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indymedia video: Clearer Channel

25-01-2006 10:27


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Oppose expansion of Nuke power-BBC poll.

24-01-2006 12:25

The BBC is conducting a poll on whether we should expand nuclear energy.

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Taser’s don’t kill, Excited Delirium does!

23-01-2006 17:44

Dr. Charles Wetli
Taser International, the Scottsdale Arizona manufacturer of the extremely controversial “X26 Advanced Taser” electro-muscular-disruption “stun” gun was thrown a bone last week; abet one they may still choke on.

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internationals against video surveillance

20-01-2006 20:55

an international grouping of activists sponsor an international day against video surveillance.

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Google Earth fingers CIA rendition flights?

19-01-2006 21:52

Google Earth photo
Here's a absolute beauty for those of you who like the skies above Google Earth filled with black helicopters: what exactly was going on at Glasgow Prestwick airport the day the Google sat passed over?

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AWE Aldermaston-Laser fac: Planning Comm debates 25 Jan

18-01-2006 16:42

The planning Appl for the replacement Laser fac at AWE Aldermaston is to be debated on 25 Jan 2006.

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Union pushes for urgent energy reform

16-01-2006 14:32

In a move which the more cynical might think was consciously timed to follow and support Blairs nuclear inspired visit to Nottingham yesterday, one of the countries biggest unions today warned that the country faced black-outs and job losses if urgent action isn't taken to address the coming energy crisis. However, rather than demand immediate investiment in renewable energy, they say Britain must build more nuclear power station... just what Blair want too.

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2006 Starts with hack attack's on websites focused on situation in Nepal.

16-01-2006 05:31

During the first week of January 2006, and around the same time the Maoist's ceasefire came to an end, the websites of Webchautari and PeaceNepal have been hacked. Now, PeaceNepal noticed a hacker left an image on the Nepal BBS website. So far, each time the hacker(s) attacks, they seem to choose websites with discussion forums concerned about Nepals democracy struggle.

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Blair hypocrisy over nukiller power

14-01-2006 15:10

On his whistle stop visit to Nottingham today, Blair is moving forward in paving the way for new nuclear power station in the UK. He is acutely aware that the UK is in a dire position with it's coal industry dismantled and it's north sea oil and gas reserves in decline having been exported for a quick buck around the world. Now, the choice is to either invest big time in tried and tested renewables such as wind and solar, along with developing tidal and energy conservation technologies... or just bung up another few dozen nuclear power stations and leave the problems to future generations.

Meanwhile, Iran is seeking to establish it's own nuclear power plants and Blair is joining Bush in nashing their teeth and threatening some kind of action to stop them obtaining the technology.

Blair would like us to think it's about stopping Iran getting the technology that could led them to obtain nuclear weapons. Perhaps that is Irans goal, although today the Irans president yesterday stated that they don't need nuclear weapons, he said only countries that see force as an answer to any problem require such weapons, I wonder who he might be talking about...

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Sramble over oil sands begins?

13-01-2006 17:27

Most analysts agree that once we pass the half-way point in the world’s oil reserves, production will begin to drop off as the remaining reserves are more difficult to extract. Some believe that point will come in the next 12 months, others think we have 10 years or more left. But either way, we need to prepare now by reducing our dependency on this finite resource.Oil and gas supply 85% of the energy used in the UK. By comparison, nuclear supplies 4% and renewables 1%. Can nuclear be expanded by a factor of 20, or renewables by a factor of 85? Will coal fill the gap, and at what cost to global warming? Do we have enough coal left to expand its use 12 times over?

We rely on energy to produce, process and transport food. As energy becomes more expensive, will our food system revert to local production and organic methods? Can the world continue to feed 7 billion people at all without cheap energy? What steps should we be taking right now to avert future hunger?

Does the end of cheap oil herald the end of globalisation? Is the notion of continual economic growth consistent with a shrinking energy supply? Some observers predict a recession of 1930s proportions, but lasting much longer. Others believe the economic system could be reinvented along sustainable lines.

The article below is just one news story out of many that illustrate the scramble already taking place to secure the dwindling supplies of oil...

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Reduce, re-use and re-design your rubbish - new website launched

10-01-2006 18:12

Recyclerbull Arts is researching into arts, crafts and creative workshops that reclaim, reuse and recycle materials.

Can recycled arts and crafts really have a positive impact on attitudes to waste and resources? Are there more qualities to the practice of recycling arts than quirky, clever uses of materials?

At you will find an online questionaire where you can have your say. Give the site a few seconds to load.

Full article | 2 comments -- Policing the Police

09-01-2006 19:46

Resources for fighting police brutality and law-enforcement misconduct. Fight back

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Peak Oil Gathering - London

09-01-2006 17:47

Plans are being made to host a gathering on the issue of peak oil and it's implications. It will be be hosted at the rampART social centre, most likely sometime in February.

People are being sought to help organise the event and we are also keen to find out how much interest there is generally in the idea of the event. Please get in touch either if you would be interest in attending or in helping to organise the event...

Since nobody denies that peak oil will happen, the idea is to concentrate on likely timing and the implication and priorities for those who are currently campaigning on various issues in the hope of creating a better world.

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NO2ID meeting in Southampton

06-01-2006 12:45

A NO2ID meeting has been called in Southampton. Anyone interested in fighting against ID cards should come along. It will take place at the Hobbitt in Portswood on Wed 11th Jan at 7.30pm.

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Silverstein Answers WTC Building 7 Charges 9/11; Smoking gun

06-01-2006 10:19

World Trade Center Leaseholder Larry Silverstein
Says "pull it" meant to evacuate firefighters, but there were no firefighters in the building

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06-01-2006 00:32

An online book swap scheme, set up by two friends in their spare time, has recycled more than £10,000 worth of books.

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Cheap recycled Computer sale

05-01-2006 20:41

Old friends of uk and London Indymedia, Brixton based Community Technology the computer recycling local charity is having to downsize so is having to get rid of all or nearly all their processed and tested stock. I received this mail a few days ago and thought that this may well be usefull to activists, social centers and anyone who needs a cheap computer.

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small WORLD interview with Richard M. Smith, Digital Privacy

04-01-2006 21:32

Richard M. Smith
Interview with Richard M. Smith about digital privacy.

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WARNING! Indymedia images infected with windows exploit!

04-01-2006 15:25

Anyone using windows based operating systems should avoid using indymedia (and many many other sites) until they have installed the security patch expected to be issued by microsoft next week.

A previously unknown 'feature' of windows media formats has been exploited by malicious hackers that enables them to execute code on somebodies machine without their knowledge. All that is required is a windows machine to view a specially prepared image file and the embedded code will be run. These images are being uploaded to hundred of websites around the world and open pulishing sites such as indymedia are the most vunerable to the attacks.

Images contained in emails are also being used to infect machines that then become zombies used for mass commerical spamming, hired out to the highest bidder. Ironically it appear to be anti-capitalist sites including indymedia that are the delivery method of choice.

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Black Box Voting: Voting Fraud Coming to an Election Near You

03-01-2006 19:02 has proven optical scanners used to read paper ballots can be programmed.