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Britain’s Socialist Workers Party & Socialist Party back extradition of Assange

27-08-2012 21:34

Britain’s largest pseudo-left groups have lined up behind the demand that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be extradited to Sweden.

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UK media lines up behind campaign to extradite Assange and silence WikiLeaks

23-08-2012 19:47

The British media has played a venal role throughout the ongoing efforts to witch-hunt and silence WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. But it has plumbed new depths following the decision by Ecuador to grant his request for political asylum.

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The pursuit of Julian Assange is an assault on freedom and a mockery of journalism

23-08-2012 18:01

The British government's threat to invade the Ecuadorean embassy in London and seize Julian Assange is of historic significance. David Cameron, the former PR man to a television industry huckster and arms salesman to sheikdoms, is well placed to dishonour international conventions that have protected Britons in places of upheaval. Just as Tony Blair's invasion of Iraq led directly to the acts of terrorismin London on 7 July 2005, so Cameron and Foreign Secretary William Hague have compromised the safety of British representatives across the world.

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Moors' Law is Murder for Motorists

20-08-2012 19:31

Moors' Law for Oil and China's Cars
Moore's Law for transistor count is ending, but now there's Moors' Law for oil and it says gasoline -- US national average -- will be $7 in 2017 as oil reaches $120 a barrel. The law is named for Kent Moors, a professor Duquense U. Specifically, the price of oil and the number of cars in China, which drives it, double every 5 years. These murderous prices change everything in society.

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U.S. Republicans Own The "Voting Machine" Count Falsifiers

15-08-2012 20:39

As more and more countries are going back to paper ballots because of electronic machine vote fraud, the US continues to allow the plutocratic political party to
control virtually every easily hacked 'voting machine'.

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TrapWire - surveillance system used in UK

14-08-2012 21:54

trying for the final time to get this information on indymedia

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UAVs do enable 'extra judicial asssassination' admits arms industry editor

09-08-2012 11:51

Darren Lake, Acting Editor of UNMANNED Vehicles, an arms trade magazine for for the drone industry makes some suprizingly candid admissions in his August/September 2012 issue editorial...

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Peer 2 Peer Production as the Alternative to Capitalism: A New Communist Horizon

02-08-2012 09:15

The current crisis of capitalism has provoked protests, revolts and revolutions in major parts of the planet that include 3 billions of inhabitants. Even the mainstream Time Magazine made “The Protester” the person of the year. The caption on Time’s cover reads: From the Arab Spring To Athens, from Occupy Wall Street to Moscow. China, Chile, Spain, England, Italy, India, Israel, Iran and France, among many other places, can be added to Time’s hotbeds of recent social protests.

The protest movements have put alternatives to capitalism on the historical agenda (Hardt and Negri, 2011). This article argues that a section of knowledge workers have already created a new mode of production termed Peer to Peer Production (P2P) which is a viable alternative to capitalism. Although still in its emerging phase and dominated by capitalism, P2P clearly displays the main contours of an egalitarian society. The very fact that sections of P2P activists and ICT workers are also actively involved in the current protests may work as a good catalyst in connecting P2P to these movements.

In P2P production, producers collectively produce goods through voluntary participation in a de-centered, network-based production system. Volunteers choose the tasks they perform; the amount of time they spend on collective production; the place and time of their productive activity. In term of distribution, anyone in the world can use the products for free according to their own needs, regardless of their contribution (Benkler, 2006). This mode of production is very similar to what Marx (1978 a, 1978b) described as advanced communism. Therefore, it has also been called cyber communism (Kleiner, 2010; Barbrook, 2007; Moglen, 2003).

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Silicon Valley Says Step Away From the Device

24-07-2012 06:35

Silicon Valley Says Step Away From the Device
Stuart Crabb, a director in the executive offices of Facebook, naturally likes to extol the extraordinary benefits of computers and smartphones. But like a growing number of technology leaders, he offers a warning: log off once in a while, and put them down.

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John Zerzan talk, London Saturday 4th August 2012

10-07-2012 20:48

"The Murderous Idolatry of the Future: Anarcho-Primitivism and the Endof Technology" Talk by John Zerzan

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Free Software Clinic at the Cowley Club, Brighton

04-07-2012 21:26

The Cowley Club library is offering free training on installing and using free software. Come along to learn about the wonders of free software and how to protect your privacy and anonymity online.

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EDO MBM and the 'Kill Chain'. R&D into New micro weapons for drones.

28-06-2012 22:50

15 May 2012. John Eaton, an EDO MBM Director and weapons system inventor gives a presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association in Washington about EDO MBM's current internal research and development work.

An abstract and PDF of a powerpoint presentation confirm EDO are at the heart of the global killer drone industry as developers of micro bomb racks for US parent company ITT Exelis.

ITT Exelis already supply the bomb racks for the MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper drone used by the CIA and US Special Forces to carry out extra-judicial assassinations. These attacks that have murdered hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.

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UG#592 - The Technology of Reunion (The Coming War on General Computation)

26-06-2012 05:12

We look at the possible future interactions between society and computing technologies. We start with Gary Webb's story of how he used the WWW to circumvent censorship of his revelations of CIA drug dealing. Then we hear Cory Doctorow on corporations increasing interest in limiting the ways in which users use computing devices. In our second hour, Eben Moglen describes his work on 'freedom boxes', to create securely encrypted connections between individuals.

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Bristol Indymedia Down?

23-06-2012 18:31

Haven't been able to access Bristol Indymedia for the past couple days (on multiple computers in different locations). Anyone know what the score is?

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4 July: Annual 'Independence FROM America' demonstration at Menwith Hill

13-06-2012 11:51

Flyer front

IMPORTANT DEMONSTRATION. Wed 4 July, 4pm–9pm Outside the main entrance to the American base at NSA Menwith Hill, near Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2RF

Join us for this annual demonstration for 'Independence FROM America'. Menwith Hill is an extremely important US base – occupied and controlled by the NSA, USAF and other Agencies. It is unaccountable, secretive and out of control of the UK government. It has many deeply concerning roles.

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Drone Conference in Bath Defeated

10-06-2012 16:13

Before the main protests had even begun, Bath Stop The Drones campaign gets to make a sigh of relief after Clarion Events and their international drones conference backs down.

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VIDEO: Planned Obsolescence ("The Lightbulb Conspiracy")

04-06-2012 12:35

This video is well worth an hour of your time: Yes, there are many documentaries out there about over-consumption, consumerism, etc, but this one stands out from the rest, in that it makes this excellent observation on the world economy: Our economy is based on over-consumption and consumerism, even planned obsolescence of products, and cannot function if the people were to overcome these "bad habits".

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CCF - on the shooting of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi

14-05-2012 11:42

communique from Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI & revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos from Greek prison system about the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, in Genoa (Italy) by the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI)

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How to Deflect a Taser Attack? :

07-05-2012 11:55

Guidance on protecting you from a Taser discharge. ;