UK Globalisation Feature Archive
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Thursday, March 8;
08-03-2001 00:00

- EZLN statement at the International Day of the Rebel Women
- 12th day, 5th message and an abundance of good words (La Jornada)
- Narco News report from Anenecuilco
- Sunset in Cuautla (pic)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 7;
07-03-2001 23:00

The Delegates returned to Cuautla, Morelos. In Cuautla lies in state the tomb of General Emiliano Zapata. In the nearby community of Aninecuilco, Zapata's was born and the ruins of his home still stand. Also nearby, Chinameca, where history says Zapata was assassinated.
- Words of the EZLN March 7, 2001. In Iguala, Guerrero.
- "On the Road with the Subcomandante (Philadelphia City Paper)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 6th
06-03-2001 23:00
Tuesday, March 6: The Zapatista Delegation passed through Cuernavaca (Morelos), and then to Tepoztlán (Morelos), where it spent the night. Large crowds welcomed the Zapatistas all along the way. In Toluca (Morelos) Comandante Zebedeo said that "we have seen that this popular movement it is already like the stars in the sky that are continuously multiplying". Hundreds of men, women and children from Mazahuas and Otomies communities also welcomed the caravan in an unprogrammed stop. Comandante David invited them to join the Caravan "to Mexico DF, to the Congress of the Union, so between all of us we may achieve respect and recognition for the indigenous rights and culture".It is also important to point out that today, the Cocopa commission has officially recognised Mr Fernando Yanez as the link between the EZLN and the Federal Government.
- EZLN words in Cuernavaca
- Awaiting the Zapas in Cuernacava
- Full report and pictures on today's leg (spanish)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Monday, March 5th,
05-03-2001 23:00

-EZLN speech in Morelia (Michoacan) (spanish)
-Even souvenir shops support the EZLN (pic)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Saturday, March 3rd
03-03-2001 23:00
Saturday, March 3: More work at the CNI Congress. After several hours of speeches and ceremonies, including the intonation of the Zapatista hymn, the hundreds of indigenous delegates split up into four working groups, where they will discuss proposals and work to forge consensus regarding the Cocopa indigenous rights bill soon to be debated in the Mexican Congress. Read report.Read today's Editorial of the daily newspaper La Nación de Costa Rica, on the importance of the Zapatista March for the rest of Latin America.
-Photo of Comandantes holding the EZLN flag during the opening ceremony of the 3rd Indigenous National Congress.
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 2nd;
02-03-2001 23:00
Friday, March 2: The Zapatista delegation arrived in city of Nurio (Michoacán) to participate in the Third Indigenous National Congress. More than 1000 delegates have attended the first session of the 3 days event that brings together representatives of indigenous communities from all over Mexico.Mayan representatives have expressed their doubts about Vicente Fox's "good will". They accused the Federal Government of only having interest in gaining publicity, and not being fully committed to a "just and dignified peace". They also reiterated that the main demands of the indigenous peoples of Mexico are still the same as the resolutions of previous Indigenous Congresses: the withdrawal of military bases and the dismantling of paramilitaries not only from Chiapas, but from all the indigenous communities.
The General Command of the EZLN has confirmed that it is still waiting for reports on yesterday's crash in order to determine if it was indeed and accident or an attack. It also laments the death of the military official that was 'escorting' the caravan.
- Indigenous National Congress Info Page (english)
-Image of Nurio,site of the Indigenous National Congress (pic)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 1st
01-03-2001 00:00

