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UK History Newswire Archive

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CIA 911 “accountability” report released: A whitewash that raises more questions

24-08-2007 20:26

Preaching accountability to the CIA is like preaching fairness to Wall Street or honesty to the White House. It’s not merely futile, it’s counterproductive. The effort itself reinforces illusions in institutions that by their very nature are committed to double-dealing, fraud and lies.

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Iraq: Divide et Impera

23-08-2007 08:17

The US is using a hoary imperial tactic dating back to the Romans to dominate Iraq and to justify a long-term military presence in the country

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“JFK, 9/11 and War”

20-08-2007 15:51

In American history there are two types of event: ordinary events which the information systems of the country can understand and establish. There are also deep events, or meta-events, which the mainstream information systems of the country cannot digest. I mean by a “deep event” an event in which it is clear from the outset that there are aspects which will not be dealt with in the mainstream media, and will be studied only by those so-called “conspiracy theorists” who specialize in deep history.

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Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War

20-08-2007 00:50

Europe and America have been long-term partners as well as rivals. New spheres of influence between the European Union and the United States have unfolded. The Middle East and its peripheral geographic areas lie at the heart of this process.

In the wake of the invasion of 2003 invasion of Iraq, a unified stance has developed within both the E.U. and NATO in regards to this geopolitical re-division. This unified stance is a reflection of an unfolding political and strategic consensus between The U.S. Britain, France and Germany.

While Iraq falls within the Anglo-American orbit, the Eastern Mediterranean and its gas resources have been set to fall into that of the Franco-German entente. In fact, the entire Mediterranean region, from Morocco and gas-rich Algeria to the Levant is coveted by Franco-German interests.

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The Bipartisan Guarantee of More War in Iraq

19-08-2007 13:29

Most people persist in believing that the Bush Administration has "mishandled" or "bungled" the war in Iraq, when in fact they have achieved almost all of their goals. They have expanded the size, power and scope of the armed forces and the intelligence services (which now have their own secret armies) beyond the wildest dreams of the most hawkish Cold War militarist.

The US army will keep squatting in Iraq for years to come, if the "serious" leaders of both parties have their way.

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Victory But Help Find 175 WTO Seattle Westlake Protestors

18-08-2007 10:09

Urgent Need to find ~ 175 people who were in Seattle during the WTO protests in 1999 after lawsuit won against the city of Seattle which violated our rights and these folks need to contact the attorneys by AUGUST 28, 2007 to get their portion of the settlement $$ (see below to download claim forms.)

Remember this was 8 years ago, if you know anyone who was in Westlake, pass it on as this is time sensitive .... See all links below

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The strategy of tension in Europe and America

16-08-2007 13:38

In this excerpt from his powerful new book, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press), UC Berkeley professor emeritus Peter Dale Scott asks whether there is a connection between America’s historical use of terror as a political weapon and the recent moves by the Bush administration to suspend the Constitution and create a “shadow government” in the wake of the next terrorist attack.

See also:

How the FBI protected Al Qaeda’s 9/11 Hijacking Trainer
Dr. Peter Dale Scott

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What is the soul, what was the soul, what will it be?

15-08-2007 17:05

Some useful definitions. What are the psychological characteristics of the today's most advanced social movements? 'Psyche' means 'soul.' Let us start with some basic definitions, and work toward a modern psychological understanding of the human psyche or soul, in its individual and collective aspects.This week marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of Henri Bergson's key work on the Elan Vital. How has the concept evolved?

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A Disneyland Of Militant Ignorance: The American Normalization Of Mass Murder

14-08-2007 23:23

In truth, the only place the people of Vietnam ever constituted a threat to the United States was within the toxic mindscapes of paranoid cold warriors. This death-enamored realm -- where the most psychotic is king -- is the place (and only place) where Iraq's weapons of mass destruction existed, and is where, at present, Iran's threat to the United States looms.

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December 15 2003

12-08-2007 23:17

Nuclear downwinder hearings St. George Utah

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Residents, artists unite to celebrate villages threatened by Heathrow

12-08-2007 22:39

Making a church
"An Airport is a non-place. This is Our Place."

This weekend local residents of Harmondsworth and Sipson, villages both threatened by the proposed third runway at Heathrow, joined artists and climate change activists in a celebration of their homes and local history.

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Hezbollah -- an organization the Canadian government considers terrorist.

11-08-2007 22:33

How can that billboard be up in Windsor when it represents a terrorist organization which is banned under the laws of Canada?"

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An Open Letter To Bertie Ahern

11-08-2007 04:31

An open letter to the current Taoiseach of Ireland regarding the M-3 motorway scheme.

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The "Counter-Situationist" Operation includes bad translations

05-08-2007 19:50

Indeed, Ken Knabb leaves out so many passages -- and not due to apparently objective considerations of "limited space," but due to obviously subjective considerations (we leave our readers to deduce what they are from the passages he has suppressed) -- that his efforts as putative "translator" constitute a one-man counter-situationist operation.

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Call To All Warriors

04-08-2007 19:33

A Call From
The Ancient City Of
To Gather All Warriors Of The Earth
To Defend And Sanctify
The Valley of The White Mare

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Lady of 83, student of the British Constitution - stands alone against our TREAS

31-07-2007 23:56

When she discovered that her council tax bill was being used as a vehicle to extract money from her for a European Union inspired regional assembly, she went on the offensive.


She launched four legal cases against the government citing erosion of the Constitution, Breach of Contract, Breach of Trust and for Treason and Legal Fraud. Each time her paperwork was sent back marked “No such case known in Law”.

Now she is refusing to pay the local tax on her Old Vicarage house in Alston, Cumbria, and has been the subject of considerable harassment by bailiffs.

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On the 50th Anniversary of the SI

28-07-2007 15:25

Happy birthday, Situationist International

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Bonjour Tristesse - the story of Jean Seberg.

27-07-2007 22:40

Bonjour Tristesse, literally Hello Sadness or perhaps more fluently, Goodbye Happiness is the title of a 1958 film starring Jean Seberg and sadness is something that Jean was to know much of in her brief and tragic life. This is her story.

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Internationalists doctors graduated in CUBA on the BBC

27-07-2007 09:56

CUBA Graduates 2 470 New Doctors...
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