UK Iraq Newswire Archive
What's wrong with Stop the War Campaign?
11-10-2007 21:41
Some reactions to the Not One More Death demoThe Plight of American Veterans
11-10-2007 14:09
Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are asking all U.S. veterans to join their efforts to obtain more for U.S. veterans and to end the Iraq War. The two political parties are also demanding an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. Stewart Alexander says, “The Democrats, Republicans and Bush are already past the deadlines to get out; and that was before March, 2003.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
5 Arrested at EDO MBM for singing Karaoke Badly
10-10-2007 20:04
Press Contact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson 07875 708873
British troops in Iraq to be cut to 2,500, states Brown
10-10-2007 18:43
Prime Minister Gordon Brown opened Parliament on Monday with a pledge to cut British forces in Iraq to 2,500 troops by spring, conditions permitting. The current handover of Basra to Iraqi forces will see troop numbers fall to 4,000 to be followed by a further 1,500 reduction.CND video of 'Troops Out' demo
10-10-2007 12:18
3 minute long video of the 'Not One More Death' demo, from Trafalgar Square to Parliament on Monday 8th October 2007. Organised by Stop the War Coalition and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)Includes an interview with CND Chair Kate Hudson
Oil Laws - Colonising Iraq’s Economic Prize
10-10-2007 11:58
An Equitable Sharing of Resources?We are led to believe that Western societies are free and open. In many respects this is true: freedom of speech and the right to protest still exist, albeit within ever-tighter constraints. At root, however, much of what we see and hear in the corporate media has been shaped by money, power and greed. What passes for vibrant public debate is often a sham.
Anti-war Play on Iraq
10-10-2007 10:50
Video london anti war march 08-10-07SD
10-10-2007 02:30
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Hidden Detainees, East London Camp Xray
09-10-2007 18:20
Stop The War/CND London Rally and March - 8 Oct
09-10-2007 17:36
Stop the war march goes ahead
09-10-2007 08:09
Speak out against Iraq War (by Latuff)
09-10-2007 07:25
IRAQ, War Reports, Troop NEWS
09-10-2007 02:11
Demonstrations now for the first time being led openly by veterans in uniform, issuing open challenge to Washington through open display of American flag as belonging to the troops and people.Open calls for serving soldiers to join, display of anti-war veterans and serving comrades as people representing the majority of the public.Including invitations to help the new change expand further.Fool me twice
09-10-2007 01:30
In short, when it comes to the Middle East, domestic politics rule. Oil and “the spread of democracy” are secondary factors. It is all the explanation you need to understand Hillary’s vote to invade Iraq five years ago as well as her vote last week to enable a war against Iran. She was not fooled by Bush in 2002, any more than she is being fooled by Joe Lieberman today.17:15 at Parliament Sq
08-10-2007 16:37
Most of the protesters still in the Square although an attempt was made to march of in the direction of Westminster Bridge.Fence down at parliament sq
08-10-2007 15:30
During today's Stop the War demo large numbers of protesters who had previously occupied the road turned their attention to the fence surrounding Parliament Square green. In the surreal scenes that followed 3/4 of the controversial fence were ripped down and stacked neatly.Interview with President of Physicians for Social Responsibility
07-10-2007 14:30
Dr Catherine Thomasson is the President of the Physicians for Social Responsibility who visited Iran last March and has been giving talks in the US and Europe to avert a new war in the Middle East this time against Iran. Abbas Edalat, CASMII’s founder, interviewed her while she was visiting London to give a talk at the Royal Society of Medicine on October 4.Grim Reaper Recruites With Marines
07-10-2007 01:35
Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA
Photos by Emily Gomez
Police ban London antiwar march
06-10-2007 06:41
The Metropolitan Police have banned a demonstration by the Stop the War Coalition in central London. Police spokesmen have indicated that this is in response to pressure from the Labour government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown.East London Muslims Caged Guantanamo-Style
05-10-2007 22:51