Recent attacks by anarcho-insurrectionary cells (global)
CH(A)OSisHERE | 16.11.2012 21:35 | Animal Liberation | Technology | Terror War
communiques from 'International Conspiracy for Revenge / FAI-IRF' for arson of school and bombing of bourgeois bar, Manado (Indonesia) // communique from Hamburg (Germany) about various attacks in solidarity with the struggling people in Greece // claim by 'Anti-Surveillance Cores' for arson of security van in Bristol (UK) // 'Wild Hogs / ALF-FAI' claim responsibility for hunt sab actions, Tver (Russia) // 'IRF-CCF / Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror' claim arson of supermarket and postbank in Athens (Greece) // - 'Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)' communique for animal liberation actions // 'Fires on the Horizon / FAI' claim for arson of security company, Athens (Greece) // sources of counter info & translation:, and
International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI/IRF takes responsibility for arson of a school in Manado (Indonesia)
School burns during the week of solidarity action for Eat and Billy, called by the International Conspiracy for Revenge.
325 receives and transmits:
On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF).
Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.
First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being.
We dedicated our action to remember our brothers, Eat and Billy who are still jailed by the state. Also, through this action we want to send our revolutionary greetings to Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, members of Revolutionary Struggle and the
imprisoned anarchist in Chile and Bolivia. To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Tripa Lopez, we send you revolutionary hugs to both of you.
This action is part of our issue of Direct Action for one week to remember our brothers who are imprisoned by the state, the struggle against state, capital and society.
Never step back,
Never unarmed,
Never bow,
For anarchy
For the black international
International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF)
Notes on the action:
The fire started at around 9pm. The entire school was burned out. 322 children now have a lot of free time without state education. There was not a single casualty. Following the previous ICR action in Manado on 5th November, the police organised a meeting specifically to discuss the situation, where media were not allowed inside to hear the proceedings. They are presumed to have decided on a policy of denial, to attempt to suppress the information about the attacks. Hence, the previous explosive device in Manado was declared only to be an “empty suitcase” mistaken for a bomb, and the arson of this school declared as an “electrical short-circuit”.
Mainstream media:
International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI/IRF takes responsibility for explosive device in Manado (Indonesia)
325 receives and transmits:
“Remember, remember
The fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.”
(V for Vendetta)
Last night (Monday, 5 November 2012), we placed a small explosive package.
We put it in front of Red Monkey Karaoke’s pub in Manado. We did it as a small gesture of a solidarity to all the rebels in Papua who were shot by the Indonesian military, to the people in Philippines who stand up against the eco-disaster of mega project of SMI-Xstrata, to the rebels in Greece squats who faced the eviction and were kidnapped by the state, to the anti-fascist fighters around the world who stand up against discrimination and terror.
We know it means nothing for some people who can only throw us by critiques and on other side, put their self behind the bars of reasons. For some people, this kind of solidarity “isn’t the true solidarity” because we hide our face and only put one name: Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Even so, we still don’t want to send our solidarity to “some revolutionary”, on the contrary we declare ourselves as a nihilist front.
But, we still want to mention our brothers in arms who always light a fire in our hearts by sending us their message: never step back, never bow, never unarmed, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos, to the revolutionary prisoners in Greece, to Gabriel Pombo da Silva, to Luciano Tortuga Pitronello and Mario Tripa Lopez, to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai who are kidnapped by the state, to the anarchist prisoners of operation Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Ixodidae and Thor, to the brave one Henry Zeggarundo, to Marcelo, Juan and Fredy, to both Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo, and last but not the least: our two brothers in struggle who are still seized by the state, members of FAI Indonesia section: Eat and Billy, and Tukijo: you are also our brother.
Our action tonight is a part of an international call of general strike and international solidarity to all the fighters who rise against domination, control, power and eco-destruction.
Our action totally echoes the call from our brothers of Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror and the Fires On The Horizon from Greece, the Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA) from Mexico, the Wolfpack in Russia, and the Cholera Cell as well as the Cell of Conspirators for the Extension of Chaos in Buenos Aires.
Never step back,
Never unarmed,
Never bow,
Solidarity in action, always
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front
Notes on the action:
Red Monkey Karaoke is one of the high class entertainment places in Manado. The device was placed in the parking area, in the middle of many cars from rich people. The target: cars in the parking area. Destroy the cars (as a main transportation for urban people). This is a symbol that ICR – FAI/IRF stand next to the rebels who are against the eco-disaster. To show solidarity and never step back from the frontline.
Red Monkey Karaoke is located in the main street of Manado. Pierre Tendean street is the widest and main street in Manado. Red Monkey was chosen because it is one of the consumerist symbols of Manado. The targeted was not the people, and that’s why the package was placed in the parking area.
The device was discovered by Megamass corporate security at 24:00 hrs. The security alerted Manado police who secured the area. At 02:00 Sulawesi police force arrived, made their evaluation and at 02:32 the item was detonated.
Solidarity with the struggling people in Greece from Hamburg (Germany)
For the last half a year the solidarity with the people and comrades in Greece who struggle against the System and the results of the capitalist crisis was increasing. Especially in the situation of having the winners of the crisis all around you, its sometimes not easy to find out where to start. In general a big part of society in Germany is not getting what the consequences of the crisis – the cuts – mean for the lives of people in Greece. As ‘Winners’ and playing a leading role in the crisis you don’t feel it financially as well as economically here. Besides benefits for imprisoned comrades and solidarity-activities like letter-writing to prisoners and manifestations there were more discussions about the crisis as well as the situation in Greece and our stand towards it. As one result comrades decided to show their revolutionary solidarity in attacking the reality around here, too. In different cities attacks for the prisoners as well as attacks against the banks and profiteers of crisis have been taking place.
