UK History Newswire Archive
The New World Order, Forged in the Gulf
14-10-2007 13:04
The neo-conservatives have no discipline in their strategy; they are rabid imperialists, but prefer a strategy of showing their might through brute military force. The neo-cons, however, cannot be considered to be ‘brilliant’ strategists by any means, but rather just outright, overt colonialists. If you compare tactics briefly, you will understand the difference better. Brzezinski’s tactics of preserving American hegemony in the Middle East and Central Asia, were done so covertly that it had no outright repercussions of the public perception of America. Afghanistan was seen as being at the fault of the Soviets, whereas, the Iranian Revolution, to this day, has been viewed as damaging to American hegemony, and in fact, America was largely seen as the victim in that event. But, it nonetheless managed to achieve the overall aims of the Anglo-American alliance, in preserving their hegemony in the region and preventing the USSR from gaining a foothold in the region, as Islamic, religious governments would not work with the Soviet Union, a secular, anti-religious communist state.Divide And Rule
12-10-2007 22:10
US plans to partition Iraq have been on the back burner for almost two decades. Now the future of the Arab world for generations to come hangs on whether or not they succeedBenefit events for Nicaragua hurricane appeal
11-10-2007 10:02
Events in aid of the appeal to help communities on Nicaragua's North Atlantic coast, which was hit at the beginning of September by Hurricane Felix. It has left over 100,000 homeless and several hundred dead in this already poor and remote area. Crops, livestock, homes and health centres were also killed or destroyed.Che Guevara: The Man Behind The T-Shirt
10-10-2007 22:04

Bizarre Exchange Between Oliver Kamm And Pro-Mao Author Joseph Ball
09-10-2007 21:39
New Labour supporter, banker and author Oliver Kamm has recently been involved in a bizarre internet exchange with pro-Mao writer, Joseph Ball. The point of contention was Ball's article that seeks to demonstrate that Mao was not responsible for the deaths of millions in the Great Leap Forward, as is so often alleged.40th Anniversary of Che Guevara's execution (by Latuff)
07-10-2007 19:38

That Damned Marx
07-10-2007 18:01
No matter what they say, the bourgeois cannot escape the fact that Marx's ideas still hold water after all these years. His analysis of the capitalist system, its laws and contradictions are as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. The serious journals of capitalism confirm this.Publicity for 1st Ever Durham Working Class Bookfair
07-10-2007 16:36
The first newspaper article is published below about an important movement bookfair in the North East - there are no bookshops which sell movement literature in the N.E.Imperial Playground: The Story of Iran in Recent History
04-10-2007 16:20
As the United States is the sole superpower and empire in the world today, most commentators focus primarily just on relations between America and Iran to explain the current situation developing between the two countries, usually not going further back than just a few years, and as far back as the mainstream media will tell the story is to 1979, when Iran had a revolution, in which they threw out the Shah of Iran, who was backed by the Americans and British, and replaced that form of secular government with a religious one. However, as important as this event was between Iranian and American relations, it is important to go further back to truly understand the dynamic relations that the United Kingdom, and later, the United States (the Anglo-American alliance) have had with Iran.Afghanistan: A heroic resistance that puts us to shame
02-10-2007 21:20
Forget the Neo-Con, the Neo-Dem, the Neo-Lib and the Neo-Nuts. The role the demonization and dehumanization of the (many, many, many...) Empire’s enemies has played in supporting imperialism and colonialism can be more easily seen in those Western liberal and progressive writers, journalists, intellectuals and anti-war movement’s planners who always resort to human rights, women rights, gay rights’ violations of the Empire’s enemy of the month as the reason why we, the enlightened people, can’t surely sympathies, let alone support the "other" peoples who try to defend themselves and resist against wars of aggression and occupations, which is to say, colonialism and imperialism.Thatcher gave Pergau Dam arms company “unjustifiable” £300m contract
02-10-2007 17:33
In 1988 the Thatcher government illegally paid the Malaysian government £234 million from the overseas aid budget to secure an order for two British arms companies. Anti-fraud campaigner and former MCCS employee Rob McCartney reveals how they simultaneously lied to cover up important evidence about fraud allegations being made against one of the companies, and awarded it a £300 million contract without any apparent justification.Iraq Will Have to Wait: Get Ready for the War against Iran
02-10-2007 08:35
The long-awaited “progress report” of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the status of the occupation of Iraq has been made, providing Americans, via the compliant media, with the spectacle of loyal Bush yes men offering faith-based analysis in lieu of fact-based assessment. In the days and weeks that have since passed, two things have become clear: Neither Congress nor the American people (including the antiwar movement) have a plan or the gumption to confront President Bush in anything more than cosmetic fashion over the war in Iraq, and while those charged with oversight mill about looking to score cheap political points and/or save face, the administration continues its march toward conflict with Iran unimpeded.Germany's Policy towards the Middle East
01-10-2007 16:02
A short abstract about Germany's interest in the Mid-East during the World Wars and presently attachements!A must read!
Peace Strike speeches from 29th September
30-09-2007 20:55

International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability
29-09-2007 23:58
For the past month, the military government of Myanmar has been the focus of increasingly strident demonstrations, resulting in violent military crackdowns in recent days. What must be noted is the Bush administration's open support for the dissidents, in conjunction with growing international (Western) support behind a coup attempt, and the likely parapolitical goals behind this agenda.Burma, Opium & the CIA
29-09-2007 22:12
Burma is one corner of 'the Golden Triangle' of opium production. Until the recent US 'liberation' of Afghanistan made it the worlds largest producer, this was where most of the worlds heroin came from. Neither Burma, Vietnam, Laos or Thailand had any history of opium production until colonial times, when they were used in the British Opium Wars to produce enough opium to corrupt and subjectate China.Dear Sir Richard Branson
28-09-2007 19:22
N.B. I also need to clarify, in open court, as to whether bollocks may be uttered in connection with the word Brown as I am not terribly fond of his idea of dealing with pension and education funding and thievery. Justice must be seen to be done.An old Zionist dream: the partition of Iraq
27-09-2007 15:32
Finally the Imperial Senate calls for Iraq's partition.
Sons of Paradise
26-09-2007 14:04
'Sons of Paradise' is a new play based on characters who join the Sheffield Pals Battalion to fight in World War One.