Brits give their damning evidence in Genoa trial
Nicola , 18-01-2006 - 18:36
excellent news from the Genoa G8 Diaz Trial
Nessuno , 08-01-2006 - 02:01
In a surprise move, the christian democrats in december passed a modification to the "save previti law" which stated that all trials in progress are exempt.
Genoa G8: Police brutality trials get under way in earnest
Supporto Legale , 24-11-2005 - 21:23
One of the 93 people beaten by police during the July 21 raid on the Diaz-Pertini School during the Genoa G8 summit in 2001, testifies before Justice Gabrio Barone in the Genoa Criminal Tribunal.
Genoa G8, Diaz: "This your last G8", police told protestors
Supporto Legale , 24-11-2005 - 20:46
Translated summary of 9th hearing in the trial against 29 top police officials, charged with grievous bodily harm, falsifying evidence and fabricating charges, following the raid on the complex known as the "Diaz schools" during the Genoa G8 summit
Trial forces Italy to relive shocking police brutality
peter popham , 11-10-2005 - 23:26
Yes well I know it is straight out of a corporate paper but I think it's a pretty good article and i was there and live in Italy I hope this will go onto the Genoa page but I can't see where to click so I hope one of youi tech spec guys will make sure it gets there and oh by the way the Calvi trial also started in Rome this week ...
Genoa G8 Diaz Raid - Trial May be Cancelled by Berlusconi Law Change
How can berlusconi get away with this? , 08-10-2005 - 13:08
Amazing as it may seem, the court trial in Italy over the brutal police raid on the Diaz school during the 2001 Genoa G8 protests, may be effectively cancelled.
The enquiry and trial of police accused of committing brutal acts is due to start this week, on Friday 14th October. Yet due to a new law currently going through the Italian parliament it may never conclude, meaning that no one will be punished.
Police, Lies, and Video Tape
IMCista , 14-04-2005 - 11:18
While dozens of police are on trial for abuses in Genoa in 2001 (including the violent raid on the Indymedia Centre which left British independent journalist Mark Covell critically injured), trials have been taking place in New York in relation to over 1,800 people arrested during the Republican National last year. This week (more than four months after NYC IMC first broke the story of perjury by a NYPD Officer, a front page story in the New York Times [which can be read here] reveals the role played by independent video evidence in the dismissal of the false charges brought by police. Over 90% of the people arrested have since be found to have commited no crime. Police video 'evidence' presented in court by the prosecution was proved to have been doctored in at least one case. You can read the transcripts of the Democracy Now! interviews about this story that aired last week or check out the whole show as audio or video. While the availability of cheap video technology has led to an increase in the amount of video being presented as powerful evidence in court. Police in this country are clearly targetting 'unsympathetic journalists' in an attempt to both stifle any publicity given to protests and avoid public scrutiny of their own actions. In a recent example, a freelance journalist was arrested just minutes after filming an arrest that occured during a protest outside a meeting of G8 environment ministers taking place in London. It was reported afterwards that the police kept the footage and the camera but typically, the charges have since been dropped.
Genoa G8 Trials: Seizure And Punishment
Genoa Legal Support team (Supportolegale) , 24-03-2005 - 12:14
Fresh intimidation from prosecutors trying Genoa G8 protestors, as laptops belonging to defense lawyers are seized following unrelated libel claims
Latest Genoa news from Local Newspaper
ljl , 01-03-2004 - 12:00
Court cases against people accused of taking part in militant actions against the 2001 Genoa G8 Summit begin tomorrow (Tues 2nd March 2004). Here's an article from a mainstream local newspaper in Genoa about the cases and the likelyhood of more arrests.
Latest News on Genoa G8
Indymedia Genoa (reposted by spanner) , 29-02-2004 - 16:38
Almost three years after the G8 in Genoa, the truth is starting to emerge on the tortures and beatings demonstrators were subjected to in Bolzaneto police station.
Genoa G8 - final charges of 'criminal association' dropped
dan , 10-02-2004 - 23:59
On Tuesday 3rd Feb 2004, all 93 people arrested & beaten in the raid on the Diaz school in Genoa 2001 were finally discharged from the accusation of "criminal association". The 73 police who are now accused have been refused permission to move their trial away from Genoa.