Some attacks in solidarity with the struggles in Greece happened in Hamburg:
27 & 28 February – 6 banks attacked in solidarity with the struggling and striking people in Greece
3 May – “Telecom” parking-lots visited and company cars torched. Telekom is a crisis winner and joint-owner of Greek telefone company OTE. Also Telekom is with their businesses an example for the increasing civil-military cooperation.
23 August – “Telekom” building smashed and painted.
25 August – An illegal street/neigbourhood-fest in solidarity with the struggles in Greece. Banners, discussions and information given out among the thousands of visitors. In the evening some fire and banks lost their windows.
Bristol: Arson attack on company who put cctv in schools (UK)
325 receives and transmits:
last night fire erupted in the tranquillity of bristols well-to-do redland area, targeting a marked vehicle of Standfast Ltd. besides the usual functions that led us to attack a company invested in “security” (as always, securing the sanctity of private property in mass society) one of their many cctv contracts in bristol, bath, avon, somerset and gloucestershire is both state and private schools, where as you can read in the newspapers even the toilets are no escape from the cameras.
daily submission under impersonal institutions rarely comes naturally. after the nuclear family, the education system at all stages is instrumental in adapting the free child to the civilized world of workplaces, malls and (other) prisons that todays youth are destined for. constant surveillance has proven a most effective step in this domesticating process, kids learning to selfregulate under the assumption that they’re permanently being watched, and this has been made to seem normal by reality tv, the saturation of control technology in the dead synthetic urban enviroment (supplied by the likes of Standfast Ltd.), and the atomised crowd of a generation filled with selfish fear of punishment or repremand.
but it is often still the young people who are least destroyed by this onslaught and who still find themselves impelled to refuse the system (like the riots last summer and scattered moments of revolt everyday since and before). this is just a reminder – WHEN YOU HIT A LENS IT WILL BREAK LIKE ANYTHING ELSE! so shouts to youth rebellion against society, the claimants of the recent attack on security vehicles in nottingham, and everyone else committed to the timeless crime of freedom!
strength for Gustavo Quiroga, held in immigration detention after the Delta squat eviction in Thessaloniki, and for the Gremlin Alley resisters in cardiff!
strength for the anarchists non-cooperating with the grand jury in the american northwest, and for the ones who fled from it!
strength for the street fighters held for the march29 battles in Barcelona, and Carolina whos accused of burning a Starbucks that inspiring day!
anarchy here, now and always — yours in war, counter-surveillance cores.
Tver: ‘Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI’ sabotage a hunt with various actions (Russia)
325 receives and transmits:
28-29 October 2012
Russia, Tver. ALF torch electricity station and sabotage a hunt. Some words of solidarity with imprisoned eco-anarchist comrades
We send our fiery greetings to anarchist comrades in prison: Yana Terenina and Aleksandra Dukhanina. We take this opportunity to remind about Yana Terenina and her fate. She was put to prison after an incident near the “Atrium” shopping mall in Moscow. A fight broke out between Yana and a lady enamored with furry coats. During the fight lady’s husband chose to join the action, while the lady herself used scissors as a weapon. After the trial judge decided Yana and her friend Maksim fitted “armed robbery” charges. The fur-enamored lady rejected all offers of peaceful resolution of conflict.
Aleksandra Dukhanina is awaiting trial in regards with public disobedience during mass protests of 06/05/2012, when police forces provoked violence.
In the night of October 28-29 we destroyed a power substation that gave power to a hunting resort under Tver. We used bolt-cutters to cut through locks and gain access to the station’s interior. We planted two incendiaries (5l of gasoline each) and set the fuse on fire, retreating into the woods.
While moving through the forest we kept encountering hunting parties with dogs. We did our best to avoid them. Then we happened upon a hunting decoy (feeding facility for boars and elks). We vandalized it at first, but after a brief discussion decided to torch it to the ground. Soon the place was sound ablaze.
- Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI
Responsibility claim for arson attacks from Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror /Conspiracy Cells of Fire on 10/10 and 12/10-Athens -Greece
Act for freedom now!/ we receives and transmits:
Translated by the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells οf fire
Responsibility claim for arson attacks
Much time has passed between yesterday and today but more on this unfortunate yet noble land, fertilized by an assortment of swollen corpses and blood; barren, no perfect virgin flower crafted from spirituality and purity germinates today.
The modern capitalist realm, with its many negatives, gives one real advantage: every day it gives birth to dozens of new reasons for acting against it, to destabilize its infrastructures and hit its foundations aiming at its final collapse. Boredom, alienation, depression, poverty, misery …: all aspects of the same reality. The same boring daily repetition that erodes individuality and turns human relationships into something secondary, something much less important than the “opportunities” provided to climb to the highest levels of economic and social hierarchy.
