2006 Starts with hack attack's on websites focused on situation in Nepal.
PeaceNepal | 16.01.2006 05:31 | Technology | World
During the first week of January 2006, and around the same time the Maoist's ceasefire came to an end, the websites of Webchautari and PeaceNepal have been hacked. Now, PeaceNepal noticed a hacker left an image on the Nepal BBS website. So far, each time the hacker(s) attacks, they seem to choose websites with discussion forums concerned about Nepals democracy struggle.
2006 Starts with hack attack's on websites focused on situation in Nepal.
During the first week of January 2006, and around the same time the Maoist's ceasefire came to an end, the websites of Webchautari and PeaceNepal have been hacked. Both websites campaign for democracy in Nepal with news and a discussion forum. PeaceNepal also features an online reconciliation petition demanding a change of mind from the countries leaders. The hacker(s) left the sites seriously damaged after deleting important files. You can read the full story on the PeaceNepal website which is happy to announce it's fully operational again.
Now, PeaceNepal noticed a hacker left an image on the Nepal BBS website at
http://nepalbbs.com with the message "Hacked by Heepa" and renamed the page titel in " Storm of your reason by Heepa". So far, each time the hacker(s) attacks, they seem to choose websites with discussion forums concerned about Nepals democracy struggle.
During the first week of January 2006, and around the same time the Maoist's ceasefire came to an end, the websites of Webchautari and PeaceNepal have been hacked. Both websites campaign for democracy in Nepal with news and a discussion forum. PeaceNepal also features an online reconciliation petition demanding a change of mind from the countries leaders. The hacker(s) left the sites seriously damaged after deleting important files. You can read the full story on the PeaceNepal website which is happy to announce it's fully operational again.
Now, PeaceNepal noticed a hacker left an image on the Nepal BBS website at
