UK Globalisation Feature Archive
Nato not welcome in Munich
02-02-2002 23:00
NATO SECURITY CONFERENCE Jan 31- Feb 2 2002More than 7000 people took to the streets in Munich, Germany, on February 2nd despite a total ban on all demonstrations. They protested against the Nato-sponsored "Conference on Security Policy", which brought government members from all Nato states together with high-ranking army officials and war experts to discuss "security" and "peace" issues - i.e. lay out plans for future military interventions, invent new enemies, discuss costly military programmes.
The city council had attempted to silence any criticism of the meeting by declaring all protest illegal. Thousands of police attempted to block demonstrations and arrested 894 people in total. Despite massive respression, large demonstrations and rallies took place from Thursday evening until Sunday.
Timeline of events | Background on the conference and action plans | Call for action | IMC Germany | Stop Nato campaign | Foto
The very same weekend, 20,000 people protested against the World Economic Forum (WEF) in New York, while even more people met at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Allegre, Brasil, to discuss alternatives to corporate globalisation.
For full coverage of events, images and background information see IMC-UK's special feature page.
For the latests Roundups and Timelines of events in New York and Porto Alegre see:
WEF Breaking News - WSF Breaking News
More info: IMC-New York City - IMC-Brazil
Personal responses to the crisis in Argentina
30-12-2001 23:00
Dec 30 2001Recent events in Argentina, where the collapse of the De la Rua presidency was dipicted as only looting and random violence gave a limited and one sided picture of the deep social unrest. There was scant coverage in the mainstream media of the organised groups that took to the streets in anger and fustration at the corruption of the Argentinian political class and the IMF/WB imposed austerity measures.
The following reports give a deeper personal insight into the need for political change and social justice in Argentina:
- First hand account from the Plaza de Mayo
- Women respond to the crisis in Argentina
- A quick report while we still breath tear gas.
- Statement of the PTS (Workers Party for Socialism)
For more up-to-date coverage see: Argentina Indymedia
Chavez: brave man or another dictator?
18-12-2001 23:00
While all eyes are focused on Afghanistan and the Middle East, where the US is currently bombarding the Taliban for its support of Osama bin Laden and his al Qaida terror network, media attention and speculation abounds as to where the US will strike next in its new, perpetual war. Two South American nations in particular are currently being prepped for possible military action. Colombia and Venezuela. Both countries figure prominently in US energy policy through coal (Colombia) and oil (Venezuela more so than Colombia) reserves. The US is already militarily involved in Colombia through its "drug war" via Plan Colombia, a $1.3-billion operation which focuses primarily on the fumigation and eradication of the coca plant (used to make cocaine). some background. MeanwhileArgentina is facing an economic, political and social meltdown whose effects could cause further gloom for the global economy. Hundreds of thousands of Argentineans have taken to the streets in protest at a raft of austerity measures demanded by the IMF to prevent the country's bankruptcy.
Another Europe is possible!
11-12-2001 23:00

Belgium, which has just come to the end of its six-month EU presidency, hosted a crucial inter-governmental conference in Laeken between 13-15 December. EU leaders met to discuss a draft of a European constitution, enlargements of the Union to the East and common policies on privatisation, asylum, unemployment, security, surveillance and definitions of 'terrorism'. Full story, Background and events.
For up-to date information and reports see Indymedia-Belgium.
Radio Bruxxel will bring you the voices of the street, in-depth coverage of the issues and updates on events to come. Listen here | Broadcast schedule.
Latest Information about EU protests in Brussels:
Sat 15th:
- 10.30pm: A people's live gig with bands from Belgium, France and Spain is under way. Live streaming from Radio Bruxxel.
- 6.50: Street party in Porte de Hal is being called off due to increasing police pressure.
- 6.40: Reports of police activity in the streets around the party. Confirmed reports of people being harrassed and arrested in the streets nearby. So far 34 people are confirmed to be detained in today's actions.
- 6.20: Confirmed reports of people identifying some 15 undercover police wearing black clothes and balaclavas amongst the party crowd. People have pushed them away and surrounded them in a street corner. The atmosphere became tense while riot police turned up to rescue the infiltrators and left the scene with them.
