UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Netcu Watch latest
27-07-2006 11:00

Black Star 4
24-07-2006 14:16

No War Between Nations! No Peace Between Classes!
Oxford builders get harassment warning
21-07-2006 15:02
Harassment warnings given to builders and incompetent cyclist hurts himself instead of protestors. Another day of interesting events curtesy of Oxford University employees."Extremism Co-ordination Unit"?
17-07-2006 00:20

- Watch) has been updated - July 17th 2006.
B&K Universal Client List
15-07-2006 09:57
Below is the client list for the rodent department at vivisection breeders B&K Universal Ltd. Please contact these institutions (politely):Bulls fighting on Korean TV
13-07-2006 01:54
I am in Korea at the moment and was sadened to see on the tv bulls fighting each other. Please could you send polite emails to complain about this. The Channel is called MBC. It is one of the main channels here.Sat: Meat Leafleting & Demo - Leeds
11-07-2006 12:43
Following the breakout of E.Coli in Leeds, closing 18 butchers, it is the perfect oppertunity to educate the public about the hazards of eating meat, both to them and the animals.Biohazard demo report from Ledbury
09-07-2006 00:21

100 global animal activists march through Oxford
02-07-2006 11:13
An international group of animal rights campaigner hold highly visible protest in Oxford against the University's new animal laboratory. Police wrong footed completely, and protestors manage to march through Cornmarket and be highly visible despite earlier attempts at state repression of all protests.American MD's Cooperate In Torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib
28-06-2006 15:45
MD complicity with torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, in Afghanistan and other illegal CIA prisons around the world..signing off on sleep deprivation, culling medical literature
for torture technique, etc.
NETCU Watch updated
25-06-2006 18:34

Sequani 'Biohazard' Demo - Ledbury - 08.07.06
23-06-2006 00:49

"Infectious agents that present a risk or potential risk to the health
of humans or other animals, either directly through infection or
indirectly through damage to the environment."
Police Assault Protesters in Oxford Animal Demo.
22-06-2006 16:47
Police repression against animal rights protestors at protest at University of Oxford honorary degree ceremony. Five arrested. Numerous people assaulted and injured by Thames Valley who then forcibly moved the demo so it was effectively hidden.saving the whale: how one whale escaped death (photos)
21-06-2006 14:37
Most of the crew of a Greenpeace boat, the 'Arctic Sunrise' who tried to stage a protest about Japan's killing of whales, are today languishing in jail on the island of St Kitts.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Harrods injunction case protestors vindicated + the protests continue
19-06-2006 20:40
On Monday June 12th the court case involving Harrods, Europe’s largest department store, and three anti-fur activists along with the campaign group CAFT (Coalition to Abolish to the Fur Trade), was concluded at High Court in London. This follows six months of legal action and four high court hearingsHelp to close B&K Universal!
19-06-2006 18:36

for experimentation in the UK. Breeding dogs and rodents for labs, B&K
supply companies across the UK and Europe with animals to torture and kill
in barbaric experiments. Primates can also be obtained by the firm.
Controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences are one of B&K's customers.
Animal Rights 2006 Gathering in southeast England, 23-26 June
18-06-2006 22:02
A four day gathering for activists near Tonbridge in Kent. Loads of workshops, acitivities, socialising, etc. Marquees, a healing area, a football tournament, vegan refreshments, showers, camping. And it's completely free (donations needed!).
Fish Can't Scream, Toxins in Fish Flesh, Fish Stories
17-06-2006 12:46
This article on the fatalities and diseases related to fishconsumption as well as the trillions of deaths of sea
beings (fishes, seals, whales, dolphins, turtles, penguins etc.)
from the fishing industry was generated by coming across
this week articles in the BBC, NY Times, and Harvard promoting
fish consumption.
Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Activists Attacked at Circus Demo
16-06-2006 19:23
On wednesday 14th June 2006 activists were attacked and arrested at the opening night of The Spirit of the Horse in Bakewell. Please read on and consider helping the campaign against the circus.Sabotage Raid on Yorkshire Quarry
16-06-2006 13:06
To celebrate the Spring there was a sabotage raid on Horton Quarry in Ribblesdale, in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.