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Ecuadorian Indians meet president after days of violent repression

Imc Uk | 06.02.2001 23:00 | Globalisation | Repression | World

>Uprising in Ecuador Feb 6 2001

In the past few days Ecuador has seen massive uprisings from its native population against International Monetary Fund inspired policies which have degenerated into violent repression. There seems to be a beginning of dialogue from the government but the situation is far from clear. President Gustavo Noboa was to meet with Indian protesters for negotiations on Tuesday - four days after he had ruled out such a meeting and declared a state of emergency to rein in massive protests. The police and army surrounded approximately 13,000 Indian men, women, children and elders and over the past eight days sporadically fired thousands of rounds of bullets and tear gas at them. To date (as an IMC reporter was told by telephone two nights ago) over 30 Indians have been killed and over 600 wounded.

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