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UK Technology Newswire Archive

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attack on bristol security firm

30-04-2013 09:49

No peace for the defenders of commodity-society. Their security = a joke once again. Our latest target was Avon and Somerset Guarding, on Fishponds Rd, we broke half the storefront glass and attacked the CCTV camera, leaving an anarchy symbol tagged on the scene. Enough uniformed bastards in our lives, let's trash the control apparatus. Shouts to anti-fascist of action Jock Palfreeman, held in Bulgaria - love for our comrades, hate for their jailers. That's all for now

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Anarchists: We need to talk about Facebook

25-04-2013 12:07

For several years we have provided servers and communication infrastructure for the left. We have done our best to keep the servers safe and have resisted requests for user data by the authorities, using various means. In short: we try to offer a liberating form of communication within the capitalist internet.

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BarnCamp 2013 rural skillsharing gathering

06-04-2013 20:20

BarnCamp 2013 Flyer
HacktionLab are pleased to announce that BarnCamp is back in 2013 on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June. Camping for up to four nights high up in the Wye Valley on an organic farm co-operative with food included for £35 (£32 in advance, and concessions also available on asking).

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Activists head to Swedish embassy to demand guarantee of no further extradition

23-03-2013 09:48

Activists head to Swedish embassy to demand guarantee of no further extradition of Assange to U.S.

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On the Abolition of Empire

12-02-2013 23:28

The careful look at this world reveals a lethal diagnosis: imperialism. The symptoms are obvious, the denial is total, the precedents for cure are rare, and yet its track record is long and its destructive forces are peaking ever more. What is new is that the technology gap is closing, the period which let imperialism grow but also provided the possibility of independence from it. The cyber imperialism of now brings back the worst aspect of tribal life, and only the worst, and is trying to enslave it for its destructive forces - the impossibility of independence. This is especially odd since if anything good can be said about technological progress then it is that it removed any material need for social dependency. One need not adore the technology it brought, but as a result thereof it was possible to take other ways than the most aggressive group in the tribe. Now technology seems to produce an impossibility to choose any other ways than the most aggressive group in the species.

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New anti-eavesdropping app available

08-02-2013 07:08

"The app is already available on both iPhone and Android, and its functionality has recently been broadened to allow users to not only communicate securely but also easily send encrypted files."

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Aaron's Army #aaronsw

25-01-2013 17:22

Following is the text of remarks by Carl Malamud at the Internet Archive's Memorial for Aaron Swartz,
January 24, 2013,

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UG#596 - Lifting The Lid on The NSA (Secret Rooms, Infiltration, Menwith Hill)

07-12-2012 23:38

This week we learn more about NSA, which no longer limits its activities to mere intelligence gathering. Whistle-blower Mark Klein tells how he broke the NSA's unwarranted wiretapping scandal, Kevin Zeese speaks on a century of political infiltration of US political movements, and infiltration of Occupy movements and we conclude with researcher Steve Schofield on the NSA's largest base in Europe.

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Solar Farm Support

24-11-2012 13:10

Proposed solar farm in Fareham,Hampshire.

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U.S. Senate bill Rewritten So Cops / Feds Can Read Your Email Without Warrants

21-11-2012 14:43

After Sen. Patrick Leahy’s warrant-less Internet Access bill is passed, Americans should expect a spike in arrests and property forfeitures by the feds and local police.

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Recent attacks by anarcho-insurrectionary cells (global)

16-11-2012 21:35

communiques from 'International Conspiracy for Revenge / FAI-IRF' for arson of school and bombing of bourgeois bar, Manado (Indonesia) // communique from Hamburg (Germany) about various attacks in solidarity with the struggling people in Greece // claim by 'Anti-Surveillance Cores' for arson of security van in Bristol (UK) // 'Wild Hogs / ALF-FAI' claim responsibility for hunt sab actions, Tver (Russia) // 'IRF-CCF / Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror' claim arson of supermarket and postbank in Athens (Greece) // - 'Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)' communique for animal liberation actions // 'Fires on the Horizon / FAI' claim for arson of security company, Athens (Greece) // sources of counter info & translation:, and

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12-11-2012 18:56


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Julian Assange, Sex Crimes and the U.S. Proxies in Cuba.

09-11-2012 03:45

Young European politicians are now acting under the banner of activism with their governments' assent to support the United States 59 year de facto war with Cuba.

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FBI Forensic Computer Crime Experts Asked To Investigate Romney-Owned Machines

05-11-2012 18:01

Greg Palast Book on Republican Fraud
In the US, Mitt and Ann Romney and 2 of their sons have controlling interest in Hart Intercivic, the machines which in Cincinnati in the middle of the night turned 300,000 Kerry votes into Bush votes in 2004. ESS, another Republican owned 'voting machine' company, has added untested software patches to their scanners.

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9 Oct at Menwith Hill: The Faceless Face of US Military Drones

27-09-2012 07:38

The Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) will be marking Keep Space for Peace Week and Ground the Drones Week of Action at Menwith Hill during its weekly Tuesday vigil from 6-8pm on Tuesday 9 October in an event entitled The Faceless Face of US Military Drones. CAAB will be joined by Yorkshire CND's recycle the bases cyclists on a three day ride from Whitby to Menwith Hill via Fylingdales.

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TV Licence Enforcment - An Open Letter to the BBC

19-09-2012 10:10

As a consequence of the BBC's failure to address the many shortcomings of its TV Licence enforcement operation, we have taken the unusual step of issuing an Open Letter regarding our concerns to the BBC Executive, with copies to MPs and the Press.

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18-09-2012 18:45


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Protest against drone attacks in Pakistan on 14th Sept in Bradford

12-09-2012 11:16

Protest against drone attacks in Pakistan on 14th Sept in Bradford
Protest Against Drone Strikes, Centenary Square, Friday 14th September 2012, 5:30pm. Speakers to include George Galloway MP, Imran Khan (official) and Yvonne Ridley.

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WWW: World Wild Web

29-08-2012 15:51

Acquitaine from Borders series
Featuring: Paula Crutchlow & Helen Varley Jamieson, Andy Deck, Mary Flanagan, Genetic Moo, Dominic Smith, and Sarah Waterson

To be alive is to be wild. And we humans have a will that shapes the world with language, song, lust, labour and play. The artists in this exhibition work and play with living organisms and technical things, systems and language, to explore how our relation to the natural world is changing.
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