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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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AGENDA for ESF meeting at GLA building 29th at 6.00 pm

28-01-2004 15:04

A PROPOSAL from the one of the practicality group - AGENDA FOR 29th UK MEETING - please add to it.

The last meeting had no agenda or agreed facilitator we need to change this if the ESF is not to descend into a farce.

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David Holland is not authorised to organise esf meeting

28-01-2004 14:44

David has been given no authority by the uk esf to organise an esf meeting.

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ESF organising comitee meeting 2moro

28-01-2004 12:33

David Holland from the Greater London Authority invites organisations which have agreed to affiliate to the Organising Committee for a meeting of the UK Organising Committee to host the ESF.
I suppose that all those already involved in some ESF workgroups will be welcome.

Thursday 29 January, 6.30pm, Committee Room 2, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA.

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Hypocrisy in the UK European Social Forum Process

27-01-2004 00:27

A report and analysis of the meeting of the UK Assembly for the ESF that took place on Saturday 24th January 2004 at the Greater London Authority City Hall in London.

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The *NEXT* ESF meeting

26-01-2004 23:07

Someone (not me!) was told *at the meeting last Saturday* that the next ESF UK meeting would be this Thursday, 6.30pm at the GLA or Natfhe building - BE PREPARED!

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Overview of preparation for ESF in London Nov. 2004

26-01-2004 21:22

This is a comprehensive overview of the ESF process in the UK so far, tracing events all the way back to the 2003 ESF in Paris and the lobbying for 2004 ESF to be in the UK. Note the same actors behind the scenes (big Trade-Unions, SWP) who lobbyied for the 2004 ESF to be in UK despite a lack of transparancy in the decision-making process that was employed were the very same actors who have been lobbyists for a change to a more hierachical organising structure for which a proposal has been given which they have quite sneekily managed to congregate around while existing working groups were cynically ignored, dirty tricks/sabotage tactics employed such as not providing working groups with key information (like quotes for venue hire by the GLA) and the abandoning of volunteer lists to organise the last UK Assembly employed - to purposefully create the appearance of a disorganised-vacuum to justify the installation of a new hierachical committee.

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SWP/GR (solitary wanker party) hijacks 2004 ESF (European Social Forum) process

26-01-2004 14:55

The European Social Forum is supposed to be a non hierarchical gathering of grass roots alternatives to the traditional political process.

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ESF stitchup

25-01-2004 18:58

The latest European Social Forum meeting in London reached new depths
of manipulation, mistrust and mayhem. Report and personal thoughts by
an anarchist based in Oxford.

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esf programme group invite contributions

20-01-2004 19:50

The "European Social Forum Programme Group" invites all groups "everyone trying to create another world" to get involved in the ESF London 2004 programming.

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esf 2004: abandon or contaminate?

17-01-2004 23:38

Many grassroots organisations in the UK are at the moment considering whether to participate in the ESF 2004 or not. The same question was discussed in Italy with regard to the ESF 2002.

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movement of the imagination at the ESF 2003

09-01-2004 15:33

movement of the imagination at the ESF Paris 2003
tape fun 'ceci n'est pas le capitalisme' at the European Social Forum
who's space? our space...the world is not for sale

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ESF Practicalities Group Minutes, 13 December

15-12-2003 19:36

Here are the Minutes From Practicalities Working Group Meeting that took place at the European Preparatory Assembly at City Hall on 13th December 2003. More will follow from other groups - please put them online asap!

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Transcript of European Assembly on ESF 2004

15-12-2003 17:33

This is a near transcript of the European Assembly meeting held this weekend (Dec 13-14)to Plan for the next ESF in london.

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Oxford Anti-authoritarian Activist Network ready for the G8 and ESF

10-12-2003 15:26

Oxfords alternative political and activist scene is vibrant and large... but it is not very easy to penetrate and access.
In order to facillitate a wider National/international network of activists social and community projects, and campaigns - that believe in organising democratically and horizontally it would be good to start thinking about ways of becoming more high profile and open.

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European Preparatory Meeting for the Next ESF in UK 2004

09-12-2003 11:52

The next European Social Forum is coming to the UK in 2004. The process to organise the ESF will effectively begin this weekend with a special European Preparatory Meeting of the ESF. Because they have 'monopolised' UK representation to the ESF in the past, many European activists in the ESF think that Globalise Resistance is the biggest social movement in the UK. Lets prove them wrong.

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uk/europe alternative esf coming to a derbyshire field, ideas anyone?

02-12-2003 21:05

it was an idea put forward by Peter at the London ESF meeting in November. to have a gathering of people interested in the idea of a social forum as a space rather than a big corporate jamboree for 'red' ken etc. Its for people interested in talking together, sharing food, music, politics etc for a weekend camping in a grassy space in Derbyshire. Derbyshire is not definite, but why not? It would be nice to go north for a change!

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Democratise the ESF 2004

02-12-2003 09:41

The next European Social Forum (ESF) is going to be held in the UK in late 2004. Serious issues have been raised about the process by which this decision was taken, and by which it is going forward. This article gives an account of what's happening, dates for two important meetings, and a Proposal for the Preparatory Process calling for an open and democratic ESF, for people to put their names to.

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Download the video of ESF of Paris (27 mb)

25-11-2003 15:08

Download the video of ESF of Paris (27 mb)

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Music mix from ESF 2003

21-11-2003 12:07

Thanks to everyone who made Paris a much livelier city for a few days, here are some songs and good vibes from the European Social Forum...
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