- 5.45: People have reclaimed the streets and the diverse street party has now arrived, in excellent spirits, at Porte de Hal. The crowd is still raving in the street to a sound-system, live bands and samba-drumming, and celebrating the fact that the riot police seems to have backed off.
- 5.25: The street party got through the police blockade collectively, and is now moving to its final destination in Porte de Hal. The crowd advances very slowly as riot police seem not to be in the same party mood.
- 5.00: Riot police have now surrounded the 4,000-strong crowd and are blocking people in. Tension is growing but the party continues. Some negotiations with the police are taking place.
- 4.45: The street party has now stopped in a junction in the back streets of central Brussels. Large numbers of riot police have started to take positions surrounding the party. Some warnings have been given to the crowd, but people remain assertive of their right to demonstrate and continue to party.
- 4.30: The street party is still moving through central Brussels. Crowds are dancing to different sounds, and many local people are showing support by coming out of their windows and cheering the crowd. Riot police presence is increasing. Steet Party pics.
- 3.45: The street party has now set off from Zuidstation Midi and is moving around the back streets of central Brussels. Large numbers of police are following the crowd through parallel streets. The party is in full swing with a techno sound-system, a lorry with live bands playing and a large International Samba Collective drumming away.
- 3.15pm: Anarchist demo has arrived to Zuidstation Midi. Around 3,000-4,000 people have converged for the street party. Two sound-systems started playing some minutes ago, and people are ready to party, to celebrate that another Europe is possible!
- 2.45pm: People converging in Zuidstation Midi for the street party. Around 600 people are already dancing to the rhythms of the International Samba Collective. Two sound-systems are getting ready for this afternoon's fun.
- 2.00pm: Anarchist demo, 2,000 strong, is now under way, moving towards central Brussels. Police present in the streets around the march. Reports of undercover police trying to infiltrate the demo. So far no reports of confrontration or police violence.
- 12.30pm: A colourful and joyful Peace march is under way in Brussels. Up to 5,000 people are demonstrating in a carnival atmosphere with a sound-system and drumming bands. At 3.30pm people will converge on Zuidstation Midi for a street party.
Fri 14th:
- Round-up of the day
- 11.30pm: All but three of the 150-odd protesters arrested today have been released. The figure includes 120 people that were held earlier this evening during a protest in solidarity with those arrested in today's d14 demonstrations. Photo reports:1 | 2 | Video here.
- 7.25pm: Unconfirmed reports of police activity around IMC and Cinema Nova buildings.
- 5.15pm: The situation is now calmer in and around the Convergence centre. Police are still keeping the centre cordoned off and are only letting people out in small groups. An imc-uk reporter confirms that the people trapped inside the centre are keeping their spirits high with the help of a sound-system. It is still unclear what the final outcome of this situation will be - and whether people will be able to stay overnight.
- 4.00pm: Several thousand people are still inside the Convergence centre. Police have put up cordons around the centre, trapping people inside. Press are not allowed in; people inside are allowed to leave in small groups, only after being searched. Rhythms of Resistance report.
- 3.20pm: Police are using water cannons to attack people inside the Convergence centre area. Baton charges are continuing against people in the streets around it. The atmosphere is getting tense and fears of heavy police measures are mounting.
- 2.35pm: Police charges into Tour et Taxis.
- 2.15pm: The D14 international demonstration has now arrived back at the Convergence centre where it is starting to disperse. Police are present in force, armed with tear-gas, water cannons anad other riot gear. Several thousand people at the end of the march are currently being surrounded by the police, who are cutting off the streets around the Convergence centre. Fears of a police attack are mounting.
- 1.00pm: The international demonstration for "Another Europe and Another World" from Brussels to Laeken is under way. Around 25,000 people are marching in a carnival athmosphere. Several sound-systems and samba bands are present in the march. Reports that some property destruction has occured but police presence is very low-key at the moment.
D14 photo report: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
- A solidarity picket for Brussels protesters has been called for Monday 17th.
Thurs 13th:
- More than 100.000 people in the streets of Brussels against this anti-social Europe. Photos 1 | 2 | 3
- Drummers from UK Rhythms of Resistance samba band arrived in Brussels.
- Police raided a new squat which had been set up last night for demonstrators. About 30 people were arrested and 20 escaped.
- Several buses travelling to Brussels were stopped at the Belgian border near Aachen/Germany. The German border police (BGS) has now set up a checkpoint consisting of several tents and police vans.
Wed 12th:
- Activists promoting a different globalisation occupy Brussels headquarters of CEFIC, the European lobby group of the chemical industry. Photos.
- The occupation ended with the arrest of 50 protesters.
- On Wednesday evening a solidarity demo with the prisoners of the occupation took place.
Indymedia Radio London special program.
Listen interviews and reports about the issues behind the protests:
- Introduction.
- Interview with Amnesty.
- Interview with a Hackney activist.
- Interview with and activist of No Border network.
- Interview with an activist from the Spanish State.
- Interview with Statewatch.
- Interview with Tony Blair :)
- Rebel music selection.
- The whole programme. 50:04 minutes 45.7 MB.
Practical details - travel, weather etc / Your rights at Belgium's borders
Several days of action, discussion and protest are taking place in Aachen, Germany, this week, culminating in an attempt to collectively cross the German-Belgium border on Friday morning to take part in the anti-EU protests in Brussels.Full story
Latest from Aachen:
Fri 14th:
- The participants of the 3-day Aachen counter-conference have managed to outwit 3000 border police by spontaneously taking the train, and not the bus.Report.
Thurs 13th:
- Situation at the German-Belgian border near Aachen. Full report.
More info on Indymedia-Germany
IMF/WB Talks Meet Resistance
17-11-2001 23:00
Nov 17 2001The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank meet in Ottawa the weekend of 16-22 of November, after postponing their planned gathering in Washington, DC from September. Quickly planned anti-Globalization and anti-Capitalist protests are aiming to disrupt the meetings.
Breaking news from Ottawa | Photos 1 | Photos 2 | Feature Photo
Complete coverage from the Ontario IMC
More info from Global Democracy Ottawa
Listen to audio broadcast
UN's "COP 7" climate Convention in Marrakech, Morocco
09-11-2001 23:00
WORLD LEADERS AND CORPORATIONS CREATE A NEW COMMODITY: AIR Oct 29-Nov 9 2001World leaders, multinational business companies and some NGO's, are currently meeting to make a series of important decisions about the World's climate. Crucial agreements on the privatisation of the atmosphere, and the establishment of a global marketplace for the speculation in carbon dioxide emission rights are at stake. This market is to be based on unequal and unfair principles, in which the big lobbies (northern countries, oil and car industries, banks and consultancy firms), are preparing themselves to generate enormous financial revenues Full story | Conference official updates.
Meanwhile, the climate is continuing to change at increasing rates with extreme weather events taking place: global warming, desertification, rising sea levels and flooding. Greenhouse gas emissions - specially CO2 - are causing the temperature of the Earth to rise at an unsustainable levels, making millions of people refugees and leading to the disappearance of animal and plant species.
A call for an international Day of Action for November 6th has been announced by the climate justice grassroots coalition Rising Tide, Earth Crimes and the Mediterranean environmental network MARE.
More info:
- Climate Indymedia
- Rising Tide coalition
- Bonn agreement
Third International Peoples' Global Action Conference
26-10-2001 22:00
WE ARE EVERYWHERE! Oct 26 2001Despite the attempts from Bolivian immigration to stop the third PGA conference, about 250 people, representing indigenous peoples, women's groups, peasants unions, ecological direct action and urban anarchist groups from over 70 countries, arrived to the host city of Cochabamba, Bolivia on Sept 2001. During one week of intense discussions, ideas of horizontal solidarity and strategies in the fight against capitalism were developed. Global sustained campaigns were proposed against militarism, para-militarism and state terrorism, as well as on territory and sovereignty, including privatisation and the resistance to Plan Colombia. A strong emphasis was made on the construction of grassroots alternatives to the rule of Capital. Calls were made to mobilise the Americas against the meeting of the FTTA in Ecuador, March 2002, as well as for the Global Days of Action against the WTO meeting in Qatar Nov 9th-12th.
