UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Sea Shepherd Honoured by the International Whaling Commission
09-03-2008 15:44
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society was honoured today to receive an official acknowledgement of our efforts from the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) Intersessional Meeting on the Future of the IWC, held in London.Sea Shepherd Crew Head South In Search Of Harpoons
08-03-2008 17:24
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship, the Steve Irwin, has broken off its pursuit of the Nisshin Maru to focus on the harpoon vessels to the south. At 1200 hours, Sea Shepherd changed course and began to head due south, as the Nisshin Maru continued westward. Contact was broken off with the Japanese factory ship at 63 degrees, 42 minutes south and 124 degrees, 56 minutes east.“We have chased the factory ship for a solid week as they ran full out, back and forth across the Southern Ocean,” said Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd. “After a chase of 1,776 nautical miles and three confrontations, I’ve decided to go investigate what the Yusshin Maru No. 2 is doing. We still have a working tracking device on that ship, so we know that it is less than half a day away and probably up to no good.”
Day of foie gras action across the UK.
08-03-2008 15:47
A nationwide day of action has been called for Thursday 13th March against these establishments continuing to support foie gras. This is a limited list of contact details, please look up more easily accessible details relating to these supporters of the cruel trade and duly inform them of the hell these geese and ducks go through.Japanese Officials Caught Lying on Firearm Use against Sea Shepherd
07-03-2008 14:42

Sea Shepherd: Japanese Scramble to Spin Shooting Story
07-03-2008 11:48
In the aftermath of a confrontation between the crew of the whaling ship Nisshin Maru and the crew of the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin, the Japanese public relations flacks are working overtime to get the spin right. First, they admitted that warning shots were fired, then they corrected themselves and said that only flash grenades were fired at the crew of the Steve Irwin. Then they changed the story again and described the flash grenades as “warning balls.” By tomorrow morning, they may have it spun it again and may be describing them as “marshmallows.”Japanese Open Fire on Sea Shepherd Crew: Three Injured
07-03-2008 10:17

Stop The Camden Atrocity Laboratory Potential Tragedy In The Making....
07-03-2008 00:21
Oppose planning permission for The Camden Virus Containment Facility / Animal Testing LAb by writing to Mike Greene : Mr Mike Greene, London Borough of Camden Old Town Hall Judd Street London WV1H 9JE. No-one wants thgis troublesome lab to affect them on their on their own doorsteps.....a council estate is no palce for a high security lab. {It will be used for animal torture unless stopped!!}Sign online petition / join campaign.
06-03-2008 20:45
The MRC intend to build a dangerous virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} - please help us stop this. This will ruin the community forever, creating adangerous environment patrolled by armed police and saturated with members of the security services - MI5/6. The arae will be at risk of attack and virus leaks. {Camden New Journal}Camden Town - Stop The Death Lab!! C.A.L.M.
06-03-2008 04:57
The MRC / Wellcome Trust intend to build a high security risk virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a London council house estate in a deprived area that needs homes and community facilities. Ths area will be turned into a max security terror threat zone.Italy, Germany & Mexico: Flames, Liberation & Sabotage
05-03-2008 15:47

20 RABBITS FREED (Germany)
Camden Death Lab poses risk to Camden Town Kings Cross St Pancras
05-03-2008 14:41
The MRC / Wellcome Trust / Cancer "Research" propose to build a dangerous virus containment facility on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} at Brill Place behind the British Library, at St Pancras / Kings Cross. The area has already seen bombings and could again become a target. Camden needs council homes and community facilities and is severly deprived. Thugs and informants allegedly paid by the MRC have targeted female Camden AR activists at their homes and over the net.Nottingham University Nominated For Peta2 US's First 'Most Vegetarian-Friendly Uni
04-03-2008 20:54
After a busy autumn term, Nottingham University Vegetarian & Vegan Society are incredibly proud to be receiving national recogntition. Please help us to further bolster Nottingham's reputation as a veggie and vegan stronghold by casting a vote for us to be the UK's top veggie-friendly university. Thank you!NETCU WATCH // Wash your mouth out!
04-03-2008 00:39

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Japanese Whaling Fleet Confronted By Sea Shepherd
03-03-2008 10:05

The crew deployed over two dozen bottles of rotten butter sending a stench throughout the whale killing ship that will remain for days. The crew also threw packets of a slippery chemical onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru. This will make it very difficult to cut up whales. The substance becomes even more slippery with water so it will be difficult to wash it off the decks.
Hunt Chaos in Derbyshire
02-03-2008 20:20
On Saturday the 1st March the High Peak Hunt meet at 11.30am at the Bulls Head Inn at Monyash, Derbyshire.During the course of the next three hours the huntsman lost control of his pack on numerous occasions. This resulted in them causing chaos on the roads and in the fields around the area.
Land Securities - Supporting the Fur Trade
02-03-2008 15:32
Protests are to begin this week against Land Securities because of their involvement in the fur trade. Please show solidarity and politely contact the firm:Interview With Nottingham Activist In Southern Ocean On Board Sea Shepherd Ship
02-03-2008 12:40

Dan is an activist from Nottingham who has joined the crew on board the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin in a bid to stop the illegal whaling activities of the Japanese near Antartica. The mission, named Migaloo, started last December and after refuelling in Melbourne last month, the Sea Shepherd crew is back in the oceans, have managed to track down the whaling fleet and have been in hot persuit of its main vessel, the Yushin Maru No. 2 for the last week. Accoring to one of the crew onboard the ship "the weather is getting colder and we are getting many hours of darkness now. The Antarctic winter is creeping up on us. The seas are getting rougher and we are getting blizzards." We joined Dan via sattelite phone to ask him about his adventures..
"Foie Gras Campaigners Target Leeds" - Caterer Search
02-03-2008 11:57