Animal rights Gathering: Mobile Demos (Nava) , 15-03-2011 - 01:22
As part of the animal rights spring gathering mobile demonstrations against the vivisection industry took place.
Coach from Newcastle to London for 26th March demo (Anti Cuts Network) , 13-03-2011 - 01:24
The Anti-Cuts Network is organising for a coach to go down on Friday 25th March, coming back on Sunday 27th March.
New Leeds ABC Pamphlet (Leeds ABC) , 10-03-2011 - 16:23
A new pamphlet from Leeds Anarchist Black Cross.
Manchester Council Budget Meeting (pinkolady) , 10-03-2011 - 00:22
Manchester City Council's budget meeting, at which Labour councillors planned to vote through £109 million cuts to adult services, was very nearly prevented by a noise demonstration from the public which stopped the meeting twice. But the Labour-controlled council was determined to implement the cuts, and ignore the results of their own public consultation which had produced mass expressions of opposition to them. It was not clear whether they actually 'voted' on the cuts, but simply assumed that all the Labour councillors, who form the majority group, agreed with them. By that stage of the meeting, the mayor could not make himself heard to take an individual poll of the councillors.
Resist the Trojan Horse Aid from the US and the UK (Christian Minshull) , 09-03-2011 - 17:23
The UK is trying a variety of methods to break into the civil war in Libya - they must be resisted.
Housing Co-Ops in Bradford Looking for New Members (Branches & The Hive) , 08-03-2011 - 13:22
Housing Co-ops in Bradford are looking for new members and are inviting those who are interested in radical social change and co-operative living to get in touch.
Radioactive Particles- Big Footprints (marianne ) , 07-03-2011 - 20:23
Each tide that washes into the beautiful "Energy Coast" of Cumbria brings toxic gifts that will reverberate down through the generations. These gifts are courtesy of Sellafield and the latest "discovery" of measurable radioactive particles was found on Harrington Beach near Workington.
Mapping Ways From Desire to Practice: Event (leeds in crisis) , 06-03-2011 - 21:22
Part 2 of 'What if there was a new movement and we weren't invited', Leeds on Weds 9th March - discussions on drive, practice and strategy.
Audio Report - Kuapa Kokoo workers on tour (protag) , 05-03-2011 - 21:22
Harrier & Fatima, two cocoa farmers from Kuapa Kokoo co-operative[1] in the Western region of Ghana talk about their visit to the UK representing their organisation in connection with Fair Trade Fortnight[2] and also their attendance at International Women's Day [3]. (11 minutes 17 seconds)
UKBA Report Shows Failure to Protect Victims (marker) , 04-03-2011 - 20:23
An audit of the UK Border Agency’s process for reviewing the immigration detention of individuals who claim they are survivors of torture, published on 1st March 2011 by the Home Office over a year after it was conducted, totally fails to deliver on its intention to establish the extent to which the UKBA is complying with its policy against the detention of torture victims except in ‘very exceptional circumstances’. The report states that in 91 per cent of cases where “Rule 35” forms were filed by medical practitioners in detention centres, the individuals were not released, but no explanation as to why these decisions were taken is offered.
When an East Wind Scourges Occidentalist Arrogance
02-03-2011 - 21:24
Thoughts by Alain Badiou on the political significance of recent events in Tunisia and Egypt. Approaching the subject in the light of Buruma and Margalit's Occidentalism throws up some novel ideas concerning colonial legacies, particularly relevant in Francophone Africa.
Remote sabotage of energy companys' data assets (Anonymous) , 28-02-2011 - 18:23
An "oil leak" has revealed that several large energy corporations have had their electronic resources systematically sabotaged by hacktivists. The energy corporations have tried to deflect attention from their vulnerability to principled, White-Hat envirohacks by blaming their competitors (mainly China, where by coincidence the servers used to launch some of the attacks were hosted.)