- Conference reports one and two
- Conference's discussions results
At the end of the conference, a people's caravan left Cochabamba and is currently crossing the Latin American continent. The Caravan, made up of people from over 15 countries, has already gone through Ecuador and Peru First-hand report
People's Global Action is a global network of grassroots movements and groups, and a tool for communication and co-ordination of action against capitalism, imperialism and feudalism. Inspired by the struggle of the Mexican Zapatistas, PGA grew out of two international meetings of activists. The PGA network has been a key force behind the Global Days of Action and 'anti-globalisation' events of recent years.
More info:
PGA website | PGA email | | Photo
200,000 people protest against G8
21-07-2001 22:00
ANTI-G8 PROTESTS IN GENOA Jul 19 - 21 2001Appeal for filing a suit for the Diaz school raid:Click here to find more about it.
Latest: Monday 1st October. Three German protesters are still in jail in Genoa. They've been reporting police butality and torture. Click here to send them your solidarity.
It was the biggest mobilisation against the globalisation of capitalism yet: An estimated 200,000 people converged on the Italian city of Genoa in the days before July 21, to protest against a meeting of the presidents and prime ministers of the seven richest countries in the world plus Russia.
Many people took part in a week-long counter-conference, which tried to identify alternatives to capitalist globalisation. On Thursday there was a massive peaceful demonstration for free movement and against the increasingly restrictive migration laws in the Western/Northern world. Friday saw a large variety of attempts to enter the restricted "red zone" where the G8-meeting was taking place, including peaceful blockades, a pink/silver march, violent attacks on police lines, and a massive Tute Bianchi march. On Saturday, a 200,000 strong demonstration concluded the actions.
While the extent of the protests was unprecedented in Europe, so was the brutality of the police response. Police attacked demonstrations with gas canisters, smoke rockets etc. on a regular basis, including the peaceful, legal march on Saturday and the Tute Bianchi demo on Friday, which triggered massive clashes between protesters and police. Police brutality culminated in the killing of Carlo Guliani and the violent raid on the Diaz school, which served as a sleeping place for protesters. All around the world, hundreds of demonstrations and actions took place in aftermath of Genoa, to protest against the police violence.
For detailed accounts of the events go to our Summer of Resistance section and to Indymedia Italy.
Demonstration against WEF-summit in Salzburg
30-06-2001 22:00

On the day of its opening ceremony, a rally of 2000 people took place in Salzburg, Austria, to protest against the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit and against exploitation and injustice caused by many of the summit's participants. The crowd headed towards the conference centre, at times being stopped by police blockades and breaking through others. Almost in sight of the WEF meeting, the protest was eventually surrounded by police and held for over four and a half hours, with police periodically snatching people and baton-charging the crowd.
The action was part of a four day event against the WEF, including talks, conferences, street theatre, and party.
[ Indymedia Austria | IMC UK report and timeline | Photo]
Police shoot dead 3 anti World Bank demonstrators in Papua New Guinea
27-06-2001 22:00
ANTI IMF/WB PROTEST IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Jun 27 2001Papua New Guinea activists promised to continue protests despite the escalating violence, and the fact that the curfew is still in place in many parts of the Country. On Monday 25, after five days of protests and government office occupations against the World Bank/IMF's privatisation policies and programs of structural adjustment, students were attacked by the police with the result of at least 3 dead and 60 injured. During the following hours severe disturbances occurred in the country's capital Port Moresby.
Many people in Papua New Guinea are worried about the consequences of the imminent privatisation of the country's public services. World Bank/IMF plans have already had a substantial effect on Papua New Guinea, manipulating local industries in the name of "responsible resource development and management, and introducing user fees at rural clinics (resulting in a 30 percent decline in attendance). Now In return for a promised loan of approximately $US210 million, the World Bank plans for Papua New Guinea include widespread privatisation of national industries and social programs and pave the way for increased clearing of rain forests.
The Country's trade union's Council has now called a general strike in support of the students, as well as calling for international support and actions against the WB/IMF and in solidarity of those struggling in PNG. The telephone number for messages of support is (675) 325 76 42 after the country's code.
