UK Policing Newswire Archive
Thatchers state funeral - Warning: scare tactics in use
10-04-2013 08:33
If things run to form, there will be lots of stories in the days to come about pre-emptive arrests, and heavy policing for Thatchers funeral. Intervention and deterrence - otherwise known as scaring people away from protest - is now an established police tactic. But it only works if we get scared.Video: Policing in the UK - Brutality, Corruption and Lies?
31-03-2013 22:35

Video: Policing in the UK - Brutality, Corruption and Lies?
31-03-2013 22:29

london 'bedroom tax' protest - report, pics and analysis
31-03-2013 15:48

Summer action camp against Shell
28-03-2013 13:17

Whether you've been to Rossport before or this is your first time, this is the week to come.
Check website for updates & more information.
Bomb Diffused Close to Next G8 Summit Hotel
25-03-2013 11:56
According to the BBC in Northern Ireland, a bomb was found 'abandoned' a mere 16 miles from the hotel due to hold the next G8 summit in the UK.Link to the article here -

Greek Anarchist Prisoner & Squat Benefit - Nottingham
24-03-2013 15:35

Catt judgement leave police intel gathering practices in tatters
15-03-2013 21:11

For those of us who have spent many years fighting excessive and intrusive surveillance of political protest by the state, the victory of John Catt in the Court of Appeal this week was especially sweet. The judgement rules that the gathering and retention of information about John Catt’s political activity was an unlawful breach of his right to a private life, and leaves police intelligence gathering practices in tatters.
Admiral Duncan Bomb Victims Betrayed by MI5
14-03-2013 12:44
The 1999 London were the result of a botched MI5 sting operation caused by rogue agent provocateur David Myatt. I am being bullied by the police and Home Office for complaining about David Myatt's and trying to get the case against him re-opened.Police Liaison Officers – Intelligence gathering, self-policing and the dangers of talking to the police
14-03-2013 11:22

This article explores the continuing controversy over the use of Police Liaison Officers, or Protest Liaison Officers as they are alternatively known, in relation to their role in the arrest of 182 cyclists participating in the Critical Mass bike ride of July 2012.
EDL Manchester Protestors Making Nazi Salutes
07-03-2013 13:16

International Day of Action Against Police Brutality, Corruption & Murder
05-03-2013 11:58

Police Headquarters Lloyd House
Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
05-03-2013 06:29

Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these 'correctional housing units'.
UK peace activist faces deportation by Israeli occupation authorities
04-03-2013 12:40
PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEUK peace activist faces deportation by Israeli occupation authorities and is set to be detained by Special Branch under anti-terror powers upon return
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Katy Bourne Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
01-03-2013 17:55
Remove Martin Richards as Chief Constable and ask an outside Police Force to investigate corruption and gross misconduct inside Sussex Police Force
Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000: A police snooping tool
01-03-2013 13:58
Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 is being used to gather intelligence on activists. Corporate Watch would encourage anyone stopped under this legislation to expose its misuse.Bare-Knuckle Capitalism.
23-02-2013 18:55

22 Feb, Glasgow – Two supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (Glasgow) were today violently arrested, Friday 22 February, shortly after 2pm outside the Royal Bank of Scotland on Gordon Street, Glasgow city centre. They were taking part in a peaceful rolling picket organised by Glasgow Against ATOS, a campaign committed to opposing the French multinational ATOS and the government’s attack on welfare.
Both those arrested were taken to Stewart Street police station and were released at approximately 18:30. They are facing charges of liberating a prisoner from custody, resisting arrest and using a megaphone. Court date is set for Friday 22 March, for which solidarity protests are being organised. In an outrageous attack on democratic rights, their bail conditions include a ban on attending demonstrations in Glasgow city centre. This is the real reason behind these arrests: to disrupt and destroy political activity.
Critical Mass Trial Starts this coming Monday
22-02-2013 15:41
Monday 25th February is the first day of the CM9′s court case. The trial will last between 5-7 days. There will likely be a large contingent of cyclists at the court on the morning of the 25th demonstrating our support for the defendants.Join us on bikes and with placards from 9am at:
Westminster Magistrates Court
181 Marylebone Road
Police spy Bob Lambert has re-emerged as an academic at St. Andrews University.
22-02-2013 11:28
Perhaps those he betrayed may want to know where he is, and here is a petition to sign.EDF suing climate activists for £5million
21-02-2013 09:31
Evidence of police/corporate collusion as police serve legal papers on activists on behalf of EDF, and hand over personal dataKey CCTV footage at police station may have been deleted
Counter-Terrorism Command visited activist at home
Home Secretary Theresa May questioned in Parliament
A new short film of two of the activists speaking about the civil claim can be seen here: