UK Globalisation Feature Archive
Carlo Vive!
13-07-2003 22:16

4th July - Independence Day Protests
12-07-2003 10:46

Hundreds of campaigners from CAAB (the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases) and several anti-war groups held a Gatecrashers Ball at the US's Menwith Hill Spy Base, in North Yorkshire (America's leading spy base outside the US which played a crucial role in both Gulf wars. It is also central to plans for the "Star Wars" National Missile Defence programme). Dressed in colourful costumes they were entertained with music from bands, sound systems and a samba band with comedy from the likes of Mark Thomas, while at the same time putting forward a serious message. There was strong criticism of chaotic policing as horses were delpoyed and a foot path closed - there were three arrests (see witness appeal).
See CAAB Statement and Reports: 1, 2 Pics 1 2 3 4
USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, from where US B52s launched bombing raids on Iraq, also had its own colourful Gatecrashers Ball protest. See Pics 1, 2, 3 and latest news from Fairford. Independence day was also marked in Plymouth with street theatre. See pics and video.
Also see one hour 'radio' show produced for Independence from American Militarism Day.
Gatecrashers Ball Marred by Chaotic Policing and 3 Arrests
07-07-2003 22:00

There is an appeal for witnesses.
Amazonian Indigenous Communities Face Violent Military Opposition
07-06-2003 23:00
The Ecuadorian Government threatens to use public force in order to initiate petrol activities in oil concession block 23 and block 24 in the Amazonian region. This is a clear threat against the indigenous peoples that since ancient times inhabit the Ecuadorian Amazon, and specifically the territories of Pastaza and Morona Santiago provinces. Fierce opposition to oil development in the region by the indigenous communities forced the American-based energy company Burlington Resources to declare force majeure in its contract with the host government.
The oil company is required to consult with local population as a condition for its concession contract, but so far, the indigenous communities have refused to participate in such consultations, and prevented the company from moving ahead with exploration plans. A court injunction filed by FIPSE (Independent Federation of the Shuar People of Ecuador) requires the company to engage with the organisation as the authorized representative of Shuar and communities.
Now, the Ecuadorian Government threatens to use military force in order to initiate petrol activities in ancestral Shuar land, in a clear threat against the indigenous peoples and nationalities that inhabit the Ecuadorian Amazon. The governor of Pastaza, Mr. Fernando OrdoÒez, stated to the daily newspaper El Universo that "the decision of the regime is to initiate the petrol activity in the blocks number 23 and 24 even it has to use the public force" (El Universo, page 16, section El PaÌs, May 29 2003). In the same manner, insisted in that "the Government will not take one step back in the petrol policy".
Read entire feature
Click here to send letters of protest to the Ecuadorian Government.
More info and background:
[ | Sarayacu | | CONAIE]
Italian Activists Detained And Beaten By American Troops
03-06-2003 22:00
Over the course of the past four days, a delegation from Ya Basta, an Italian activist organization, was repeatedly refused entry into Iraq. Timed to coincide with the G8 Summit, the delegation was sent to establish links between elements of civil society in Iraq, Palestine, and Europe, including the Muajaha Newspaper - The Iraqi witness. Yesterday at 3:08 UK time, we began receiving text messages from the delegation: "They are going to shoot us...need pressures...we are at the border." Despite being told that they would be shot if they didn't return to Jordan immediately, the activists courageously staged a sit-down protest. The American soldiers then violently dragged them onto the rear of a lorry, injuring nine. Reports:
Photo galleries:
1 and 2
Update on the refugee camps in no man's land between Iraq and Jordan.
State of Emergency Imposed In Peru
31-05-2003 23:00
The anti G8 protests at Lac Leman are part of larger, world wide disagreement with governments' politics. In Peru, the "Rio-Group" (a Latin American equivalent of the G8) met last week. A wave of protests against the neoliberal politics of the Peruvian government has now developed into a mass insurrection. The President has declared a state of emergency. Reports: [Friday | update from Saturday | update from Sunday 1st of June
A Ya Basta! delegation from Italy is en route to Baghdad / Palestine, to coincide with the G8. [report][summary of saturday][summary of sunday]reports from monday[1][2][3][4]
Scottish human right observer under arrest and to be deported from Gaza!
