UK History Newswire Archive
B&NES Council, Curo Housing & the missing secure tenancy agreements
02-06-2015 14:34
Following investigations by the ICO B&NES Council claims it passed the paper copies of 13000 secure tenancy agreements to Curo Housing (formerly Somer Community Housing Trust) which Curo Housing denies ever having received.On that basis the ICO states it cannot make a decision on which organisation is to blame for this loss as there is a lack of evidence to prove one way or the other ie: its the word of a senior B&NES Council Officer against the word of a senior Curo Housing manager !
Happy International Workers Day!
01-05-2015 17:35

Haymarket Memorial Inscription: The day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you are throttling today
More and more planning application in Stokes croft
30-04-2015 13:01
seen that there is a new planning granted for a restraunt at the jamaica street artists buildingThe origins of the Green Party – Eugenics and Euthanasia
18-04-2015 00:31
The Green Party's origins lie with the document 'Blue Print for Survival'; signatory (amongst others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society.Bristol Anarchist Bookfair full details available now
09-04-2015 09:43

Look... Community Talk On African British history and Racism & 'White' Jesus
02-04-2015 04:18
The Allies at Gallipoli: Defeat in 1915, Disgrace in 2015
01-04-2015 23:14

Letter from Lerwick
17-03-2015 22:12

Cycle '48: Remapping the Nakba
21-02-2015 18:28

Outing British Universities trading in daylight robbery
29-01-2015 10:25
This is a consequence of the Russell Group of Universities (RSGU) being in denial - the key area of their denial has been the knowledge theft and robbery that they allow and include as evidence of doctoral awardsRonald Ryan: Did Australia Hang an Innocent Man?
13-01-2015 01:42

The Trap of Clausewitz – Why Imperialism Fails Even Without Climate Collapse
31-12-2014 13:33
And suddenly it is gone – once again the ocean swallowed a passenger plane, presumably with a little help from above. It is unknown just like the last time whether there was human intervention on board, which could have steered the flying mass grave away from the likely places to look before the burial, or whether it was crashed by ground control. Yet it appears a notable coincidence or causality-induced appearance thereof that it does again happen at a moment when the calculations of war are ushering toward a dead end. In the first instance, it was the Chinese head-in-the-sand approach to the independence of Crimea which encountered a rude awakening. Then the Netherlands found themselves punished for their complicity with the European fascists in the independence issue. And now Indonesia gets its extra oath unwrapped and fingered by an apparent coincidence. It is as if the “Bermuda triangle” of the past century was reappearing in the cloth of a “Gaia triangle” that can pop up just everywhere and rip a hole into the illusion of normalcy. And there could be meaning in the increased lapses: Like the shepherd that raises its voice in the moment the fire circle is gliding into a shouting match, the holes in the climate-justice-incompatible normalcy do occur like warning shots directed at preventing an irritated Unitednations structure from decline into overt fascism. The root cause of this risk is a system construction that favours power brokers more than fundamental reflection of purpose, and once the flaw becomes “normalcy” the normalcy of the flaw occasionally transforms into a flaw of normalcy, such as in the cases of the lost aircraft passengers. Did they not know that they were using a dead-end technology?Never Mind The Ballots…It’s The 7th Bristol Anarchist Bookfair!
08-12-2014 08:37

Saturday 25th April 2015, from 10.30am – 6pm, at Trinity Centre, Trinity Rd, Bristol BS2 0NW.
[Ecuador] November 15: Class War, Memory War!
07-12-2014 18:46
We received and publish a text from comrades of Proletarios Revolucionarios (“Revolutionary Proletarians”) from Ecuador. We translated this text "[Ecuador] 15 de Noviembre: ¡Guerra de Clases, Guerra de Memorias!" [
Audio: Sylvia Pankhurst - The Suffragette as a Militant Artist
24-11-2014 22:23

UG#697 - The Estimable Russ Baker (Boston Bombings and the Family of Secrets)
08-11-2014 12:49

UG#695 - Funding The Deep State Off-The-Books (Media Silence on Drugs for Guns)
26-10-2014 20:01

UG#692 - The European Deep State Post WW2 (NATO's Secret Armies)
21-09-2014 04:26

Scottish vote and promise of more decision-making powers for England?
20-09-2014 11:46
This is a fake debate. There is an elephant in the room which most people are ignoring.