Behind the Arab Revolt is a Word We Dare Not Speak (John Pilger) , 27-02-2011 - 23:23
"As the Washington historian William Blum has documented, since 1945, the US has destroyed or subverted more than 50 governments, many of them democracies, and used mass murderers like Suharto, Mobutu and Pinochet to dominate by proxy. In the Middle East, every dictatorship and pseudo-monarchy has been sustained by America. In “Operation Cyclone”, the CIA and MI6 secretly fostered and bank-rolled Islamic extremism. The object was to smash or deter nationalism and democracy. The victims of this western state terrorism have been mostly Muslims. The courageous people gunned down last week in Bahrain and Libya, the latter a “priority UK market”, according to Britain’s official arms “procurers”, join those children blown to bits in Gaza by the latest American F-16 aircraft. "The revolt in the Arab world is not merely against a resident dictator but a worldwide economic tyranny designed by the US Treasury and imposed by the US Agency for International Development, the IMF and World Bank, which have ensured that rich countries like Egypt are reduced to vast sweatshops, with half the population earning less than $2 a day. The people’s triumph in Cairo was the first blow against what Benito Mussolini called corporatism, a word that appears in his definition of fascism" now read on:
UK Govt. to sell 'broken banks' shares to Qatar (Many Peee Pull) , 27-02-2011 - 16:22
The BBC is reporting that the UK tax payers shares in RBS and Lloyd's are about to be sold off to the Qatar Royal Family.
Facebook helped Mubarak un-mask activists (nab) , 25-02-2011 - 21:23
Facebook's platform played the bigger role in Hosni Mubarak's downfall. It was the "We Are All Khaled Said" page Ghonim set up in June to memorialize a businessman who died in police custody that became the cradle of the revolution. But Facebook the company, unlike Google, has hardly embraced the honor. Last fall, it removed the crucial page rather than allowing the administrator to protect his identity. Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois sent Facebook a letter requesting that it amend its no-anonymity policy to protect democratic activists in the Middle East. Facebook said no. When the Tunisian government used a virus to obtain passwords of activists, Facebook couched its response in terms of protecting user privacy, not challenging a vile regime. Facebook is such a powerful organizing tool that the question of its attitude toward those who use its product is in some ways irrelevant. But it is worth pointing that the company has never shown any sign of having the kind of core commitment to liberty that Google does. Where Google voluntarily pulled out of China, Facebook—which is blocked there—is desperate to get in. This, too, reflects the background and worldview of its founder. Mark Zuckerberg, a child of privilege, has never known a lack of political freedom. He has no obvious ideological leanings and his big outside investors include a radical libertarian and a junior oligarch. It is difficult to imagine Facebook—or most other technology companies, for that matter—passing up a major business opportunity because of concerns about human rights. Facebook's overriding objective is the much more typical one of expanding its market while avoiding bad PR and staying out of trouble with governments that set the rules.
Struggle For The Right To Rock (A S Van Dorston) , 25-02-2011 - 16:27
As we navigate our way through the baffling conundrums of cultural appropriation and related matters, here's some ancient writing on the subject. "Freed's black slang and flamboyant delivery was soon cleaned up, with white jocks perfecting the pronunciation and selling Coke and Clearasil to white teens. But the honest, down-to-earth sounds of R&B did not produce a good format for advertisements aimed toward the new, large generation of white suburban baby-boomer teenyboppers, especially when racist, white, middle class parents did not approve of their children listening to black R&B. So they called it rock & roll and white men like Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Louis got to become rich and famous. Many songs written and performed by blacks were covered by faceless whites that put them on the charts..." Now read on...
York City Council Cuts meeting disrupted (York Antifascist) , 24-02-2011 - 22:17
York Stop the Cuts demo
Bradford anti-Gaddafi protests continue (JimDog) , 24-02-2011 - 20:22
Protests in solidarity with those being massacred in the anti-government uprising in Libya are continuing outside the Alhambra theatre in Bradford city centre.
Common Place Apology (The Common Place) , 24-02-2011 - 18:22
Here is a statment from the Common Place regarding events around this article. The CommonPlace would like to apologise for not acting earlier with regard to the racist implications of this event. We are happy to see an apology and explanation from the promoters, and see this as a sincere willingness to make amends.
Leeds Council Building Occupied (nab) , 23-02-2011 - 14:22
There was a demonstration today outside the Civic Hall as Leeds City Council met to decide on this years budget. The Council meeting was to decide the fate of Leeds Crisis Centre, Leisure Centres, Adult Social Care and other services. To stop these cuts being pushed through the Council chambers have been occupied.