UK Culture Newswire Archive
Amsterdam International Day of Autonomous spaces + RTS
24-04-2008 18:23

On April the 11th the Tekenschool (part of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) was squatted by the April 2008 Coordination Group. The building was used for socials and workshops and as a base for Indymedia NL. It was also the meet-up points for the RTS action on Saturday 12th April, which was attended by over 300 people: Video.
Public Demonstration Italian Embassy
23-04-2008 17:19
This release is to let you know that on the 25th April a demonstration will be held in support of a larger public demonstration, which is taking place in Italy on the same day across hundreds of piazzas. Our group endorses and supports Beppe Grillo’s proposals regarding the re-establishment of a rule-of-law and transparency in our CountrySt Georges' Day, Market Square, Nottingham
23-04-2008 16:44

Nazdrove Balkan & Gypsy Benefit night for Sheffield Pride 2008
21-04-2008 10:57
Balkan gypsy punk ska night in aid of sheff pride 2008!!!!!!Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Anarchism, cults, and the fight against Scientology
21-04-2008 08:23
Over the last few months, Anonymous has formed itself into a serious threat to the Church of Scientology. In February, March and April, people around the world stepped forward to confront this cult, clad in masks. Behind those masks lie people from all backgrounds. Some are men, some are women, some are gay, some are straight, some are black, some are white.And some are anarchists.
Unfair Media Bias Against China, with coverage of chinese protesters on 19/04/08
19-04-2008 22:10
It's time to publish what the media won't, the other side of the story.Scientology, the Metropolitan Police, and Number 10
18-04-2008 19:37
A cult is trying to influence the British police. Why is the government ignoring it?The new open-publishing internet radio platform called!
18-04-2008 18:28

Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp Evicted
18-04-2008 08:08
thursday 17th AprilShortly before 1 o clock today there was a peaceful eviction of the Rath Lugh Camp. Four Protectors who were on site were told by Gardai that they had to be out by 1 o clock and to gather up their belongings and leave. This was not done in an aggressive manner and was complied with by the Protectors.
Film and debate on violence/non-violence this sunday
17-04-2008 14:33
This Sunday (the 20th of April) Bath Activist Network will be showing the film 'Breaking the Spell' as part of the monthy 'Bubbling Under' radical film showings.Review of Eric Larsen’s "A Nation Gone Blind"
16-04-2008 17:38
"For the same reasons [that America's literary future looks grim], the social-political future is equally or more unpromising. The odds in favor of the United States remaining a free country are insufficient to encourage a bet on the prospect. Worse, the question as to whether we’re now a free country may be a mere technicality."Note: The below article is available with integrated web links via the blog at the following URL:

Review: Independent Film Festival 2008 - BFI London - The Elephant in the Room
16-04-2008 12:05
A review of "The Elephant in the Room" a documentary by Dean Puckett on the 9/11 Truth Movement and First Responders screened at the Independent Film Festival - BFI London 14th April."The Unconquered", Tron Theatre, Glasgow
15-04-2008 18:38

film screening on Brad Will/Oaxaca Friday, April 18, 8pm @ 6 Bowl Court
15-04-2008 16:11
Please join us at the Bowl Court Squat on Friday, for a screening of the film "Brad, One More Night at the Barricades" (55 min). Brazilian filmmaker and media activist Miguel will be on hand to discuss his documentary tribute to a fallen friend and will also showanother one of his films. Guy will also discuss the situation in Oaxaca, including the plight of indigenous people. DVDs will also be on sale. Entry by donation.
News from Londons autonomous spaces...
15-04-2008 11:33

The Real Tibet?
14-04-2008 21:49

A success in every way! Audacious Space Leeds
14-04-2008 21:16

London's Shoreditch New Squat Pics
14-04-2008 20:27

The building is in an amazing location. It is not only central, but it also sits right in the middle of an area right next to the City that is being highly ‘developed’. The contrast between the previously neglected building with the new glass and metal towers is almost beyond belief.
The crew maintaining the squat, have done an impressive work to bring a previously ‘condemned’ building back into life. Three floors have now made been available to the community. The space has got an entrance area with a free shop, info stalls, a squatters estate agents, and a café. The ground floor also contains a soundproof room for screenings and music, and in the upper floors there a few rooms (some pretty large) that had an exhibition.
Long and exciting life to the new social centre!
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London Mayday 300th Anniversary Party
14-04-2008 15:40
The Space Hijackers and Metropolitan Police Cordially invite you toMayday.