09-05-2003 23:00
Nick from Scotland, and his friend Alice, are currently held by Security Forces in Israel.They were arrested at 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, May 8, 2003.
Their phones were temporarily confiscated, giving them no means of contacting friends, activists, or lawyers.
However, the activists called the British Embassy to inform them of the detention.
No formal charges have been brought against them, but they were told to be under arrest, although there are no grounds for legal action against them.
Nick and Alice are being held as part of the overall execution of a plan to remove Internationals from the West Bank and Gaza.
Another condition to enter Gaza is to fill in a form, which absolves Israel of all responsibility in the case an International is injured or killed and in addition forces the Internationals to waive all basic rights.
[ report on Friday | update on Saturday | update on Sunday ]
For further info:
Palestine Solidarity
Legal Proceedings About The Murder Of Carlo Giuliani Closed
07-05-2003 22:00
In the afternoon of May 5th a sense of indignation took over Genoa and the rest of Italy, as the Italian judge Elena Daloisio decided to close the enquire against Mario Placanica, the policeman of the paramilitary police force (Carabinieri) who shot Carlo Giuliani - the young protester at the G8 summit of Genoa 2001. The official reasons why this murder won't be prosecuted are because the policeman was allegedly defending himself, and also, under the article 53 of the Italian criminal code, this is a case of "legitimate use of weapons". This will possibly constitute a dangerous legal escape for any member of the security forces that in future similar situations may commit "legalised" murder because of "acting on duty". The closure of the case will not only put an end to the investigation around the murder of Giuliani but it will also mean that the responsibilities of those who were in charge of public order in Piazza Alimonda will be ignored. At the same time, it could also become a touchstone to the remaining open cases against those responsible for the repression, illegal detentions, beatings and torture that took place during and after the anti-G8 demonstrations of Genoa 2001.
After the Carabinieri's acquittal his lawyer happily stated that "Placanica will go on working as a good policeman", noting that "none of the officers of the police forces involved in this enquiry have been found guilty or condemned", even though they have been accused of lying in court or have repeatedly been trying to avoid giving testimony in front of a judge. Meanwhile Heidi Giuliani, Carlo's mother, stated that "It is difficult for us to comment upon this sentence right now. Although we have always expected something like this to happen it still hurts very much. I'd like to say that we are not scared of the truth, although others evidently are". The Genoa Social Forum has called for videos, photos and testimonies whilst stating that "Genoa will not stop here". Different social initiatives in Italy have declared themselves against this unacceptable legal decision, and an international day of protest against the ruling has been called on Saturday 10 May.
• Read entire feature from IMC-Global.
• New photographic evidence of Carlo's murder from Sherwood Comunicazione.
• Read eyewitness account of Giuliani's murder from the Wombles website.
More info: Indymedia-Italy
Mayday 03: "Serious Disruption To The Business Community"
02-05-2003 23:00
MAYDAY: WEAPONS OF MASS CONSTRUCTION May 1st 2003Mayday 03: "Serious Disruption To The Business Community"
LEGAL UPDATE: Were you arrested or injured on Mayday? Did you see anyone being hit or arrested? If so please read here and here for more details.
Around the world people were out on the streets celebrating Mayday. In London the stage was set for a series of protests making the links between Arms and Oil as well as other issues. For full coverage of Mayday in London complete with pictures, audio and video see the Timeline of Events. Overall thousands joined several protests throughout the day with smaller demonstrations during the morning. In the afternoon protestors gathered at the offices of Lockheed Martin (arms manufacturers), which had already been closed for the day by the protests. One march managed to break away and danced its way through the streets of london along with critical mass bicycle protestors, complete with mobile sound system and samba band, resisting several attempts by police to surround the crowd.
Others were not so lucky and were violently pushed back by police and surrounded (one person was knocked unconscious). This group was held for several hours and slowly moved to Trafalger Square with a police escort of around 40 police riot vans!
