UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
McDonalds Empire collapses - Manchester evidence
18-10-2003 00:28
NotDonald's Street Cafe opened outside a branch of everybodies least favourite 'food' outlet on Oxford Road, Manchester today.Newcastle anti-McDonalds report
17-10-2003 10:53
A really quite inspiring anti-mcdonalds action took place on the main shopping street in Newcastle upon Tyneside, featuring a crowd of 50-plus people! Free organic potatoes and apple pie was given out, along with the usual banners, leaflets, and speech bubbles on the window ( 'yum yum, mcslurry' ). Such a big crowd gathered that the police decided to arrest one man for obstruction of the highway - and nick all the potatoes! Loads of support and conversations were had with interested joe public.Cardifff Anti McDonalds Acition...
16-10-2003 23:05
Fat Ronald McDonald causes chaos in Cardiff fast food outlet...A loud "NO" to primate experiments in Cambridge
11-10-2003 18:02

Arrested huntsman "resigns".
08-10-2003 14:29
News Release: Arrested huntsman "resigns"From: Hunt Saboteurs Association (see footer for details)
Sequani Ltd: Animal Abusing Scum.
02-10-2003 00:03
Sequani Ltd is very, very paranoid ... and so they should be!Electronic Sit-In against Animal Cruelty
30-09-2003 07:13

Huntsman Arrested After Protestors Attacked
28-09-2003 15:21
Huntsman arrested after protestors attacked.27 September 2003
Queer Rights - Animal Rights
24-08-2003 23:52

Animal rights demo at Banksy's new show - support needed.
18-07-2003 12:00
SUPPORT NEEDED - Animal rights activsts have D-locked onto Banksy's new exhibition in Hackney. Spray painted live Cows, Sheep and Pigs are on display.Anti-HLS demo update: cops escort people onto tube
23-08-2002 11:50
12:44 Anti-Huntingdon Life Sciences demonstrators escorted on the tube to the West End by police, including officers from CO and FIT (Forward Intelligence Team).Cop cars and vans from the City are now heading towards Mayfair. [no story follows]
Update: Anti-HLS demo stopped by police
23-08-2002 11:11
The anti-Huntingdon Life Sciences demonstration currently underway in Central London has been stopped by police.At least one person has been stopped and searched under the Prevention of Terrorism Act for carrying a camera.
[no story follows]
For background information, see
FRIDAY: ANTI-HLS demo in the city....
20-08-2002 12:23
Friday 23rd August, meeting at Liverpool St station, bishops gate exit @ 11am, to protest against Huntingdon Life SciencesReal Countryside Alliance = ALF psy op
16-08-2002 21:20
The Real Countryside Alliance is an animal liberation psy-op designed to discredit the Countryside Allianceanimal liberation gahtering graz/aut cancelled
09-08-2002 19:48
Unfortunately we have to inform you that the animal liberation gathering in graz/austria had to be cancelled due to a lack of infrastructural resources as well as willing organizers.Hopefully fellow activists will soon announce a next gathering, which we can strongly support.