Speaking for those who may not be doing so well in rising above the afore-mentioned hierarchy, we should first grapple with the modern slave. His characteristics are the fake smile, threadbare ideals and voluntary submission. He is the average person in the era of capitalist dominion. The modern masses are composed of empty personalities that are trying to gloss the instability of their existence with artificial materialist needs. This befuddled majority does not do anything other than engage in “carrot hunting.” Everyone is willing to step over corpses with the sole purpose of acquiring social prestige. Equipped only with self-interest and looking after their own skins, they choose to commit themselves to building a successful career, waiting – and in many cases even asking – for the state to maintain peace, order and security. There is also the mob, the “sediment”, the downtrodden, the damned and the marginals. Without the low social class being necessarily a common feature of the above, poverty forces them either into apathy and navel-gazing or delinquency.
Finally, we have “people who struggle” that take part in various political apparatuses and are employed, almost exclusively, in increasing the number of their followers. While being consumed in politicking events, they forget to be even slightly dangerous to the existing political and economic model. They end up being no different at all from the politicians of the system in parliament. Bear in mind that combativeness is not deterministically a product of social and economic circumstances as some anarcho-fathers rush to highlight repeatedly. Instead, it is mostly a matter of personal choice. We, the delinquent, do not perceive the meaning of class as a unitary and indivisible social body which owes its consistency to some internal financial interest. What connects the fighters, the insubordinates, the unintegrated – ie our class unity - the dignity of each one of us and the comradeship between us.
We are the unruly ones that are constantly walking among the undisturbed.
After decades of the progress of capitalism to shape the social model that we have described, an explosive environment consisting of a fertile ground from the underlying instability of the “order of things” has now been established. We have countless thoughts about this. But as anarchists of praxis we prefer to express ourselves through our actions. We’re the ones who attacked the supermarket chain AB Vassilopoulos at the junction of Laodikias and Nymphaeus street with incendiary devices on Wednesday 10/10 and the branch of the postbank at the junction of Panormou and Achaia Street on Friday 12/10. We are the ones who day and night walk around the streets looking for vibrant life. With our actions we seek the disintegration of public life, the overthrow of all social relationships. Our revolutionary appetite is our life. We are urban guerrillas because fire seduces us. We do not hesitate to live beyond the limit of the laws of the state and society. Relentlessly aggressive, we are the dynamic for a different reality.
Our target is everything that becomes an obstacle in our desire to live free. We want to beat the cops that are patrolling the city and burn (again) their cars (their police cars and their private ones). To burgle and [?blow up] the house of the politician, the journalist, the bank manager and the supporting staff inside it. We want to break the bones of the fascist from the assault battalions. To burn the malls and supermarkets. To attack any company associated with the construction, maintenance and manning of the “immigrants’ reception centers”, of the white cells (at Korydallos or elsewhere) and prisons generally. To blow up any public service. At the next march we want to wear balaclavas and riot, write slogans on the walls. Most of all, though, we will not rest until we tear out the guts of every guard of humans with our own hands and tear down the last wall that imprisons our brothers and sisters anywhere in the world.
The war we have chosen does not begin or end in the “battlefield”, at the moment of impact. Our goal is erosion, our allie chaos. Our enemy the disposal of control, hetero-definition and condescension. The only reason for retreating is the choice of a different time and space to attack. This means hundreds of multiple ways until the elimination of subservience. The things we are pursuing make us who we are. We arm fire and the axe with words and, before a world of a revolutionary pleasure, the only thing to lose is boredom
We wholeheartedly salute the mates from the Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA), the Wolfpack in Russia, and the Cholera Cell as well as the Cell of Conspirators for the Extension of Chaos in Buenos Aires. We hope to hearing from you soon!
We raise our fist to each one imprisoned in the cells of democracy that is present, faithful to his word and revolutionary self-determination. Not a single day passes without thinking of you.
Always determined to move against all those who want to see us chained and muzzled. We are dangerous because we are flexible.
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror
'Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)' communique for animal liberation actions
received anonymously:
"18 pheasants liberated in Chelyabinsk, cell tower torched in Kolomna, trees planted elsewhere. Acts of solidarity from Russia.
Hunting season in Russia kicked off simultaneously with autumn rains. Nowadays this is called 'We provide for the best spending of your leisure time'. Murder of wildlife has become a banal hobby, an entertainment, a way to relax from working routine in noisy megapolis.
On 21.09 we moved out to attack a farm where wild birds were bred in captivity. We failed to find bird cages on site, so a decision was made to torch a meat restaurant (a facility where most birds end up as meat dishes). But our scouts reported that this building doubled as a place for animal confinement during autumn and winter time. So an action was called off for fear of killing animals. We do not disclose the exact location of the facility because we are not done with the fuckers yet.
On 23.09 we continued with another attack, breaking onto the territory of another hunting site (Chelyabinsk region). We liberated 18 pheasants from their cages. It was a first action of this kind for our collective, so numerous doubts had been voiced. Birds could raise ruckus and thus alert guards to our presence. But the reality was different: captives cooperated with us and behaved as silently as possible.
It is above and beyond our capabilities to win freedom for human captives taken hostages by the system, but we do what we can in fighting for unconditional freedom for all living beings. So far we are content to have set 18 birds free.
In the same period we planted about 2 scores of seed bombs (apple-trees and maples) on territories where it had been possible to stop clearcuts. We include this fact in our report with explicit aim of demonstrating that it is possible to add new dimension to eco-anarchist and insurrectionary projects, the dimension not of destruction, but creation. Not only do we take pains to destroy the status-quo, we are also actively involved into the creation of another world we know is possible.
On 24.09 we torched a cell phone tower that had doubled as satellite relay. It was situated in Kolomna district (near Moscow), just several dozen yards from human habitats. The flame eventually consumed whole length of the tower and we had been enjoying flashes from exploding equipement for quite some time.