The breakaway group ran around the streets visiting covent garden, parliament square, leicester square and many other locations in a loud carnival like procession, police all the while trying to keep up. At the scheduled 4pm Shell Oil protest meet up point on the Strand police again tried to surround the crowd, but once again the people broke free and continued occupying different streets.
Later different crowds met at the Strand end of Trafalgar Square where people danced for several hours to a sound system while becoming increasingly surrounded by police. Police invoked Section 14 of the Public Order Act, giving people until 7.05pm to disperse or face arrest for causing 'serious disruption to the business community'. As the dancing people refused to disperse / were fully surrounded, riot police were deployed on top of the hundreds of officers on the ground. Trafalger Square itself (where people had been told they could legally gather) was cleared forcibly by police, with riot police chasing a split crowd away down different streets attacking several and making arrests. The surrounded group were held for several hours until late and slowly released one at a time, many being seareched and photographed.
Many observers commented on the completely over the top police reaction. Much of the media seem seemed to be disappointed that their much predicted 'bloodbath riot' did not materialise and while some said that this was due to the policing, it was clear that if a riot had been the plan then there had been plenty of opportunity for this during the afternoon when the streets really did belong to the Mayday crowd. Millions of pounds worth of lost revenue was reported, and many of the firms seen as part of the oil / arms death machine had warned employees to take the day off work, as had other companies who are part of the global capitalist exploitation of the planet and workers.
London's Metropolitan police had earlier issued "advice" to companies and City police were running their own timeline until 7:20pm when "no demonstrators within the City boundary" were left.
In the days building up to Mayday there had also been a series of supporting actions and protests by Campaign Against The Arms Trade. This Mayday was also the 3rd birthday of Indymedia UK.
The annual Trade Union march to Trafalgar Square continued to gather support this year, with Globalise Resistance, Stop the War Coalition, War on Want, World Development Movement, and the TUC coming together to oppose war, racism and privatisation. Both protests were joined by the Socialist Stockbrokers, and in the City of London people vacuumed up after capitalism!
Further protests were planned for Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, Leicester, Bradford and beyond.
Press hysteria surrounding the protests has been at a lower level than in previous years, although there have still been a flurry of articles and some terrible journalism / propaganda (1 | 2 | 3)
UK Reports
Bristol:Dozens of protesters outside the army careers office at around 15:40.
Also in Bristol, the Labour Party headquarter was occupied early this morning. 5 protesters were arrested.
Glasgow:Mayday celebrators occupy a petrol station in the Southside of Glasgow.
Sheffield:Sheffield STWC staged a visual display of photos of people protesting all over the world outside the Town Hall at 5pm. Pictures. On Saturday 3rd Sheffield Against War also held a Mayday demonstration against War, Racism and Privatisation (pics)
Wrexham:Mayday protestors in Wrexham urged passing motorists to boycott McDonalds with a banner hang.
LiverpoolBelated account of the Liverpool MayDay stroll here.
NottinghamNottingham had it's Mayday with a Stop the War demo on Saturday 3rd. Pics and Report.
ChesterfieldThe Chesterfield Trades Council Mayday demonstration was joined by the Sheffield Samba Band for the march through the town on Monday 5th May (pics and video)
Other London Reports
- Pre-emptive Mayday Action at Bechtel's HQ in Hammersmith.Full report
- Mayday protest at Victoria exposes Crown Agents' role in war profiteering.Full report
- Brutal Repression by the Metropolitan Police - eyewitness account
- Assorted photos released by Associated Press and Reuters from Mayday london.
- Zapatista MayDay action outside Mexican embassy in London. Report and photos.
- May Day - a taste of freedom, a personal account
- B&W Photos of demos,cycle ride, and the police riot that followed.
- Mayday Football Tournament 2003 (report)
Global Reports
Up to 20,000 people protested in Buenos Aires (Argentina) at Brukman and on the Plaza de Mayo (pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5).
In Bolivia about 100,000 took part in a march in La Paz, and another 50,000 in El Alto. 200,000 took to the streets in Bogota, Colombia.
