UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Hijack of James Brown Press Conference at Edinburgh Airport
05-07-2005 17:31
Evaiding all political points the questions were soon reduced to ''So I here you are keen to try our fish and chips'' at which point I felt it necessary to intervene.a different view of Saturdays protest
05-07-2005 17:10
Report on my trip as Youth Worker with a group of 13- 16 year olds to the demo on SaturdayIts Corporation that dominate G8 Summit not justice.
05-07-2005 16:35

Photos from life in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 16:29

Section 60 serches or just ID checks?
05-07-2005 16:17

Stories from the back passage - the scene behind Edinburgh courthouse
05-07-2005 16:06

view of a frustrated arm-chair revolutionary
05-07-2005 15:55
why we cannot win like thisTuesday 5th Timeline
05-07-2005 14:55
Timeline of dispatch reports for G8 protests around Scotland on Tuesday 5th July
Institute of Autonomy Evicted
05-07-2005 14:23
Institute of Autonomy Evicted during G8Court Solidarity action in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 14:21

Activists climb Edinburgh crane to say "No More Brownwash"
05-07-2005 14:01
At 6am today (Tuesday 5 July) three activists from Brighton & Hove WDM climbed a crane in central Edinburgh to call for the end of Gordon Brown's attempts to co-opt the aims of the Make Poverty History campaign and twist them to the UK government's own advantage.Small Video - Local retaliation Monday
05-07-2005 13:40

05-07-2005 12:34
Details: Rosie Jones/Bob McLintock, G8 Climate Action- 07967 906892

Questioning Live8 'Class Dividing' Golden Circle...
05-07-2005 12:27
Posh & Becks were allowed into the Golden Circle at Live8 even though David Beckham accepts six figure sums of money from labour abusing corporations like Nike! What on earth is going on!!!G8.. G8 .. G8 .. G8 ..If the ship sinks it sinks for us all - Feeding the beast
05-07-2005 12:23

Crane protest G8 Co-option in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 11:57
We've just had a call from Kath Pasteur, who has climbed a crane outside Waverley station in Edinburgh to protest at what she sees as the G8's failure to tackle the problems of the developing world.