberate pattern of twisting and fabricating intelligence to meet policy objectives.