IMC reports:
• Police shoot anti World Bank protestors in Port Moresby
• Anti World Bank protest in PNG is gunned down
• Support the PNG rioters: Protest @ WB Office in Sidney
For further information see the Country's press:
• Post-Courier
• The National
Coverage from Gothenburg EU summit protests
17-06-2001 22:00
Thousands converge in Sweden's second largest city to protest at the European Union summit. Migration, corporate Europe and militarisation are among the many issues raised by protesters.Police shoot anti-EU protesters
16-06-2001 22:00
GOTHENBURG ANTI-EU PROTESTS Jun 14-16 2001At the three-day anti-EU protests in Gothenburg, Sweden, police have fired with live ammunition at protesters and have seriously injured three people. The incident happened at a streetparty on Friday night, when a small group of police attacked the party but were pushed back by the people. Despite mainstream media claims of police self-defence, the video evidence shows that at least some of the shots were targeted shots aimed at particular protesters from a distance, in a situation where there was no immediate threat to police officers.
More than 20,000 people had converged on Gothenburg to protest against the EU summit and to discuss related issues, such as militarisation and increasing repression against refugees. While on the first day actions focused on the presence of US president George W. Bush, the second day saw widespread attempts to reach the conference centre and to disrupt the meeting. On Saturday, 25,000 people joined a mass demonstration "For Another Europe".
Swedish police escalated the situation from the first day, when they attacked the protesters' legal meeting and sleeping place. Throughout the weekend there were heavy clashes between protesters and police, but also peaceful marches and cheerful streetparties.
[ Indymedia Sweden | Summer of Resistance | Photo of shot protester ]
Current global stories
Forward: Global stories August-December 2001
Back: Global stories March-May 2001
World Bank Cancels Academic Meeting In Barcelona
19-05-2001 22:00
WORLD BANK CANCELS BARCELONA SUMMIT May 19 2001The World Bank meeting in Barcelona has been cancelled, plans are being made for an on-line discussion instead. The Campaign Barcelona-2001 announced in a press conference the decision to continue organizing anti-capitalist Globalization protests for June 16-25th, despite the cancellation of the WB's conference in the City. Read an updated Call to Action with a full calendar of activities in and around Barcelona.
The plans: Barcelona's Stock Exchange is set to become a People's Building this weekend. Click here for a final list of activities, demonstrations and actions in Barcelona from the 22 to 25 June, and here for specific information about theactions on Sunday 24 and Monday 25 in Barcelona. Read useful information and how to participate in the Barcelona-2001 Campaign, or participate in an open contest of ideas on how to transform Barcelona's Stock Exchange on Monday 25 June.
Many international groups, campaigns and individuals have already announced their intention to respond the renewed Call to Action. Read a call for increased mobilisation by some UK activists.
The story so far:
The World Bank cancelled its summit in Barcelona fearing disruptions from demonstrators. Protesters from around the world planned to converge there June 25 for the 2001 Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. The World Bank announced that the meeting will take place online instead.
Explaining the decision, World Bank's spokeswoman Caroline Anstey said, "A conference on poverty reduction should take place in a peaceful atmosphere free from heckling, violence and intimidation". She also blamed the groups who plan to convege on Barcelona "of trying to disrupt the Conference", and she added: "We do not want to expose academics from around the world and our hosts in Spain to such a situation." Particularly, she said, "It is time to take a stand against this kind of threat to free discussion."
The co-ordination commission of the Campaign Against the World Bank BCN-2001 stated in a communique that the cancellation of the WB's Conference is an unprecedented success of the Movement against capitalist globalisation. The communique also announced that: "the motives which had inspired the protests still exist, and therefore that the mobilisations will carry on as expected, despite the cancellation of the official meeting".
[ IMC-Barcelona | | | WB press release about the cancellation | Background info of the WB | Foto]
Mayday 2001 Timeline
30-04-2001 23:00
Timeline of events and actions in London on Mayday 2001.Uprising against trade negotiations
22-04-2001 22:00
FTAA PROTESTS IN QUEBEC Apr 20-22 2001Up to 50,000 demonstrators filled the streets of Quebec, and thousands more staged solidarity demonstrations this weekend in what has become an uprising of opposition to closed and elite international trade negotiations. The trigger of unrest was the meeting of leaders of 34 American nations in Quebec to further the ratification of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). If implemented, FTAA policies, a more extreme version of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), are likely to spread the latter's devastating effects throughout the Americas, serving the interests and privileges of capital, while the most basic rights and interests of citizens, consumers, workers and the environment are perpetually recast as "trade barriers".