In Sweeden, demonstrations with red and black banners were held in about 25 locations. About 1500 people marched and danced to heavy music in Stockholm, 600 gathered in Malmö, 200 in Uppsala, 1500 in Gothenburg. Clashes with police, and smashing of windows happened in Stockholm, reportedly started off by police. Read the report in Italian or in English .
Spain: around 10,000 people marched in Zaragoza in two different marches, around a thousand in Teruel, 1,500 in Andorra, where anti-Franco guerrilleros buried in common ground were paid homage, around 300 people in Huesca. Read report in Spanish.
In Madrid,the leader of the communist union suffered an aggression and had to be evacuated from the demonstration.
Read report in Catalan from Barcelona.
Italy (all reports in Italian): In Rome, 50,000-60,000 people marched and another 500 - 1,000 participated in a critical mass. Report and time line, pictures: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|. In Milan, around 50,000 demonstratros took to the streets according to organisers, in a climate of festivity. Read report and picture. Reports also from Torino,Sicilia and Naples.
France (all reports in French: demonstrations were held in Paris, (reports, pictures) in St. Etiene, (pics and reports in French) and Liège, where a school was occupied and turned into a Temporary Autonomous Zone for four days.
Switzerland: Zürich (in German): 4000 people in Basle and 7000 in Zürich, 1500-2000 people in 'revolutionary bloc' in Zürich (after the official march had dispersed). Luzern (in German): Robocops in Luzern. Solothurn (in German): 300 demonstrators shouting "Nazis out!', 'several 1000 swiss franks damage'
Lausanne (French). Bellinzona (Italian). Lugano (Italian).
Berlin: in total 60 actions, demos and streetparties; biggest 'revolutionary May 1st demo' in Kreuzberg with 5000-10000 strong crowd; 6pm 'spectrum' demo of 2000 in Mitte (former East). According to police sources, around 1,300 people demonstrated, with 139 arrests, and 175 police officers injured. Read reports in Italian or in German: |1|2|3|, video, and pics kreuzberg.
Frankfurt: Antifa demo, (traditionally there are Nazi marches on May 1st; Nazi organizers didn't show up, few skinheads isolated, no clashes) report |1|2|
Nürnberg: 1000 demonstrators; 44 arrested (all released at 10pm). report and pics.
Hamburg: 1000 demonstrators; fluffy; report with pictures
Oldenburg: 400 strong demo; march briefly blocked by riot police who retreated after verbal exchanges; street party into the night:
Austria: Bregenz: 100 demonstrators, mostly kurds and turks;
Other Global Reports:
| Thessaloniki | Prague | Paris | Australia 1,2 | Dublin Pictures,report | Portugal 1,2 |
Mayday Archive:
Mayday 2002 | Mayday 2001 | Mayday 2000
Militant Anti-War Demonstrations At EU Summit
17-04-2003 22:00
As up to 20,000 police guarded the EU meeting in Athens, Greece, up to 8,000 anti-war protestors clashed with police and smashed shops and banks. Police responded with tear gas and savage beatings, and were met with stones, bottles and petrol bombs. Elsewhere several other blocs (parts) of the demonstration managed to get near to the meeting, but were met with tear gas. Several undercover police and agents provocateurs were beaten by protestors and expelled from the demonstration. The British, Italian and French embassies were all attacked, and British Airways' office was occupied.
The day ended with 106 arrests, with many arrestees reporting police violence in custody. Newswire Story | Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4| Thessaloniki EU Summit, June 2003
More info: IMC-Athens | IMC-Thessaloniki
Barcelona Against The War: Protests And Strike
11-04-2003 22:00
The city of Barcelona was shaken on Thursday 10th as thousands of people took to the streets in a day of protest against the killing in Iraq and the permanent war. Many businesses were closed, following a call by several anarchosindcalist unions [CGT | CNT | SO] for a general strike of 24 hours. Actions were continuing until the late evening.