Italian activists face trial for Genoa G8 riots
corporate article , 05-12-2003 - 10:00
Black Bloc: the ultimate logo
tzigari , 19-11-2003 - 03:21
By Laura Corradi PhD Universita di Venezia University of California
Summer of Resistance Europe 2001
IMC-UK , 29-07-2003 - 22:00
Timeline and reports from Summer of Resistance actions in Genoa, July 2001
News about the proceedings in Genoa
translation , 14-07-2003 - 00:19
This is a shorter summary and translation of the legal updates on the legal proceedings, posted on the 9th of july on Indymedia Germany. The link is:
Carlo Vive!
ab , 13-07-2003 - 22:16
The 20th of July will mark the second anniversary of the murder of Carlo Guilani by the Carabinieri (Italian paramilitary police force) during the protests against the G8 summit of Genoa 2001. In those remarkable days, where Berlusconi's goverment gave orders to stop protesters by "whatever force necessary", the independent media centre was brutally attacked by police, resulting with the arrests, tortures, assaults and beatings into coma of many protesters.
July 2003: Please come to Genoa again
translation , 13-07-2003 - 13:48
They wanted to exploit the july 2001 in Genoa to display power, arrogance, oppression, violence and death. They have tried to hide the urge for justice and solidarity, the urge, which a huge number of people has carried in public of the world, their programs and proposals, to let the hope for a better world become concrete. This is today even more necessary than ever, in the face of the wars, the growing poverty and the savagery in the international relationships.
G8 : Annemasse, demonstration for Carlo Giuliani
pingouin , 29-05-2003 - 19:10
Annemasse, demonstration for Carlo Giuliani translated from indymedia Paris (
Legal Proceedings About The Murder Of Carlo Giuliani Closed
Imc Uk , 07-05-2003 - 22:00
In the afternoon of May 5th a sense of indignation took over Genoa and the rest of Italy, as the Italian judge Elena Daloisio decided to close the enquire against Mario Placanica, the policeman of the paramilitary police force (Carabinieri) who shot Carlo Giuliani - the young protester at the G8 summit of Genoa 2001. The official reasons why this murder won't be prosecuted are because the policeman was allegedly defending himself, and also, under the article 53 of the Italian criminal code, this is a case of "legitimate use of weapons". This will possibly constitute a dangerous legal escape for any member of the security forces that in future similar situations may commit "legalised" murder because of "acting on duty". The closure of the case will not only put an end to the investigation around the murder of Giuliani but it will also mean that the responsibilities of those who were in charge of public order in Piazza Alimonda will be ignored. At the same time, it could also become a touchstone to the remaining open cases against those responsible for the repression, illegal detentions, beatings and torture that took place during and after the anti-G8 demonstrations of Genoa 2001. After the Carabinieri's acquittal his lawyer happily stated that "Placanica will go on working as a good policeman", noting that "none of the officers of the police forces involved in this enquiry have been found guilty or condemned", even though they have been accused of lying in court or have repeatedly been trying to avoid giving testimony in front of a judge. Meanwhile Heidi Giuliani, Carlo's mother, stated that "It is difficult for us to comment upon this sentence right now. Although we have always expected something like this to happen it still hurts very much. I'd like to say that we are not scared of the truth, although others evidently are". The Genoa Social Forum has called for videos, photos and testimonies whilst stating that "Genoa will not stop here". Different social initiatives in Italy have declared themselves against this unacceptable legal decision, and an international day of protest against the ruling has been called on Saturday 10 May. • Read entire feature from IMC-Global. • New photographic evidence of Carlo's murder from Sherwood Comunicazione. • Read eyewitness account of Giuliani's murder from the Wombles website. More info: Indymedia-Italy
The legal proceeding of the murder of Carlo Giuliani at G8 2001 has been closed
IMC-Italy repost , 07-05-2003 - 17:13
There won't be any trial for Mario Placanica, the policeman who shot dead Carlo Giuliani, the young protestor killed in Genova during g8 2001.The tribunal of Genova said the proceeding is closed and the cop innocent.