UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Easter Animal Charity Fair in Brum this Saturday
26-03-2010 02:39
Our fantastic Easter Animal Charity Fair will take place this Saturday in Kings Heath from 10.30am-3pm.Forthcoming Nottingham Animal Rights Events
26-03-2010 01:54
Another action packed fortnight, and more, from Nottm Animal Rights.Charges dropped against KuDOs Pharmaceuticals Protesters
26-03-2010 01:46
Despite the police's best efforts, peaceful protest will go unpunished this time!Contact the Royal Society of Arts Over Vivisection Links
25-03-2010 18:53
24-03-2010 23:30
Activists in London today held a mobile demo against shops involved in the fur trade. In this day and age, it is totally unnecessary and indefensible to support this archaic trade in animal skins.Mel Broughtons conviction overturned but he will have a third trial
24-03-2010 15:24
the trial wll be the third over the same allegation!Sequani Evacuated due to suspect package
22-03-2010 18:01
Original Article:
March Against the Murderers - Sat 3rd July - Bradford
21-03-2010 19:19
MARCH AGAINST THE MURDERERS - SAT 3RD JULY 2010Meet 12noon, Centenary Square, Bradford
US AR protestor cuts deal
20-03-2010 19:46
Two 'ALF' activists agreed plea bargain following UCLA protestsSupport new animal rights prisoner (Netherlands)
20-03-2010 08:29
A 23 year old male Dutch activist has been remanded in prison following suspicion of releasing 5,000 mink from a fur farm in the Netherlands.Failure to protect bluefin tuna has huge consequences
19-03-2010 10:24

Monkeys Cooked Alive in Bradford Collaborator’s Labs
18-03-2010 12:09
CHARLES RIVER LABORATORIES EXPOSEDCampaigners Leaflet Yorkshire Forward Head Office
17-03-2010 18:30
Campaigners leaflet Yorkshire Forward Head Office over University of Bradford vivisection links.Bradford Uni / LCM Merger Falls Through
17-03-2010 18:28
Bradford Uni / LCM Merger Falls ThroughUniversities Issue Banning Orders to Activists
17-03-2010 18:26
Universities Issue Banning Orders to ActivistsHunt monitor Bryan Griffith found not guilty of manslaughter
17-03-2010 17:39

A Bad Week For Minorities In The South
17-03-2010 11:19

16-03-2010 22:27
So what exactly happened at Pogo’s recently?Many people are asking questions and demanding answers. The focus of the whole debacle seems to be some non-vegan produce in a freezer.
World Day for Lab Animals - Yorkshire Coach
16-03-2010 20:59
World Day for Lab Animals - Yorkshire Coach