Since the early morning, groups held protest actions in front of banks and chain shops, shutting down many of them and convincing others to participate in the general strike. Around midday, large groups of people - often forming spontaneous demonstrations - converged from all sides onto the city centre. There, at least ten thousand people started a loud and colourful cacerolazo demonstration, banging on pots and pans, lamp poles and police cars, and setting up mobile sound systems. Protest rallies ("escraches") were held in front of a big bank (more pics) which is involved in the arms business, at the stock exchange (more pics 1 | 2) and at the ministry of the economy.
Moving back to the city centre, a group of protestors shut down the Burger King "restaurant" at Plaza Catalunya and opened a popular kitchen on the street in front of it (more pics) as part of the campaign "Active Boicott". Demonstrations continued until the late evening, including an anarchist demo, a shut-down protest at a petrol station, and a human mosaic. As every night during the past weeks, a giant cacerolazo ended the day. All over the city, people got out on the pans. As every night, a deafening roar filled the streets, a massive outcry against the war, whilst, at the same time, expressing the increasingly popular demand of "Que se vayan todos!" (They all must go!), a slogan taken from the streets of the Argentina's popular revolt and now shouted in Barcelona as a rejection to the right wing Spanish government of the Popular Party.
This day of action was just the latest in a long series of events against the war, that under the slogan "Guerra a la Guerra" (War to the War), have been taking place in Barcelona and elsewhere in the Spanish state during the past weeks. Seven houses all over the city were squatted for anti-war events, demonstrations took place on almost a daily basis transforming the city onto a continuous state of protest, and several camps were set up in the city centre, one of them directly in front of the doors of the local government palace, were activist groups and social movements have been discussing the war, the relation of the anti-war movement to other social movements, and where actions have been planned. For this weekend further protests are being planed in the city, including a Reclaim The Streets street party.
In Madrid there was also mobilisations during the whole day (more pics) as well as in Valencia and in many other cities and towns all over the Spanish state. Other recent international anti-war reports received in the IMC-UK newsiwre include:
• Civil inspection of a NATO base in Valencia (Spanish State)
• 1,000 people gathered outside the Dail on April 2nd to protest about Ireland continued use as a US BASE [video | audio]
• A 20.000 strong demosntration in Athens on April 3rd.
• Around 1,000 people marched once again to Shannon airport in Ireland on April 12 to demand for the immediate withdrawal of US military aircraft and personal from the airport. pics and video
• Photo of April 12 San Francisco (US) peace march. See photo gallery
• 3,000 people marched in Oslo(Norway) against the attack on Iraq and for peace (pic) on April 12.
• A 3 year labour camp sentence imposed on an Armenian conscientious objector.
• USA: Conscientious objector sent to Iraqi War Zone.
IMC-Barcelona in English language | IMC-Global
Peace Protesters still active!
09-04-2003 22:00
In Scotland anti war actions are still taking place nearly every day, despite the police tactics getting more and more restrictive for the protesters. On Thursday 3rd of april the autonomous demonstration suceeded in blocking an Esso garage for about an hour, following on from the demonstration a week earlier on the 27th of april.On Friday the school students suceeded in blocking the traffic with a sit-in before marching of in a cordon of police to the American embassy. Friday saw also a mass mave-in of posters and postcards as a solidarity action for a protester, who was arrested alongside with others on the anti-war demo the 22nd of march for his design of the American flag.
An anti-war exhibition by local artists also opened on Friday, to be seen untill the 13th of april, in the Roxy Art House.
On Saturday, activists went to protest in front of the BP headquaters in Grangemeouth, Fife.
Peace Vigils were also held on Monday, 7th of april in front of the US consulate. The next women's vigil will take place on Saturday, 12th of april Night outside City Chambers on Royal Mile from 9-10pm.
More actions are also to take place on Wednesday,9th of april, when Glasgow activists have announced a demonstration, starting off at Kelvinbridge Underground at 5pm to march to BBC studios, Queen Margaret Drive.
On Saturday, 12th of april, another mass demonstration will take place in Glasgow and in London, following on from the one on the 29th of march.
Stop the War- Stop the City!
22-03-2003 23:00

In Edinburgh, lots of speeches and a die-in in front of the Scottish Parliament started the anti-war protest, before school students speeded the demonstration off to Princess Street to block the traffic several times with sit-ins before marching to the US consulate followed by another row of speeches.
