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Jim Sutton - undercover cop in Reclaim the Streets

19-01-2011 23:13

Reports on Jim Sutton an undercover cop who infiltrated Reclaim the Streets during the 1990's and had kids with an activist.

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Fabricating Terrorism III: British complicity in rendition and torture

19-01-2011 23:02

Cageprisoners releases the latest update on the report Fabricating Terrorism. This study will be presented to the UK inquiry into British complicity in rendition and torture.

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Exposure of police spy in UK sheds light on covert operations

19-01-2011 10:57

Last week, a trial of six environmental campaigners at Nottingham Crown Court in England collapsed. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said they could not continue, as “new evidence” had come to light undermining their case.

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Workers Film and Video site

15-01-2011 20:23

Good films , archive footage about key events in working-class history
from the time of the French Revolution.

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Obama's Arizona Speech - Reality Check

13-01-2011 21:03

Obama's Speech
A deconstructed reality check on Preacherman Obama's soothing words.

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Officer A

13-01-2011 09:32

Last night's guardian article about another undercover officer below - sorry to repost but this seems like useful information to me. So are we keeping to the guardian's 'gentlemen's agreement' with the police not to be open about who this officer A is? Is it just for those that 'need to know'? Please just post her name and face someone.

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Wikileaks: British Police Trained Bangladeshi Death Squads

07-01-2011 10:27

Cables released by WikiLeaks reveal how the British government provides training to a Bangladeshi government paramilitary force specialising in executing political opponents.

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Wikileaks: a Political-Economic History

06-01-2011 13:22

Despite blanket media coverage of Wikileaks and Julian Assange, there has been little discussion of the fact that Assange is merely one leader within a large and complicated social movement.

read more

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Wikileaks: 1990 cable details crucial meeting on eve of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

06-01-2011 11:39

A previously secret US diplomatic cable from 1990, published by WikiLeaks on New Year’s Day , provides a detailed account of a crucial meeting between the US ambassador to Iraq and Saddam Hussein on the eve of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

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Obama’s reign of terror in Afghanistan

05-01-2011 01:53

2010 was the bloodiest year of the now nine-year conflict in Afghanistan and the tribal border regions of Pakistan. Under the command of General David Petraeus, a massively expanded US and NATO force is waging a campaign of extermination against various ethnic Pashtun and Taliban-linked insurgent movements that have not accepted the foreign invasion of their country.

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Washington’s “humanitarian” war and the KLA’s crimes

03-01-2011 11:39

Revelations of fascistic crimes carried out by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) prior to, during and after NATO’s war against the former Yugoslavia should provide a salutary lesson whenever Washington again cites humanitarian concerns to justify its predatory war aims.

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Roma Marquez Santo, miliciano of the Lenin Column

31-12-2010 15:43

I have been asked by friends of Roma Marquez Santo to send a short obituary to Indymedia UK for the benefit of those who may have met Roma at a number of events in the UK in connection with the International Brigades.

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World Peace Declared

31-12-2010 15:02

World Peace Declared!

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Christmas-2010: civilians killed in US-led attack

24-12-2010 22:02

NATO troops in Afghanistan
2 Afghan civilians killed in US-led attack ...... US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan have killed two Afghan civilians during a raid in Kabul, further intensifying security risks to the civilian population in the country. The incident took place early Friday in Block 4 of the Afghan capital when NATO forces attacked a construction company. Two of the company's security personnel were killed and two others were injured. NATO has claimed that the attack was aimed at a suspicious militant base, but Afghan police say no militants were in the area. Thousands of civilians have lost their lives in attacks by US-led NATO forces occupying Afghanistan since 2001 in supposed effort to bring security to the war-ravaged nation.

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UG#530 - Exploiting Human Resources (20th Century Control Hierarchies)

19-12-2010 11:25

This week we hear a radio adaptation of Scott Noble's 2 hour video documentary, Human Resources, supplemented by some remarks of John Taylor Gatto on the history of forced schooling. Human Resources charts the rise of social control by large organisations in the 20th century, focusing on the use of behaviourism and eugenics. It tells how the moneyed elite sidelined ethical concerns as they funded increasingly destructive experiments into the manipulation of individuals and populations. Focusing on USA, we see how initial research results such as the Hawthorn Effect and the frustration-aggression hypothesis paved the way for more destructive research such as MK-ULTRA carried out on citizens by the military and the CIA in the name of 'national security'.

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They can't extinguish the fire

11-12-2010 08:19

Some thoughts on the anti-cuts movement and the 'student riots', with some links to articles about similar movements/struggles in the past, which could be useful as inspiration, for suggesting tactics and helping to not repeat old mistakes.

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Lesbian couple humiliated in Hampshire

01-12-2010 11:14

Lesbian couple humiliated in Hampshire

Register office staff unhelpful & obstructive

Legal action now planned by Katie & Colette

Gay marriage ban violates Human Rights Act

‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships

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Screening of Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo in Sheffield

30-11-2010 12:45

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo

Is new documentary telling the story of Guantánamo: torture, extraordinary rendition and secret prisons. Examining how the Bush administration turned its back on domestic and international law, rounding up prisoners in Afghanistan and Pakistan without adequate screening and often for large bounty payments. Focusing on the stories of three prisoners, Shaker Aamer, Binyam Mohamed and Omar Deghayes, 'Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo' is powerful rebuke to the myth that Guantánamo holds “the worst of the worst”.

(Spectacle Productions, 2009; 75 mins., directed by Polly Nash and Andy Worthington)

Omar Deghayes (Guantanamo 'Detainee') and Poly Nash (Director) will be present to introduce the film.

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Raise A Glass to Wikileaks

29-11-2010 14:14

The Guardian CIF has radically shortened and buried in a panel a piece I wrote for them - at their request - on Wikileaks.

Following is the original...
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