The day began with a tragic road accident in which one of the buses of the caravan ran over two police officers of the escort, killing one. Because of the delay caused by the accident the caravan was unable to get to Nurio (Michoacán) where the Third Indigenous National Congress is due to begin on March 2nd.
- EZLN communique regarding road accident
- People protects EZLN commanders after their bus has crashed (pic)
- EZLN in Querétaro (article from La Jornada)
- Caravan welcomed in Queretaro (pic)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City,Wednesday Feb28th;
28-02-2001 00:00
Wednesday, February 28: This morning the delegation left Puebla (Puebla) in direction to the state of Hidalgo. The first stop of the Caravan was in Tlaxcala (Tlaxcala). Then passed through several towns and cities of the state of Hidalgo: Emiliano Zapata, Cuidad Sahagún, Actopan, Francisco I. Madero,Ixmiquilpan and Tepatepec.During the reception event in the state's capital Pachuca Subcomandante Marcos formally announced the beginning of contacts between the EZLN and the federal legislators.
-EZLN Confirms Contact With Legislators
-Carlos Santana says NO to Televisa-Azteca "Peace Concert"
-Televisa's truck gets a Zapatista graffiti (pic)
-Marcos giving a speech in the rain (pic)
-EZLN Delegation in Ixmilquilpan (pic)
Zapatista caravan to Mexico City, Feb 27th
27-02-2001 00:00

-Words of the EZLN in Puebla
-Zapatistas in Puebla (Video)
-EZLN mass reception in Puebla (pic)
Another day of protest against the WEF in Cancun heavily repressed by police.
-Update of the events in Cancun
-Blockade in Cancun (pic)
-White overalls in Cancun (pic)
-police arrest injured protester (pic)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Feb 26th
26-02-2001 23:00
Monday, February 26: Passing through Tehuantepec and Villa de Mitla, the Caravan was travelling to the state capital of Oaxaca, Oaxaca. During the night at Oaxaca, the buses of the Italian supporters miraculously disappeared. A sabotage action by anti-Zapatista groups was considered the most likely cause for this incident. Read more.-Article in La Jornada on the Oaxaca rally
-The Caravan in Oaxaca (video)
Meanwhile in Cancun, protests and actions took place against a meeting by the World Economic Forum.
[report 1 ¦ report 2 ¦ picture 1 ¦ picture2]
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Feb.25th
25-02-2001 23:00
Sunday, February 25: The Zapatista Delegation left San Cristóbal, Chiapas, and was moving through the State of Oaxaca via Tapanatepec and La Ventosa. It stopped to salute a concentration of indigenous allies at the border of Oaxaca, before taking part in the central event of the day - a rally in Juchitán. The citizens of Juchitán were the first to rebel against Mexico's ruling party in 1982. Read first hand account.See a gallery of images from the first two days of the caravan.
-Communique about the threats to the EZLN¹s Caravan
-Irish anarchist reports from San Cristobel on Zap march
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Feb.24th
24-02-2001 00:00