Then back to Princes Street with more Sit-Ins and Die-Ins to Charlotte Square.
Police until then has been astonishing relaxed, but become violent, aggressive and provoking when plain-cloth policemen brutally tried to arrest a protester for no apparent reason which kicked off the bystanders to intervene, resulting in more arrests and detention.
Whereas the speakers of the rally tried to support police tactics by asking demonstrators repeatedly not to bother, the police had to let the detained people go due to crowd pressure.
The crowd finally walked off to have a solidarity picket in front of St.Leonards police station, St.Leonard Street.
The demonstration broke through police-lines, when police tried to block their way.
The solidarity picket is still continuing after 10 pm on Saturday night.
In Glasgow there was a big demonstration, and protesters were boxed in for over one and a half hours by police.
Hoosie, from Faslane Peace Camp has been beaten up by police and is now hospitalised with bruised kidney and bruised liver.
He was arrested on Thursday at an action for allegedly assaulting a police officer.
Call For a Collection Of Video Materials
15-03-2003 23:00
As the investigations of the brutal raid at the Diaz school and the beatings of Via Tolemaide are about to draw to a close the case has shown how video images have been crucial. Footage of the events that took place during and after the police burst into the Diaz and Pasquali schools badly injuring 61 people and arresting 93, the opposite Media Center could turn out to be fundamental in order to demonstrate what really happened on the night of July 21st 2001.
We are still looking for victims and witnesses who could provide decisive testimony. We are particularly looking for video footage because no testimony is stronger than that of the image. Many of the beatings in the streets of the city will be dismissed if it is not possible to identify those responsible and the arbitrary character of many of the arrests can only be proven using footage. In addition to the work of the lawyers, it is thus necessary that we activate every communications network so this material can be tracked down and made available so as to prevent the shelving of this Genoa in such a manner that there could be another Genoa.
Please make a copy of your footage and send it to:
Daniele Jenni (Lawyer), Speichergasse 31, 3011 Berne, Switzerland;
e-mail:, tel: Genoa legal forum 00 39 010 24 61 413
Genoa Legal Forum with the support of IMC Italy
Edinburgh shows solidarity with Chiapas
13-03-2003 23:00

The autonomous communities of the Indigenous people and the Zapatistas are in struggle against the threat of US economical trans-latin-american interests and the consequences of globalisation with its associated ecological and human exploitation in their local environment.
The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign invites interested people along to its presentation of the issues.
[ report | Chiapas indymedia | special page on ImcUk , special page on ImcScotland]
Protest and attempted occupation at Spanish embassy in Edinburgh
11-03-2003 23:00

Scuffles broke out and two people were at one point thrown to the floor and handcuffed by police, but later released without charges or arrest.
The action at the Spanish embassy had the aim to reveal the repressive measures in conjunction with the war-propaganda as well as the further institutional ignorance towards right-wing, fascist structures in Spain.
[full report and picture | more pictures| picture1 | | picture2 | theoretical background]
Euskaldunon Egunkaria Newspaper Shut Down by Spanish Authorities
26-02-2003 23:00

Soon after, on the 25th of February, the former director of the newspaper was hospitalised after his release, and has since made allegations of torture as well as denouncing this repression as an attack to freedom of expression. His release, and that of other Egunkaria journalists was only possible after having paid bails of 12 to 30,000 Euro.