All of the aforementioned acts were carried out in the spirit of solidarity and support of eco-anarchist and insurrectionary anarchist prisoners, suspects and refugees throughout the world within the new wave of decentralized attacks.
Greetings to Friends of Freedom, Russian cell of CCF, BlackBlocg collective and various anonymous groups of anarchist urban guerrilla active in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Total support to ITS and CI-MSA in Mexico.
A warm embrace to all unsurrectionary groups around the world.
- Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation"
Responsibility Claim attack from Fires the Horizon on 24/9/12 – Athens – Greece
Act for freedom now!/ we receives and transmits:
Translated by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Responsibility Claim from Fires the Horizon
"We do not want anything to do with those who from their armchairs renounce the violent counter attack against the capitalists who are protected by the murderous weapons of the police while striking miners die of hunger. (…)
Are they not the ones that deprive us of food, blackmailing us with hunger or exploitation?
And someone cries out: “it is necessary to produce!”
The only thing we produce is our chains. The only criminals are the bosses!"
- Bruno Filippi
The attack continues …
… and the repression … is upgraded without hesitating to advertise it. And since Dendias (minister of public order ) discovered that the “limited use of chemicals” is expensive and dangerous for world opinion, or anyway not as effective as he would like, he manned water pumps for the demonstrations and shouted it aloud. And naturally the slimy subhumans of the media rushed to publicize it in every way, meticulously concealing the arson of a company that imports and sells security and control systems, at dawn on Monday at Solomou Street 7 Halandri.
But repression is not only the violence of the cops, it is also the thousands of cops, that for years now, have been sown by power in the minds and souls of so many people throughout the social fabric – and this is its great victory. From the guys who impersonate heroes risking their lives to save the banks’ money to all those who abstain, renounce or oppose insurrectionary violence. A fact that was obvious in the strike on September 26 with the vast majority of the world evidently abstaining from collisions having, rather, the impression that by rumbling their peaceful corpses the State will have pity on them and give them back their lost prosperity. To all of them we have to say one thing: that the struggle against the regime is violent and as such from it should be developed from the base to be victorious.
Social control and the safety culture
And as long as the indiscreet eyes and ears of the state have invaded almost every aspect of the social complex to monitor and manage all social activity, the safety culture has imbued the neurons of society transforming its subjects – oppressed and not, “progressives “,”radicals “, peaceable and conservatives – into loathsome leeches stuck on the values of today’s world. And at this point it legitimates and develops the ideology of security and the whole techno-industrial complex of control and repression that has masters, associates and supporters … for us all of them are enemies. Its attack through capital is not limited to the full subjugation of human and the total destruction of nature, mutated foods, industrial development, killing and torture of animals is the minimal representation of its violent extension. Both the managers of repression from inside their offices, the eager performers of repressive duties -either cops, security guards, human guards or whatever employed in the field of repression – as all those with or without recompense, enhance with technical knowledge, technology systems and equipment, and generally contribute materially or morally to the complexity of repression and control, are targets. In other words, we hate this ideology of necrophilia, its culture and the people who stand for it and we want to target all the hierarchal layers. We want to see the dealers (big and small) of control stabbed, their shops burned to ashes, the companies blown up, maggoty copfriends and fascists with broken teeth after an attempt to impose order and the suspicious deathly quietness that they fantasize about. We want to see the world of order burned beneath the sweeping attacks of those that have chaos shining in their eyes.
But because will and desire goes with the attempt at their realization, we have moved from words to action.
We destroyed with joy the company Transam Trading Co Ltd, at Halandri which offers to trade any kind of high technology safety and control systems, specializing in various types of high-tech cameras and X-ray systems to scan packages-parcels etc.
Repression does not scare us, it arms us
the best means for the rupture of repression and control are intensification, persistence and the upgrading of the political struggle for the destabilization and destruction of power and capitalism. It is imperative to develop communities of struggle that through their processes will unite and attack the brutality of the state with the way that they choose each time. From dynamic encounters with the cops, destruction and looting of capitalist infrastructures and combatant safeguards aimed at avoiding the arrest and beating of fighters in the street, the development and diffusion of sharp subversive words to face to face attacks on all sorts of our enemies and conspiratorial direct actions with sabotage, arson, explosions and any other means offered by revolutionary history and imagination. It is equally important to develop infrastructures of solidarity and mutual support as well as useful strategies to avoid attacks from the enemies and become more effective against them.
Guerrilla groups everywhere!
We stand by the fighting captives in prison – Instant satisfaction of their requests
We want to send our undivided love and solidarity to Anarchists Tsilianidi Babis, Dimitri Dimtsiadi, Socratis Tzifka
To the proud members of R.O.C.C.F and to the anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos
Let the upcoming trials become another cause for dynamic attacks against the structures of domination.
We stand by the comrade Taso Theofilou and the other anarchists accused of involvement in R.O.C.C.F and deny participation.
We stand by the fugitive urban guerrillas R.S Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, and by Costas Gourna.
We stand by the unrepentant rebel of N17 Dimitris Koufodinas.
We welcome the execution of three cops of the municipal police in Mexico by insurrectionary Cell Mariano Sanchez Anion-Informal Anarchist Federation.
Solidarity to all the anarchists and insubordinate prisoners in Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S. and everywhere that resistance to capitalist barbarism is developed.