-Report from EZLN caravan in San Cristobal, Chiapas
-First hand report from Oventic
-Arrival in San Cristobal
-Picture of Zapatistas leaving Oventic
-Picture of Zapatistas as they arrive in San Cristobal
Ecuadorian Indians meet president after days of violent repression
06-02-2001 23:00
>Uprising in Ecuador Feb 6 2001In the past few days Ecuador has seen massive uprisings from its native population against International Monetary Fund inspired policies which have degenerated into violent repression. There seems to be a beginning of dialogue from the government but the situation is far from clear. President Gustavo Noboa was to meet with Indian protesters for negotiations on Tuesday - four days after he had ruled out such a meeting and declared a state of emergency to rein in massive protests. The police and army surrounded approximately 13,000 Indian men, women, children and elders and over the past eight days sporadically fired thousands of rounds of bullets and tear gas at them. To date (as an IMC reporter was told by telephone two nights ago) over 30 Indians have been killed and over 600 wounded.
[ Full report | More background ]
The face of the global economy
27-01-2001 23:00
Despite a total ban on protests and a massive police mobilisation, thousands of protestors have succeeded in disrupting business as usual at the World Economic Forum in Davos. A demonstration took place in Davos itself, while key highways were blocked throughout Switzerland. A solidarity demo took place in Madrid, Spain.
Swiss authorities had done their 'best' to prevent any protest. The conference centre had been surrounded with barbed wire, and people were stopped on the streets and arrested almost arbitrarily. Many of those travelling to Davos were detained and turned back, amongst them Indymedia as well as mainstream media journalists. NGOs, such as Amnesty International, have protested against the massive repression.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, the World Social Forum was convening in Porto Alegre, Brazil. NGOs, social movements, unions, progressive scientists, and individuals representing social change organisations from all over the world were meeting in order to discuss and create viable, humane economic and social structures. Events included a 15,000 people strong demonstration in Porto Alegre and the occupation of the local Monsanto biotechnology farm.
[ IMC-Brasil | World Social Forum web site | IMC-Switzerland | Photo ]
Anyone know of a good venue?
24-01-2001 23:00
NEXT WTO MEETING Jan 24 2001Mike Moore, director-general of the World Trade Organisation (see picture) is currently looking for a place to stage the next WTO meeting later this year. The only problem is: After the last meeting in Seattle in November 1999 had led to mass protests and had ended in a complete disaster for the organisation, there aren't many volunteers. Chile has just announced it is no longer interested in hosting the meeting, which leaves the Persian Gulf state of Quatar the only contestant. The fact that Quatar is not exactly known as a fierce supporter of human rights may come in handy, as Mr Moore is likely to fear more large-scale protests. According to Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, staging the meeting there would "send the signal that it's okay to build the global economy on a foundation of repression." A decision is expected within the next few weeks.
[ Photo ]
Resistance to IMF policies in poor countries
19-01-2001 23:00
GLOBAL SOUTH: RESISTANCE TO IMF POLICIES Jan 19 2001Since Seattle last year, the media has heralded the dawn of a new movement in Europe and America, epitomised by protests aimed at the WTO, IMF and the World Bank. However, this 'new movement', portrayed by the media as students and anarchists from the rich and prosperous global north, is just the tip of the iceberg. In the global south, a far deeper and wide-ranging movement has been developing for years, largely ignored by the media. This 'hidden' movement has a global reach and signals a deep unease at economic policies that keep the poor in poverty.
[ States of Unrest | Map | Reflection on global protests | Photo ]
Right wing groups prepare for further escalation
17-01-2001 23:00
THE SITUATION IN ISRAEL/PALESTINE Jan 17 2001As elections near, Israeli policies and electioneering veers towards pandering to those calling for increased violence in the name of "revenge", argues Nick Denes. Read his analysis of the present situation and check the latest news at the IMC Israel.
Protests against EU Summit
08-12-2000 00:00
ANTI-GLOBALIZATION MOBILIZATION IN NICE Dec 5-7 2000Thousands of people converged on the French town of Nice to show their anger about current EU policies and globalising capitalism, and to discuss alternatives to them. Protestors attempted to blockade the venue of the European Union summit where EU leaders gathered to hammer out the future of the block. Heavy clashes between police and protestors followed, as police bombarded activists with concussion grenades and tear gas. A Banque Nationale de Paris office was set alight.
[ Personal account of events | Analysis of police repression by Indymedia France | | Photo ]
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World Economic Forum meeting in Melbourne blockaded
11-11-2000 23:00
WEF MEETING IN MELBOURNE Sep 11 2000At 2pm Australian time on Monday September 11 it appears the blockade of the World Economic Forum at Crown Casino in Melbourne has been a success. About half of the 800 delegates to the conference have been prevented from entering the building and inside the feeling is a little tense. Apparently some delegates have refused to leave their hotel rooms to attempt running the blockade. Protesters are claiming victory in their efforts to "close down the WEF" For more information and coverage of resistance and the protests see Melbourne Indymedia and the S11 website.
In London around 30 people gathered on The Strand in a solidarity action with those protesting against the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Australia.
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Background: Masking up to be seen
02-01-1994 00:00
On January 1 1994, the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN) took over several towns in the southernmost Mexican state of Chiapas - timed to coincide with the implementation of the NAFTA 'freetrade' agreement.
Since then, they have been demanding basic human rights and social justice for the indigenous and rural communities of the area. Autonomous communities have meanwhile been set up: which have organised education and health care; collectivized the land; and implemented a grassroots approach to direct democracy decision-making. Outside Chiapas, the Zapatistas are also known for their radical rejection of neoliberal capitalism, as well as for moving away from the traditional strategies of many past guerilla movements in Latin America.