Militant Anti-War Demonstrations At EU Summit
Imc Uk | 17.04.2003 22:00 | Globalisation | World
As up to 20,000 police guarded the EU meeting in Athens, Greece, up to 8,000 anti-war protestors clashed with police and smashed shops and banks. Police responded with tear gas and savage beatings, and were met with stones, bottles and petrol bombs. Elsewhere several other blocs (parts) of the demonstration managed to get near to the meeting, but were met with tear gas. Several undercover police and agents provocateurs were beaten by protestors and expelled from the demonstration. The British, Italian and French embassies were all attacked, and British Airways' office was occupied.
The day ended with 106 arrests, with many arrestees reporting police violence in custody. Newswire Story | Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4| Thessaloniki EU Summit, June 2003
More info: IMC-Athens | IMC-Thessaloniki
Imc Uk