UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Bid to reopen Coventry dog track fails
16-07-2010 22:02

US Navy and Univ of Wisconsin Continue Brutal Treatment of Animals
15-07-2010 18:04
The US Navy has subjected primates to chair confinement for months at a time. Their violation of a treaty with India caused Indira Gandhi to ban primate export to the US. Their sonar and propellers kill whales and dolphins. Their jet bombers launched from aircraft carriers have bombburned to death countless animals.They have used dolphins as weapons carriers. Now with the University of Wisconsin
which has also tasered pigs for the Justice Dept. and tortured primates, they have
killed 3 of the sheep they are experimenting upon with painful bends.
Bulgaria: Sofia Made First Step in Solving Pet Overpopulation Problem
13-07-2010 22:56
On July 9, 2010, local website surprisingly announced that Sofia animal control service named Municipal Enterprise Ecoravnovesie will start a campaign for free sterilization, vaccination, anti-parasitic treatment, ear tatooing and passporting/registration of semi-restricted, yard dogs in the Sofia administrative district Novi Iskyr.English Defence League animal abusers put pigs head on Mosque walls in Dudley
11-07-2010 18:16

Cambridge Uni Day of Action Against Animal Tests!
10-07-2010 17:29

Before you eat, watch this
10-07-2010 03:45
We keep getting told that our killing for meat is humane. Then we see videos like this.West Midlands Vegan Festival 2010
08-07-2010 20:33

Derby Animal Rights Resurected
08-07-2010 01:21

BBC Promotes Vivisector who Forces Antidepressants On Shrimp
07-07-2010 10:17
Prozac, correlated to homicide and suicide, being forced on shrimpHubbard's Hell for Animals: RSPCA Refuses to Act
06-07-2010 17:24
After repeated calls for the RSPCA to act decisively against this appalling case of animal abuse and neglect, Nottingham Animal Rights, among others, is seeking to raise public awareness of the plight of Mr. Hubbard’s victims. Mr. Hubbard is a Guinea Pig and Rabbit Breeder based at The Willows, Doddington Lane, off Main Street, Dry Doddington, Newark, NG23 5HU. Reports and photographs provided by those who have visited the property (see: for links) have stated that the animals are living in terrible conditions and are in very poor health.
Nottingham Animal Rights has released this press release to the local media, and will be holding an information stall on Saturday 10th July opposite St. Peter's Church in Nottingham, near the Broadmarsh Centre, from 13:00 onwards. An additional date in Newark is to be confirmed.
Read the full article on the new Nottingham Indymedia at
Noah's Ark Zoo Farm demo
06-07-2010 17:22
Join us for a protest outside Noah's Ark Zoo Farm.August Bank Holiday
Monday 30th August
10am till 2pm
Outside Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
Clevedon Road
BS48 1PG
Video of "March Against the Murderers", Bradford Sat 3rd July
04-07-2010 18:44
The video of this anti-vivisection march is now online. For more details of the campaign see academicabuse.wordpress.com50 Activists March on Bradford Uni Open Day
03-07-2010 19:08
CLOSE THE BRADFORD ANIMAL LAB!BP's Past and Present Wars Against People and the Environment
02-07-2010 21:38

BP War And Theft in Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Brazil, Angola, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Alaska, Texas, Gulf etc.
Dont Blame The Blac Bloc for the Global Elites Mess!
02-07-2010 11:56
After yet more and more articles 'blaming' the blac bloc - a simple yet effective slang term for those of us that dont give a shit about raising capitalism to the ground in order to buld new, sustainable communityies for all and every - for the 'violence' in Toronto, I thought I'd knock up this little article so that the 'fluffies' out there - the ones who keep 'blaming' the blac bloc for the strentgh of the elite machine - might be able to answer this question, why is it so hard to understand we need violence to defeat the system?
1885 The Restaurant Pull Foie Gras Off the Menu!
30-06-2010 22:51
ONE TARGET LEFT - RAMUS - BE PREPARED!Foston Pig Farm Decision Due Today
30-06-2010 10:43
"The erection of a 2,500 breeding sow pig rearing unit with grain store, feed mill, feed hoppers, mess block, water treatment buildings together with storage buildings feeding an associated anaerobic digestion facility, service building, digestate and methane gas storage tanks supplying an electricity generation facility" - Midlands Pig Producers planning application.Eye witness: Sea Shepherd frees 800 endangered bluefin tuna
29-06-2010 13:51

Next Foie Gras Target Released - 1885 The Restaurant
29-06-2010 10:03