UK History Newswire Archive
Questions Plague UN Report on Syria
24-09-2013 19:57
A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical weapons attack: "Of course not, he (President Bashar al-Assad) would be committing suicide.” When asked who he believed was responsible for the use of chemical munitions in Ghouta, the UN official, who would not permit disclosure of his identity, said: “Saudi intelligence was behind the attacks and unfortunately nobody will dare say that.” The official claims that this information was provided by rebels in Ghouta.About the fights in Santiago – September 2013
22-09-2013 22:43
On September 11th 1973, the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army Augusto Pinochet took power over the democratically elected president Allende. Over the next 17 years, Pinochet killed and tortured thousands under his dictatorial rule. On the same day, in 1998, anarchist Claudia López was shot dead by cops of the reinstated democracy, while fighting at a barricade during a commemoration of the coup d’etat.No Pasaran Uncut - new anti-fascist animation
19-09-2013 08:03
Watch the new anti-fascist animation about the anti-fascist movement from Magdeburg, Germany!Hail The New Dawn - Book on Blood & Honour
18-09-2013 07:30
May 27th 1989. Hundreds of Nazi Boneheads from all over Europe gather for 'The Main Event', a Fascist musical Jamboree....except hundreds of them got no further than Hyde Parks' Speaker's Corner where they met a bloody end.
Swindon radical Bookfair - 21st sept
12-09-2013 18:03

Made Possible by Squatting Archive Opens Tonite!!
09-09-2013 11:42

9th-16th September 2013
Dock Street, London, E1 8JN
Exhibition// Archive// Workshops
!!Opening Night 5pm-11pm Monday 9th September Live Music & Performance!!
The era of changing yourself
28-08-2013 20:56
The era of activism has ended. No more cutting fences, no more protests, no more banners and leaflets.Jason Bishop – new allegations of undercover policing of protest
26-07-2013 08:40

Netpol has been asked to publish the following statement on behalf of former friends of an activist known as Jason Bishop, who they now believe to have been an undercover police officer.
Netpol have published this statement as we feel it adds important information to the debate about undercover police officers.
This is the latest in a long line of disclosures relating to the infiltration of protest groups by specialist units of the Metropolitan police including the Special Demonstration Squad and later, the National Public Order Intelligence Unit.
When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three
24-07-2013 21:36
A free e-book on political philosophy of law and government related to religion for today’s world—worthy to read and share. Note: There are several reasons why a new understanding of the psychological politics of the Judeo-Christian Bible is necessary for today’s politics. Here is one such book. It is time to face the reality of the authoritarian nature of the Old Testament and New Testament—that is the psychology of fear and terrorism.New Anti-Fascist Group Formed in Southampton
18-07-2013 16:07
On the anniversary of a humiliating defeat for Oswald Moseley's blackshirts we are proud to announce the formation of a new anti fascist organisation in and around Southampton.Zero-hour contracts!
18-07-2013 14:50
Recent media coverage has highlighted the onset of zero-hour contracts for employing workers in various private and public sectors. This article looks at the economic logic of this under the capitalist mode of production and suggests this is nothing new in the history of that mode.Made Possible by Squatting Call-out for Submissions
01-07-2013 20:14

Undercover Police Officers Licensed to Rape and Discredit UK Citizens
24-06-2013 08:51

UK Police forces have despatched undercover agents into peaceful protest movements, where they have engaged in intimate sexual relationships and even had children with the targets of their espionage, while maintaining their cover. They have also been found smearing the families of murder victims and justice campaigners, and undertaken illegal actions to discredit otherwise peaceful movements. Undercover police exist and it seems they are licensed to do just about anything to suppress our ability to dissent.
Rohani becomes Iran’s new president
15-06-2013 17:31
Hassan Rohani has won Iran's 11th presidential election following a vote that saw a massive popular turnout on June 14. Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar announced on Saturday that of a total of 36,704,156 valid ballots counted, Rohani won 50.70 percent of the ballots with 18,613,329 votes. Principlist candidate Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf came in behind Rohani by a wide margin, winning 6,077,292 votes. He conveyed his congratulations to Rohani on his victory.UG#643 - Living A Higher, More Ethereal Life (Foreclosures, Monongahela, Walden)
30-05-2013 23:37

U.K. anarchist publication “Return Fire” released
23-05-2013 10:51

UG#640 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 1)
23-05-2013 02:51

Crisis of Civilization Podcast#3 Sibel Edmond: the most gagged person in the USA
21-05-2013 20:17

Audio from the Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair 2013
18-05-2013 22:25

Attached are audio recordings from 8 of the talks at the Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair which was held in the Showroom and Workstation on 11th May 2013, see also the photos of the stalls.