Informal Anarchist Federation – Fires on the Horizon
We regret that at the strike we did not meet with the tough “assault battalions” of Golden Dawn, despite the fact that they had announced that they would be present, the party would have been great. Fellow Greetings to the antifascist patrols.
Solidarity with all those arrested during the strike on September 26.
* The excerpt is in reality a Greek variation of Bruno Filippiʼs words in “Dynamite Speaks” (“Parla la dinamite”); see
School burns during the week of solidarity action for Eat and Billy, called by the International Conspiracy for Revenge.
325 receives and transmits:
On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF).
Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.
First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being.
We dedicated our action to remember our brothers, Eat and Billy who are still jailed by the state. Also, through this action we want to send our revolutionary greetings to Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito, members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, members of Revolutionary Struggle and the
imprisoned anarchist in Chile and Bolivia. To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Tripa Lopez, we send you revolutionary hugs to both of you.
This action is part of our issue of Direct Action for one week to remember our brothers who are imprisoned by the state, the struggle against state, capital and society.
Never step back,
Never unarmed,
Never bow,
For anarchy
For the black international
International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF)
Notes on the action:
The fire started at around 9pm. The entire school was burned out. 322 children now have a lot of free time without state education. There was not a single casualty. Following the previous ICR action in Manado on 5th November, the police organised a meeting specifically to discuss the situation, where media were not allowed inside to hear the proceedings. They are presumed to have decided on a policy of denial, to attempt to suppress the information about the attacks. Hence, the previous explosive device in Manado was declared only to be an “empty suitcase” mistaken for a bomb, and the arson of this school declared as an “electrical short-circuit”.
Mainstream media:

International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI/IRF takes responsibility for explosive device in Manado (Indonesia)
325 receives and transmits:
“Remember, remember
The fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.”
(V for Vendetta)
Last night (Monday, 5 November 2012), we placed a small explosive package.
We put it in front of Red Monkey Karaoke’s pub in Manado. We did it as a small gesture of a solidarity to all the rebels in Papua who were shot by the Indonesian military, to the people in Philippines who stand up against the eco-disaster of mega project of SMI-Xstrata, to the rebels in Greece squats who faced the eviction and were kidnapped by the state, to the anti-fascist fighters around the world who stand up against discrimination and terror.
We know it means nothing for some people who can only throw us by critiques and on other side, put their self behind the bars of reasons. For some people, this kind of solidarity “isn’t the true solidarity” because we hide our face and only put one name: Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Even so, we still don’t want to send our solidarity to “some revolutionary”, on the contrary we declare ourselves as a nihilist front.
But, we still want to mention our brothers in arms who always light a fire in our hearts by sending us their message: never step back, never bow, never unarmed, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos, to the revolutionary prisoners in Greece, to Gabriel Pombo da Silva, to Luciano Tortuga Pitronello and Mario Tripa Lopez, to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai who are kidnapped by the state, to the anarchist prisoners of operation Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Ixodidae and Thor, to the brave one Henry Zeggarundo, to Marcelo, Juan and Fredy, to both Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo, and last but not the least: our two brothers in struggle who are still seized by the state, members of FAI Indonesia section: Eat and Billy, and Tukijo: you are also our brother.
Our action tonight is a part of an international call of general strike and international solidarity to all the fighters who rise against domination, control, power and eco-destruction.
Our action totally echoes the call from our brothers of Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror and the Fires On The Horizon from Greece, the Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA) from Mexico, the Wolfpack in Russia, and the Cholera Cell as well as the Cell of Conspirators for the Extension of Chaos in Buenos Aires.
Never step back,
Never unarmed,
Never bow,
Solidarity in action, always
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front
Notes on the action:
Red Monkey Karaoke is one of the high class entertainment places in Manado. The device was placed in the parking area, in the middle of many cars from rich people. The target: cars in the parking area. Destroy the cars (as a main transportation for urban people). This is a symbol that ICR – FAI/IRF stand next to the rebels who are against the eco-disaster. To show solidarity and never step back from the frontline.
Red Monkey Karaoke is located in the main street of Manado. Pierre Tendean street is the widest and main street in Manado. Red Monkey was chosen because it is one of the consumerist symbols of Manado. The targeted was not the people, and that’s why the package was placed in the parking area.
The device was discovered by Megamass corporate security at 24:00 hrs. The security alerted Manado police who secured the area. At 02:00 Sulawesi police force arrived, made their evaluation and at 02:32 the item was detonated.
Solidarity with the struggling people in Greece from Hamburg (Germany)
For the last half a year the solidarity with the people and comrades in Greece who struggle against the System and the results of the capitalist crisis was increasing. Especially in the situation of having the winners of the crisis all around you, its sometimes not easy to find out where to start. In general a big part of society in Germany is not getting what the consequences of the crisis – the cuts – mean for the lives of people in Greece. As ‘Winners’ and playing a leading role in the crisis you don’t feel it financially as well as economically here. Besides benefits for imprisoned comrades and solidarity-activities like letter-writing to prisoners and manifestations there were more discussions about the crisis as well as the situation in Greece and our stand towards it. As one result comrades decided to show their revolutionary solidarity in attacking the reality around here, too. In different cities attacks for the prisoners as well as attacks against the banks and profiteers of crisis have been taking place.
Some attacks in solidarity with the struggles in Greece happened in Hamburg:
27 & 28 February – 6 banks attacked in solidarity with the struggling and striking people in Greece
3 May – “Telecom” parking-lots visited and company cars torched. Telekom is a crisis winner and joint-owner of Greek telefone company OTE. Also Telekom is with their businesses an example for the increasing civil-military cooperation.