An array of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), unions, grassroots groups, and concerned individuals united to voice their concerns and to disrupt the meeting. Massive demonstrations, ranging from peaceful protests to direct confrontations, took place in Quebec. Elsewhere, the US/Canadian and US/Mexican borders were blockaded for several hours.
Police reacted with heavy use of tear gas, plastic bullets, and water cannons. Legal demonstrations, such as the union march, and confrontational actions were attacked alike. Police also fired rubber bullets into the foyer of Indymedia Quebec and evicted the activists' medical centre at gunpoint. Read a report on police repression by Indymedia Quebec.
On Friday, the 10 foot high steel fence surrounding the centre of Quebec was partially demolished by protesters and was repeatedly breached over the weekend. 3.8km of fence had been put up by the authorities to make sure the meeting was not 'disturbed' by critical voices.
[ Watch it on video | Background on the fence | The Quebec Wall | Friday reports 1 | Friday reports 2 | Saturday events | Pictures of the brought-down fence | Indymedia Quebec | Indymedia San Francisco | Indymedia Washington DC | Indymedia Global links page | Photo]
20,000 people demonstrate against Global Forum
17-03-2001 23:00
GLOBAL FORUM IN NAPLES Mar 17 2001A massive demonstration took place in Naples on Saturday to protest against the third Global Forum of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a conference of government and technology leaders. 20,000 protesters, committed to disrupt the summit, clashed with 6,000 police who had put up blockades all around the city.
For three days, the Global Forum had run to the theme of "electronic government as an instrument of democracy and development" - which, according to most protesters, translates as utilising electronic media to loot developing countries, dictate social policy, and keep power and wealth in the hands of a global elite. In addition to the demonstration, a counter-summit took place and a net-strike was called for.
[ NoGlobal Protest Site | Indymedia Italia | Action Report | Demo Pic 1 | Demo Pic 2 | Picture gallery | Photo]
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Monday, March 12;
12-03-2001 23:00

"We zapatistas have seen a part of the map of the national tragedy which is not shown on primetime on the radio and television news programs. (...) The zapatistas have also seen part of rebel Mexico, and this seeing themselves and seeing others, is nothing other than dignity. The Mexico of below, especially the indigenous, speak to us of a history of struggle and resistance which comes from afar and which beats in the today of every place. Yes, but it is also a history which looks forward."
Marcos on culture, chess, clocks and boots
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico, Saturday, March 10;
10-03-2001 00:00

Also, The "White Overalls/Monos Blancos" have announced today that they are withdrawing from their role as Caravan security. This decision was made public this morning with a flyer that quickly became the focus of conversation of the awakening travellers. The paper is addressed to the Civil Society of the Caravan. (full story)
- The Caravan of Dignity (Part 1)
Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City,Friday, March 9;
09-03-2001 00:00
Friday, March 9: The EZLN Delegation has called today for a mobilisation in the whole country demanding that the Congress of the Union ratifies the San Andres Accords. The EZLN's General Command in Rebellion manifested once more that if Vicente Fox's government wants to dialogue with the EZLN, they will have to accept the Zapatista demands first, and that the "dialogue will have to be sincere and definitive, in which, whatever it is finally accorded will have to be respected and put into practice". "The Zapatistas have already proved that we can comply with our word, now it's the Federal Government's turn". In an earlier communicate, the Zapatista delegation announced that "we are thousands on our way to Mexico DF, and we want to call on all Mexican and International civil society to accompany us in the final leg into Mexico DF this Sunday, be it from the streets, from the pavements, from your windows, balconies and roofs, whatever you choose!" The Caravan spent the night in Milpa Alta.- EZLN words in Milpa Alta
- Cuernavaca, Zapatista Territory (pic)