UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
London ESF Arrests Update
29-05-2005 12:37
In total there were 10 arrests (that we know of) during London ESF (October 14th-17th 2004):ASF Africa social forum
26-12-2004 11:36
"The story of the poor goes round and round. But what about the story of the rich? The story not being told is that ofthe beneficiaries of slavery and colonialism. The story of exploitation that put us into this dispensation, commodified our own life for profit. They divided and ruled. Can we unite and live? Can we unite for the world that will be our world? Let us rise up and begin to tell this story* of why they continue to be rich, continue to plunder." --
Wahu Kaara, Kenyan feminist activist speaking at the ASF opening plenary
European Social Forum: Debating the challenges for its future
21-12-2004 01:33
After three European Social Forums (ESF) we need to step back and ask: whatnext? This newsletter is an attempt to provide a multitude of answers to
this question, reflecting upon the Forum’s purpose, practical achievements
and methods of organisation.
Ramparts Radio Promo
18-12-2004 23:41

Dress better than people you hate
17-12-2004 23:37

17-12-2004 07:16

Written in English and Spanish, this document has multinational signatories and is one of the many "Letters to the Editor" (ranging from The Guardian to The Star) which never get published, on the grounds of being off topic, esoteric, too verbose or whatever excuse.
Statement to be brought to Paris Forum this 17th December requires endorsement
15-12-2004 18:39

An important statement to be brought to Paris Forum this 17th December requires endorsement
Outcome of Sheffield Social Forum meeting (December 4th/5th)
13-12-2004 21:43

People participating in the UK Local Social Forum Network met in
Sheffield on the 4/5th December and found consensus on this document to be brought to the Assembly which is going to be held in Paris the 18/19 Dec 2004.
Ruddock foreshadows new terrorism laws
08-12-2004 22:51

Isolation, psychiatric treatment and prisoner' control
07-12-2004 01:47

Prisoners can, and have died as a result of injectable anti-psychotics, and that this is a worry regarding Deaths in Custody, as well as being an extremely harrowing experience to undergo if it doesn't kill you.
Lest We Forget Eureka Stockade!
03-12-2004 04:13