23 August – “Telekom” building smashed and painted.
25 August – An illegal street/neigbourhood-fest in solidarity with the struggles in Greece. Banners, discussions and information given out among the thousands of visitors. In the evening some fire and banks lost their windows.
Bristol: Arson attack on company who put cctv in schools (UK)
325 receives and transmits:
last night fire erupted in the tranquillity of bristols well-to-do redland area, targeting a marked vehicle of Standfast Ltd. besides the usual functions that led us to attack a company invested in “security” (as always, securing the sanctity of private property in mass society) one of their many cctv contracts in bristol, bath, avon, somerset and gloucestershire is both state and private schools, where as you can read in the newspapers even the toilets are no escape from the cameras.
daily submission under impersonal institutions rarely comes naturally. after the nuclear family, the education system at all stages is instrumental in adapting the free child to the civilized world of workplaces, malls and (other) prisons that todays youth are destined for. constant surveillance has proven a most effective step in this domesticating process, kids learning to selfregulate under the assumption that they’re permanently being watched, and this has been made to seem normal by reality tv, the saturation of control technology in the dead synthetic urban enviroment (supplied by the likes of Standfast Ltd.), and the atomised crowd of a generation filled with selfish fear of punishment or repremand.
but it is often still the young people who are least destroyed by this onslaught and who still find themselves impelled to refuse the system (like the riots last summer and scattered moments of revolt everyday since and before). this is just a reminder – WHEN YOU HIT A LENS IT WILL BREAK LIKE ANYTHING ELSE! so shouts to youth rebellion against society, the claimants of the recent attack on security vehicles in nottingham, and everyone else committed to the timeless crime of freedom!
strength for Gustavo Quiroga, held in immigration detention after the Delta squat eviction in Thessaloniki, and for the Gremlin Alley resisters in cardiff!
strength for the anarchists non-cooperating with the grand jury in the american northwest, and for the ones who fled from it!
strength for the street fighters held for the march29 battles in Barcelona, and Carolina whos accused of burning a Starbucks that inspiring day!
anarchy here, now and always — yours in war, counter-surveillance cores.
Tver: ‘Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI’ sabotage a hunt with various actions (Russia)
325 receives and transmits:
28-29 October 2012
Russia, Tver. ALF torch electricity station and sabotage a hunt. Some words of solidarity with imprisoned eco-anarchist comrades
We send our fiery greetings to anarchist comrades in prison: Yana Terenina and Aleksandra Dukhanina. We take this opportunity to remind about Yana Terenina and her fate. She was put to prison after an incident near the “Atrium” shopping mall in Moscow. A fight broke out between Yana and a lady enamored with furry coats. During the fight lady’s husband chose to join the action, while the lady herself used scissors as a weapon. After the trial judge decided Yana and her friend Maksim fitted “armed robbery” charges. The fur-enamored lady rejected all offers of peaceful resolution of conflict.
Aleksandra Dukhanina is awaiting trial in regards with public disobedience during mass protests of 06/05/2012, when police forces provoked violence.
In the night of October 28-29 we destroyed a power substation that gave power to a hunting resort under Tver. We used bolt-cutters to cut through locks and gain access to the station’s interior. We planted two incendiaries (5l of gasoline each) and set the fuse on fire, retreating into the woods.
While moving through the forest we kept encountering hunting parties with dogs. We did our best to avoid them. Then we happened upon a hunting decoy (feeding facility for boars and elks). We vandalized it at first, but after a brief discussion decided to torch it to the ground. Soon the place was sound ablaze.
- Wild Hogs, ALF-FAI
Responsibility claim for arson attacks from Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror /Conspiracy Cells of Fire on 10/10 and 12/10-Athens -Greece
Act for freedom now!/ we receives and transmits:
Translated by the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells οf fire
Responsibility claim for arson attacks
Much time has passed between yesterday and today but more on this unfortunate yet noble land, fertilized by an assortment of swollen corpses and blood; barren, no perfect virgin flower crafted from spirituality and purity germinates today.
The modern capitalist realm, with its many negatives, gives one real advantage: every day it gives birth to dozens of new reasons for acting against it, to destabilize its infrastructures and hit its foundations aiming at its final collapse. Boredom, alienation, depression, poverty, misery …: all aspects of the same reality. The same boring daily repetition that erodes individuality and turns human relationships into something secondary, something much less important than the “opportunities” provided to climb to the highest levels of economic and social hierarchy.
Speaking for those who may not be doing so well in rising above the afore-mentioned hierarchy, we should first grapple with the modern slave. His characteristics are the fake smile, threadbare ideals and voluntary submission. He is the average person in the era of capitalist dominion. The modern masses are composed of empty personalities that are trying to gloss the instability of their existence with artificial materialist needs. This befuddled majority does not do anything other than engage in “carrot hunting.” Everyone is willing to step over corpses with the sole purpose of acquiring social prestige. Equipped only with self-interest and looking after their own skins, they choose to commit themselves to building a successful career, waiting – and in many cases even asking – for the state to maintain peace, order and security. There is also the mob, the “sediment”, the downtrodden, the damned and the marginals. Without the low social class being necessarily a common feature of the above, poverty forces them either into apathy and navel-gazing or delinquency.
