UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Animal rights Campaigners to sue Ken Livingstone
05-01-2007 09:48
The Mayor is trying to starve the Square’s pigeons. Hawks are being deployed to terrify and kill them and new legislation is being planned to ban our feeding programme. The birds urgently need your help. Here we explain what you can do and introduce our “action alert” scheme.Please Urge Bulgaria to Stop Abuse of Pet Animals
02-01-2007 16:30
The Animal Programs Foundation urges Bulgarian authorities to enforce permanent regisration of pet animals; to restrict theyr breeding, trade and abuse; to promote theyr early-aged sterilizationLBIA & Vivisection Exports
01-01-2007 21:47
In 2007, we are focusing on the export network of B&K Universal in an aim to cut offtheir foreign market. Clients abroad make up approximately 50% of the breeder's
custom and if they were unable to deal with them, B&K Universal would have to close
down. More info can be found at

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Encourage Green Groups to Promote Plant Based Diets
30-12-2006 19:51
Despite the increasingly overwhelming evidence of the impact that meat & dairy farming has on the planet, none of the national environmental campaigning organisations currently promote plant based diets. Wouldn`t it be great if we could influence groups like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace to encourage their supporters and the general public to adopt a veggie/vegan diet for the benefit of the planet?!! Well, now we have an opportunity to do just that."Scientist" The Board Game! - Vivisection fun for all the family!
30-12-2006 01:16
"Scientist" The Board Game....This fantastic board game takes you through the world of medical research and is suitable for all ages!
Will you be respected by your peers or end up a nobody? Roll the dice to find out!
Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia
23-12-2006 18:35
We call on the concerned authorities and world community alike to boycott and reproach Bulgarian officials till enactment and enforcement of a modern Animal Protection Act takes an effect, one which will guarantee the protection and welfare of animals in Bulgaria.Organic needs defending, join the campaign
19-12-2006 12:08
One of London's most fashionable restaurants, used by film stars and members of the Royal family, has become the first in the country to be fined for falsely claiming that meat used in a number of its dishes was organically farmed.SPEAK Dec 19th court case Postponed
18-12-2006 13:24
High Court Hearing Adjourned
Yet another case dropped in West Mercia
16-12-2006 00:18

Suspected Animal Rights activists followed and harassed in the North of England
14-12-2006 14:56
Police forces and the government are taking those extra steps, trying to exclude those who voice opposition to animal abuse from society.Eating Meat Threatens The Planet
12-12-2006 19:09
Travel all you want without guilt - as long as you are vegan."The livestock sector accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions – more than transport, which emits 13.5%." - New Scientist
"Death By Tofu!" - Oxford Uni Press Release
12-12-2006 17:46
One could be forgiven for thinking that the spoof press release below was written by an animal rights campaigner. However, people might be surprised to learn that the press release was written not by someone who opposes vivisection but by one of the solicitors acting on behalf of Oxford University; the same solicitor who is currently trying to imprison SPEAK's founders Robert Cogswell and Mel Broughton. SPEAK have been given a copy of the press release that tells us so much about the university and those working on behalf of the university.Speak Founders Facing Imprisonment
11-12-2006 22:09
Has free speech been outlawed in the UK? Well, if not, why are the activists in this article facing possible imprisonment for a web posting regarding the builders of the Oxford animal laboratory?This story concerns not just animal rights activists, but everyone concerned with keeping the channels of free expression open.
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11-12-2006 11:23
"Remember that it is not just our liberty that is at stake here – the repercussions extend to the wider animal rights movement and beyond."Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Public Statement on behalf of Donald Currie
09-12-2006 00:35
Animal rights activist Don Currie was yesterday sentenced to 12 years in prison, for carrying out crimes of compassion against those who collaborate with the notorious animal torturers Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS). Read a public statement about the case below.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
NARN Fur Tour Report
05-12-2006 19:54
A tour of demonstrations was held in Yorkshire, with noisy and visual protests outside prime shops stocking real fur. Local newspaper coverage was received and an interview about the fur trade with NARN aired on two local radio stations.Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia
05-12-2006 15:06
Can't go without mention it again, but in a few weeks time Bulgaria will become a full EU member and will have to comply with the European Commission's Regulation No.998/2003. The missing legal pet control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals.(2) Boycott Bulgarian Officials Making Worse Animal Protection Legislation
02-12-2006 15:20
Few weeks before Bulgarian accession to EU we are still witness to worsening legislation taken by the Government in the animal protection field (e.g. like trying to adapt a whole new Act neglecting the European Council's Convention and European Commission's Regulation №998/2003).International Animal Rights Day 2006 - Sequani Ltd
02-12-2006 00:21