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How a welsh man challenged the authority of the british governments banking system, and won

20-04-2009 08:29

1864 note
welsh man chellenged the british governments banking system, and won

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Bristol: Can't pay, won't pay - from poll tax struggles to resisting recession

19-04-2009 17:17

event flyer
As the impact of the capitalist crisis kicks in and more and more of us are adversely affected - growing debt, loss of jobs and homes, unable to keep paying our inflated bills etc - we ask what can we do to resist? Many people have no experience of mass campaigns by working class people, and for many older comrades such campaigns are a distant memory! This event is intended to help us learn from recent history and kickstart the debate how how we resist the most recent attacks on us.

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Dialect - Mass redundancies, the crisis in regional journalism

17-04-2009 12:55

Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Saturdays 9pm & Sundays 7pm

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Save Sulukule, Historical Heritage of the Romani People

15-04-2009 14:36

EveryOne Group, Them Romano and Coordinamento Sa Phrala are asking Unesco and the European Union to intervene and help to put a stop to this destruction. But first of all, they are appealing to the Turkish Government to preserve the world’s oldest Roma settlement and to help the Roma community in its restoration.

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M returns to the prison where he was held, as a political prisoner periodically

13-04-2009 12:31

This report is published on 'Its me fuming rights innit' blog, as the 17th of April looms.
The 17th of April is the annual remembrance day when Palestinians honour their political prisoners held inside Israeli gaols.
Palestinian trade union organiser M, returns to the prison where he was held periodically from the age of 13 until the age of 25 for participating in student protests against the Israeli occupation of the West bank during the 1980's.

In this report he takes Penelope Constantinople on a tour of the rehabilitated AlFarah Prison now operating as a residential youth centre in the northern West bank.

In the report M describes being tortured for long periods during his detentions at Al Farah prison.
Click on the link below to read the full report and view images of what was Al Farah juvenile prison.

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Pasaka Kenya 09: Let There Be Forgiveness

10-04-2009 03:45

Harambbee Yesu
We are not to look to the past - racial bitterness, the denial of fundamental rights, the suppression of our culture... Let there be forgiveness," Jomo Kenyatta

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The Secret, Ignored Value of Labor

09-04-2009 23:25

For centuries the means of production and most of the world's wealth has been owned by only a few individuals. This has led to spectacular robberies such as are apparent at the present time to a quiet, ignored theft of the real value of labor

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Obama: Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat to its neighbors

08-04-2009 22:54

US President Obama and Turkey's President Gul
"If this relationship is so strategic, and so firmly founded on common interests and values, why is our image in Turkey so abysmal? Why is Iran more popular than we are?" wrote Mark Parris, a former US ambassador to Turkey, two months before last November's US presidential election.

Having engaged in a "charm offensive" during a two-day visit to Turkey this week, did President Obama really have a different agenda than his predecessor Bush?

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05-04-2009 08:36

Join The Ceremony ! TUESDAY, 7 APRIL IN PARIS

to the French partners of the 1994 genocide

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Call for support from eco-conference island on the River Thames

22-03-2009 01:03

Sowing Seeds
We are establishing a shared Eco Community Conference Centre run by volunteers and run on a donations basis to promote inclusivity. We are collectively developing a facility that can actually meet the urgent need for environmental awareness on sustainability. Responding to Agenda 21 from the Rio Earth Summit and following right through to the forthcoming Copenhagen Summit.

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Recent media coverage of 1984 miners strike

09-03-2009 12:32

Lesley Boulton at Orgreave © John Harris
Former Euro-communist Martin Jacques, with an article in The Guardian, , has joined a long line of media commentators who have used the 25th anniversary of the start of the 1984 miners strike to pour excreta over Arthur Scargill. With their demonization of Scargill it is difficult not to conclude the media’s main aim is to re-write the history of the strike. Reading these articles you will need to look hard to find a condemnation of Thatcher, or the then LP leader Neil Kinnock's disgraceful betrayal of trade unionists in struggle.

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We Are An Image From The Future

04-03-2009 18:03

On Saturday 28h February 2009, a special event was hosted at The Common Place social centre in Leeds, UK. Arising from a need to assess the global economic crisis from a radical perspective whilst making links to local affairs, this meeting was arranged by the tentatively named "We Won't Pay For Their Crisis" group. It featured speakers from Leeds, Greece, Iceland and Italy as well as an open discussion, an authentic Greek vegan meal, screening of "The Potentiality of Storming Heaven" and performances from three of Yorkshire's finest DIY bands (original publicity material here).

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New Course - Origins of the Credit Crunch, Newcastle, March 11th 2009

03-03-2009 13:06

'The History and Politics of the Credit Crunch’ is the title of a new course led by Dr Trevor Bark and starting on March 11th 2009 at the Workers Educational Association building at 21 Portland Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle.

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Independent Film Night in Southampton 01/03/09

27-02-2009 14:38

Subvert The City Arts Collective presents their 2nd evening of independent films at The Hobbit pub in Southampton

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Guy Debord, national treasure?

26-02-2009 16:54

French State voids sale of archives to Yale University.

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Mobilization in Italy against Forza Nuova and the neo (and old) fascism

25-02-2009 14:28

Forza Nuova is planning to open a new centre in Bergamo (north Italy)
there is a call for mobilization against it for Saturday 28 february and Roberto Fiore
is planning to attend.

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Britan 2009 (are we in a police state?)

20-02-2009 21:41

Originally published at Tilting at Windmills
16 February 2009

This is not the piece I wanted to write! I wanted to write something short and sharp. This piece is neither of those. I wanted to write a simple piece about the new powers the police have today been given. This piece isn’t that either.

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Viva Palestina caravan has reached Morocco.

20-02-2009 21:10

“Just driven at 40mph through the streets of Tangier. Crowds of people lined the route cheering, giving victory signs and waving. Amazing!” - george galloway

A fellow pilgrim adds:

“The feeling is immense peace, love, respect and humbleness. The people here are true brothers welcoming us with food, love and hospitality. When the convoy got off the ferry from Spain to Tangier the whole convoy group joined together in one big Jummat.”

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The Roots of Hatred in the Zionist Ideology

20-02-2009 20:50

In 1939 Europe turned a blind eye to the rise of Nazism. The British foreign minister Neville Chamberlain believed that a policy of appeasement would work with Hitler; it did not. Hitler attacked Poland, giving the world a costly lesson - a policy of appeasement does not work with fascism. The outcome is well known: Europe was ruined and around 50 million lost their lives. Yet thanks to the Norwegian "home front" resistance, Hitler was deprived of the heavy water needed for manufacturing the nuclear bomb; had he acquired enough material to do so, the history of humanity might have been dramatically different to that which we know.
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