Finally, we have “people who struggle” that take part in various political apparatuses and are employed, almost exclusively, in increasing the number of their followers. While being consumed in politicking events, they forget to be even slightly dangerous to the existing political and economic model. They end up being no different at all from the politicians of the system in parliament. Bear in mind that combativeness is not deterministically a product of social and economic circumstances as some anarcho-fathers rush to highlight repeatedly. Instead, it is mostly a matter of personal choice. We, the delinquent, do not perceive the meaning of class as a unitary and indivisible social body which owes its consistency to some internal financial interest. What connects the fighters, the insubordinates, the unintegrated – ie our class unity - the dignity of each one of us and the comradeship between us.
We are the unruly ones that are constantly walking among the undisturbed.
After decades of the progress of capitalism to shape the social model that we have described, an explosive environment consisting of a fertile ground from the underlying instability of the “order of things” has now been established. We have countless thoughts about this. But as anarchists of praxis we prefer to express ourselves through our actions. We’re the ones who attacked the supermarket chain AB Vassilopoulos at the junction of Laodikias and Nymphaeus street with incendiary devices on Wednesday 10/10 and the branch of the postbank at the junction of Panormou and Achaia Street on Friday 12/10. We are the ones who day and night walk around the streets looking for vibrant life. With our actions we seek the disintegration of public life, the overthrow of all social relationships. Our revolutionary appetite is our life. We are urban guerrillas because fire seduces us. We do not hesitate to live beyond the limit of the laws of the state and society. Relentlessly aggressive, we are the dynamic for a different reality.
Our target is everything that becomes an obstacle in our desire to live free. We want to beat the cops that are patrolling the city and burn (again) their cars (their police cars and their private ones). To burgle and [?blow up] the house of the politician, the journalist, the bank manager and the supporting staff inside it. We want to break the bones of the fascist from the assault battalions. To burn the malls and supermarkets. To attack any company associated with the construction, maintenance and manning of the “immigrants’ reception centers”, of the white cells (at Korydallos or elsewhere) and prisons generally. To blow up any public service. At the next march we want to wear balaclavas and riot, write slogans on the walls. Most of all, though, we will not rest until we tear out the guts of every guard of humans with our own hands and tear down the last wall that imprisons our brothers and sisters anywhere in the world.
The war we have chosen does not begin or end in the “battlefield”, at the moment of impact. Our goal is erosion, our allie chaos. Our enemy the disposal of control, hetero-definition and condescension. The only reason for retreating is the choice of a different time and space to attack. This means hundreds of multiple ways until the elimination of subservience. The things we are pursuing make us who we are. We arm fire and the axe with words and, before a world of a revolutionary pleasure, the only thing to lose is boredom
We wholeheartedly salute the mates from the Insurrectional Cell Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA), the Wolfpack in Russia, and the Cholera Cell as well as the Cell of Conspirators for the Extension of Chaos in Buenos Aires. We hope to hearing from you soon!
We raise our fist to each one imprisoned in the cells of democracy that is present, faithful to his word and revolutionary self-determination. Not a single day passes without thinking of you.
Always determined to move against all those who want to see us chained and muzzled. We are dangerous because we are flexible.
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Dispersion of Terror
'Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)' communique for animal liberation actions
received anonymously:
"18 pheasants liberated in Chelyabinsk, cell tower torched in Kolomna, trees planted elsewhere. Acts of solidarity from Russia.
Hunting season in Russia kicked off simultaneously with autumn rains. Nowadays this is called 'We provide for the best spending of your leisure time'. Murder of wildlife has become a banal hobby, an entertainment, a way to relax from working routine in noisy megapolis.
On 21.09 we moved out to attack a farm where wild birds were bred in captivity. We failed to find bird cages on site, so a decision was made to torch a meat restaurant (a facility where most birds end up as meat dishes). But our scouts reported that this building doubled as a place for animal confinement during autumn and winter time. So an action was called off for fear of killing animals. We do not disclose the exact location of the facility because we are not done with the fuckers yet.
On 23.09 we continued with another attack, breaking onto the territory of another hunting site (Chelyabinsk region). We liberated 18 pheasants from their cages. It was a first action of this kind for our collective, so numerous doubts had been voiced. Birds could raise ruckus and thus alert guards to our presence. But the reality was different: captives cooperated with us and behaved as silently as possible.
It is above and beyond our capabilities to win freedom for human captives taken hostages by the system, but we do what we can in fighting for unconditional freedom for all living beings. So far we are content to have set 18 birds free.
In the same period we planted about 2 scores of seed bombs (apple-trees and maples) on territories where it had been possible to stop clearcuts. We include this fact in our report with explicit aim of demonstrating that it is possible to add new dimension to eco-anarchist and insurrectionary projects, the dimension not of destruction, but creation. Not only do we take pains to destroy the status-quo, we are also actively involved into the creation of another world we know is possible.
On 24.09 we torched a cell phone tower that had doubled as satellite relay. It was situated in Kolomna district (near Moscow), just several dozen yards from human habitats. The flame eventually consumed whole length of the tower and we had been enjoying flashes from exploding equipement for quite some time.
All of the aforementioned acts were carried out in the spirit of solidarity and support of eco-anarchist and insurrectionary anarchist prisoners, suspects and refugees throughout the world within the new wave of decentralized attacks.
Greetings to Friends of Freedom, Russian cell of CCF, BlackBlocg collective and various anonymous groups of anarchist urban guerrilla active in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Total support to ITS and CI-MSA in Mexico.