This last chapter of criminalisation in the Basque Country by Spanish authorities, has been met with a huge international outcry for a proper investigation of the police actions and for a detailed examination of the actions of the Spanish authorities. A campaign to denounce the closing of Egunkaria has started. At the same time Amnesty International is calling for a prompt and thorough judicial investigation. In Britain, mainstream media has also reported the alleged tortures suffered by the Egunkaria journalists arrested [ Independent report] [Report by Basque anti-torture committe]
A support demonstration took place London on Saturday 22nd February, joined by Bristol activists. Other demonstrations and protests were also held all over the Basque Country on Saturday 22 to protest against the closure of Egunkaria newspaper and for the freedom of expression. These included: Irun, San Sebastian [see video] and Bilbao [see videos 1 | 2]
For more information see:
Feature on IMC-Global | IMC-Euskal Herria | Euskalinfo
Italian Protesters Stop U.S. Military Trains
25-02-2003 23:00
Activists opposed to a probable war in Iraq took advantage of a national train strike to start a series of blockades of trains in several northen Italian cities. On the night of Friday 21st Feb, about 120 Disobbedienti protesters stopped a train in Padova that was moving U.S. military equipment from Vicenza to the U.S. base of Camp Darby near Pisa, forcing the train to take a different route. The protests continued Saturday, with organizers stating that thousands of activists were involved in the actions across the country. Some of the actions and blockades that taken place include Padova, Brescia, Verona, Bologna, Fornovo,Monselice, Ferrara, Empoli, Tombolo, and Pisa [1 | 2], with reports that the protests are rapidly spreading across Italy. Meanwhile the British consulate was also occupied in Torino [Photos]. Other actions are also expected in Ferrara, where police attacked a crowd of 1,000 people, as well as in Udine. At Magdalena Isle near Sardinia, another 1,000 activists were roughly cleared out by police. For breaking news and updates in English language see Global Radio feature and IMC-Italy Trainstopping feature.
The press release announcing the blockades stated that activists were targetting rail stations because "the military are using the civilian transport network to move military equipment. There are 26 trains expected and we want to block them because we don't want this war." Read more
At the same time, since the 23 February, the train personnel has been defined as "military personnel" by the Italian governemt. Although so far the train workers do not get much support from their official labour union, the dock workers' union has announced that they will not load military equipment on the ships.
Live radio reports from Sherwood Comunicazione | IMC-Italy
Palestine Activist Freed After International Phone In Campaign
17-02-2003 23:00
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement of Palestinian and International activists working to raise awareness for Palestinian freedom and an end to Israeli occupation.
On 14 Feb 02 ISM faced two almost simultaneous crises in Rafah and Nablus. The first incident involved peace activists trying to stop the bulldozing of several Palestinian homes in Rafah. The activists were fired at with warning shots and engaged in a stand-off with a tank, which was also in the area. IMS contacted the US Consulate to inform them of the presence of its nationals at risk. However it was the first time a consulate has stated explicitly that it will take no responsibility whatsoever for the welfare of its nationals performing peace work in the Occupied Territories. The activists were forced to retreat to safety, the homes were destroyed.
Elsewhere 12 ISM activists were trying to deliver chocolates to detained families in East Nablus. As the activists approached the house they were confronted by Israeli soldiers who seized Hussein Khalili, a Palestinian member of the ISM, before firing warning shots at the rest. Khalil was threatened with detainment, very roughly treated and verbally abused. When a brave attempt to intervene by an Israeli ISM activist failed, the combined efforts of ISM Media Centre, the Hamoked and Gush Shalom human rights organisations, were able to alert global support to Hussein's plight and issued an appeal to phone the District Coordination Office of the Israeli Army in the Nablus area to demand Hussein's immediate release. Several hours later he was released, calls continued to flow in till the early hours.
ISM activists have come under increasing pressure from the Israeli Occupying Forces in an effort to intimidate them. It is testament to the desire of Palestinian, Israeli and internationals to work together for peace in the Middle East, that ISM volunteers continue their amazing work. Read full report.
For further info and latest updates on the Palestine-Israel conflict see: IMC-Palestine and IMC-Israel.
40 Million Under Threat Of Famine In Africa
12-02-2003 23:00
Whilst the richest nations of the world are preparing to spend millions on attacking Iraq, 40 million African people are in danger of starvation. The famine has been developing since last year, is expected to reach a peak in the spring of this year and continue until 2004.
Although the immediate causes of the famine are a widespread drought, the famine has been has been exacerbated by the actions of the IMF and World Bank including pressuring Malawi to sell it's remaining stocks of Maize.
Read more: Too late to save 1.6 million Eritreans from famine | UN World Food Programme (WFP) Africa Alert Page | BBC News African Famine Page