UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
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West Yorkshire AR - End of Year Report 2009
20-12-2009 18:46
West Yorkshire AR - End of Year Report 2009Magical Abolitionism: Francione Admits Defeat and Irrelevance As He Degenerates
20-12-2009 18:45
“The World is Vegan If You Want It.” This the most delusional campaign in recent history; it is symptomatic of a vegan history which has, in fact, degenerated into a satire of itself and reinforces the worst stereotypes of vegans as elitist, privileged puppy-hugging whites indifferent to the nightmare of oppressed races and classes amidst the collapse of the industrial-capitalist world order. This last campaign shows, more clearly than ever, that Francione is throwing in the towel, admitting defeat, acknowledging his utter impotence and complete irrelevance in a time of planetary crisis. Nothing could be more disabling that this campaign at this time.Noise Demo @ Bradford Uni Vivisection Labs - 9th Jan 2010
20-12-2009 04:37
2010 - THE YEAR TO END VIVISECTIONARM tampering, slaughterhouse trucks sabotaged
19-12-2009 22:24

Solidarity with Swedish ELF anarchist Jonatan
19-12-2009 14:28
ELP has received the following e-mail from supporters of Swedish eco-prisoner Jonatan Strandberg. ELP encourages everyone to support Jonatan. He reads and writes English and as the below e-mail shows, he welcomes all letters of support.The REAL Puppy Farmers
17-12-2009 23:58
Puppy Farming is a tag thrown by the real puppy farmers who operate with the full consent of the KCBookies Windows Destroyed, Claimed for ALF and ELF
17-12-2009 17:35

Today, at around 4pm in the city centre of Nottingham, England, a bookies windows were targeted by an anarchist, with the tactical solidarity of the ALF and the ELF around the world.
This strike in the heart of a busy shopping centre, famous for the rebellious figure that was robin hood, was during shopping hours with hundreds of shoppers passing by.
demonstration at G S K at barnard castle
17-12-2009 10:08
on saturday the 16th of january 12pm activists will take to gsk premises in barnard castle to protest g s k animal abuse and horror at thier cheek to make there barnard castle site 55 times larger within the yearPolice, judiciary and CPS actively support illegal hunting
17-12-2009 10:05
Whilst the police and CPS response to enforcing the Hunting Act 2004 has been anaemic at best there is a bottomless pit of resources when it comes to soothing the collective fevered brow of the hunting fraternity. Apparently it is now an offence to actually do the police's job for them and try and gather evidence of unlawful hunting.Direct Action; Russia, Ireland & Italy
15-12-2009 22:07

VPSG Benefit Gig in Birmingham, Sat 19 Dec
14-12-2009 14:44

"Monstrous" Cancer Research building with jacuzzi, swimming pool and gyn sold.
14-12-2009 13:30
There is outrage in Camden as a £30 million building described locally as "monstrous" and hosting a jacuzzi, gym and swimming pool and currently used by Cancer Research UK has been sold. Camden council have given planning permission for the ambassadorial building to be converted into a home that campaigners say "will never be used". Is this how CRUK spend money?Funeral Motorcade For The Deer
13-12-2009 00:44
The current hottest battle in the “Deer War” is at the Shawnee Mission Park, Kansas City, which local activists have dubbed “Death Park”. There were supposedly some 575 deer living in the 3.7 sq.mi. urban park. Local officials estimate the maximum deer population density to be 50 per sq.mi., which produces the maximum allowable total number of 185 in the park. Up to December 9, 313 deer had been culled by “Dr. Death” Anthony DeNicola. This yields a remaining population of about 260, about 75 higher than the limit of 185, and 75 is about what the Park Board has allocated to the bow-hunters, 15 of whom have been granted permits to do the dirty deed, with pleasure of course.Direct Action, Liberation and the Need to Persist
13-12-2009 00:42
Nearly defenseless against humans, the most dangerous and destructive species ever to stalk the planet, nonhuman animals suffer egregious exploitation. Circuses, rodeos, vivisection labs, factory farms, zoos, puppy mills, public and private areas where hunting and fishing are permitted, and numerous other entities and places objectify living, sentient beings, using and abusing them as they see fit to derive profits and pleasure. It is morally abhorrent that our species subjugates, tortures, and wantonly massacres millions upon millions of individuals from other species day after day—and we could readily live without the benefits that we derive from these heinous acts or we could attain those benefits in other ways.Three members of Newcastle Animal Right's summoned to court.
11-12-2009 00:17
Three Members summoned before Newcastle Magistrates on 14th December 2009I.A.R.D. Demo at University of Bradford
10-12-2009 22:54
I.A.R.D. DEMO AT UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORDCandle-Lit Vigil at Leeds Uni for I.A.R.D.
10-12-2009 22:49
CANDLE-LIT VIGIL AT LEEDS UNI FOR INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL RIGHTS DAY.Crowds expected to flock to Cruelty-Free Xmas Fair in Birmingham
10-12-2009 05:09
This coming Saturday, the Cruelty-Free Xmas Fair in Kings Heath, Birmingham offers the chance to stock up on a wide range of cruelty-free products(list of 21 stalls below), watch cookery demos, enjoy fantastic vegan food including lots of free samples, listen to inspirational speakers & much, much more...!!Free entry, all welcome.

People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals Designated Terrorists
09-12-2009 15:12
US government internal anti-terror pamphlet designated PETA a special interest domestic terrorist group...