A warm embrace to all unsurrectionary groups around the world.
- Wolfpack, ELF/ALF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation"
Responsibility Claim attack from Fires the Horizon on 24/9/12 – Athens – Greece
Act for freedom now!/ we receives and transmits:
Translated by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Responsibility Claim from Fires the Horizon
"We do not want anything to do with those who from their armchairs renounce the violent counter attack against the capitalists who are protected by the murderous weapons of the police while striking miners die of hunger. (…)
Are they not the ones that deprive us of food, blackmailing us with hunger or exploitation?
And someone cries out: “it is necessary to produce!”
The only thing we produce is our chains. The only criminals are the bosses!"
- Bruno Filippi
The attack continues …
… and the repression … is upgraded without hesitating to advertise it. And since Dendias (minister of public order ) discovered that the “limited use of chemicals” is expensive and dangerous for world opinion, or anyway not as effective as he would like, he manned water pumps for the demonstrations and shouted it aloud. And naturally the slimy subhumans of the media rushed to publicize it in every way, meticulously concealing the arson of a company that imports and sells security and control systems, at dawn on Monday at Solomou Street 7 Halandri.
But repression is not only the violence of the cops, it is also the thousands of cops, that for years now, have been sown by power in the minds and souls of so many people throughout the social fabric – and this is its great victory. From the guys who impersonate heroes risking their lives to save the banks’ money to all those who abstain, renounce or oppose insurrectionary violence. A fact that was obvious in the strike on September 26 with the vast majority of the world evidently abstaining from collisions having, rather, the impression that by rumbling their peaceful corpses the State will have pity on them and give them back their lost prosperity. To all of them we have to say one thing: that the struggle against the regime is violent and as such from it should be developed from the base to be victorious.
Social control and the safety culture
And as long as the indiscreet eyes and ears of the state have invaded almost every aspect of the social complex to monitor and manage all social activity, the safety culture has imbued the neurons of society transforming its subjects – oppressed and not, “progressives “,”radicals “, peaceable and conservatives – into loathsome leeches stuck on the values of today’s world. And at this point it legitimates and develops the ideology of security and the whole techno-industrial complex of control and repression that has masters, associates and supporters … for us all of them are enemies. Its attack through capital is not limited to the full subjugation of human and the total destruction of nature, mutated foods, industrial development, killing and torture of animals is the minimal representation of its violent extension. Both the managers of repression from inside their offices, the eager performers of repressive duties -either cops, security guards, human guards or whatever employed in the field of repression – as all those with or without recompense, enhance with technical knowledge, technology systems and equipment, and generally contribute materially or morally to the complexity of repression and control, are targets. In other words, we hate this ideology of necrophilia, its culture and the people who stand for it and we want to target all the hierarchal layers. We want to see the dealers (big and small) of control stabbed, their shops burned to ashes, the companies blown up, maggoty copfriends and fascists with broken teeth after an attempt to impose order and the suspicious deathly quietness that they fantasize about. We want to see the world of order burned beneath the sweeping attacks of those that have chaos shining in their eyes.
But because will and desire goes with the attempt at their realization, we have moved from words to action.
We destroyed with joy the company Transam Trading Co Ltd, at Halandri which offers to trade any kind of high technology safety and control systems, specializing in various types of high-tech cameras and X-ray systems to scan packages-parcels etc.
Repression does not scare us, it arms us
the best means for the rupture of repression and control are intensification, persistence and the upgrading of the political struggle for the destabilization and destruction of power and capitalism. It is imperative to develop communities of struggle that through their processes will unite and attack the brutality of the state with the way that they choose each time. From dynamic encounters with the cops, destruction and looting of capitalist infrastructures and combatant safeguards aimed at avoiding the arrest and beating of fighters in the street, the development and diffusion of sharp subversive words to face to face attacks on all sorts of our enemies and conspiratorial direct actions with sabotage, arson, explosions and any other means offered by revolutionary history and imagination. It is equally important to develop infrastructures of solidarity and mutual support as well as useful strategies to avoid attacks from the enemies and become more effective against them.
Guerrilla groups everywhere!
We stand by the fighting captives in prison – Instant satisfaction of their requests
We want to send our undivided love and solidarity to Anarchists Tsilianidi Babis, Dimitri Dimtsiadi, Socratis Tzifka
To the proud members of R.O.C.C.F and to the anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos
Let the upcoming trials become another cause for dynamic attacks against the structures of domination.
We stand by the comrade Taso Theofilou and the other anarchists accused of involvement in R.O.C.C.F and deny participation.
We stand by the fugitive urban guerrillas R.S Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, and by Costas Gourna.
We stand by the unrepentant rebel of N17 Dimitris Koufodinas.
We welcome the execution of three cops of the municipal police in Mexico by insurrectionary Cell Mariano Sanchez Anion-Informal Anarchist Federation.
Solidarity to all the anarchists and insubordinate prisoners in Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S. and everywhere that resistance to capitalist barbarism is developed.
Informal Anarchist Federation – Fires on the Horizon
We regret that at the strike we did not meet with the tough “assault battalions” of Golden Dawn, despite the fact that they had announced that they would be present, the party would have been great. Fellow Greetings to the antifascist patrols.
Solidarity with all those arrested during the strike on September 26.
* The excerpt is in reality a Greek variation of Bruno Filippiʼs words in “Dynamite Speaks” (“Parla la dinamite”); see

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