UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
InfernalNoiseBrigade -vs- RhythmsOfResistance + LostFilmFest + Filastine G8Benefit Wed
27-06-2005 12:29
RampART presents a real mid week spectacular this wednesday 29th from 7pmTELL YOUR FRIENDS
Treat your ears to a once in a lifetime double bill drum fest with the inspiring Rhythms of Resistance facing off the mighty Infernal Noise Brigade who are fresh off plane from the USA.
Also flown over the pond to play at the rampART before heading up to the G8 is the awesome Filastine, but that not all.
For your viewing pleasure, the LOSTFILMFEST is coming into town too!
The truly independent *** anti-authoritarian *** anti-corporate *** grassroots DIY media extravaganza from West Philadelphia, hosted by Festival Director Scott Beibin (Bloodlink Records, Evil Twin Booking) is a laugh-a-riot event with equal emphasis on both "laugh" and "riot."
Focusing on pranks vs. corporations and government, pie fights with cops, riot footage, and culture jamming, you'll love the punk rock urgency of the Lost Film Fest and its celebration of media archaeology and illegal art, incorporating live performance and video.
29 of june at the RAMPART, from 7pm TIL LATE!!!
Infernal Noise Brigade/LostFilm Fest/Filastine on tour in the UK
27-06-2005 12:15

Letter To The Black Block
27-06-2005 12:14
What did we learn from Genoa? We learnt that those who bring violence into the movement bring the state in with them.The G8 Bikeride leaves Lancaster fat and happy
27-06-2005 11:51
The G8 Bikeride leaves Lancaster fat and happy after 2 days of chilling, eating, drinking, chatting, plotting and, of course, the usual repairsJack Kane G8 Campsite Pics (more fences)
27-06-2005 01:32

The less than impressive fence at Gleneagles.
27-06-2005 00:47

Dr Who Crew investigate reprts of 'reformed' Daleks...
26-06-2005 23:33

Photos of G8 info point and Jack Kane centre.
26-06-2005 23:21

Brian Haw says `Just do it`
26-06-2005 13:49

Radical Radio Coalition at G8 in Scotland
26-06-2005 10:23
Announcement and call for participation - locally and internationally - in the Radical Radio Coalition during and before the G8 summit (1-9 July).Please distribute widely
Critical Mass in Southampton
25-06-2005 14:36
Critical Mass is to make a return to Southampton at the beginning of July to coincide with the G8 Summit in Scotland.G8 Media Planning to Hype Violence (short info report) Fox TV + Dailies
25-06-2005 09:10
Not that this will come as a shock to anyone who knows the priority of some media corporations. However it's worth noting the following:Anti-Protestor Propaganda In Newspapers
25-06-2005 08:38
After a long period with fairly starightforward newspaper reporting about protest worries and news of different demonstrations - the last few days has seen a resurgence in anti-protestor propaganda.Most laughable, and indeed most malicious, is an article by The Scotsman claiming that "splinter groups" (implying exteme groups as opposed to just groups) are planning "disruption" of the Make Poverty History march on 2nd June. But who are these groups that plan to "infiltrate" (er attend i think is the right word) the MPH march? Well the terrifying list of groups is the rebel Clown army, the Disco dancing bloc, and the Fairy Army! All groups who like to dress up in colourful costumes, do street theatre, dance and prance about... Many groups who are part of the Dissent network have always said they will attend the MPH march, mostly to hand out leaflets about the protests in the following week (hence "radicalising")...
Other articles have focused on Glasgow with two examples of gutter journalism. An empty warehouse that is on the route of a planned road and which will be demolished has been used as an accomodation centre - but in the words of the press it becomes "condemnded". Then as press photographers chase people down to road or call at their houses to take pictures of people on their doorsteps, the newspapers revel in the fact that people do not like being photographed - especially when they know the photos are due to end up in an article branding them as extremists. This is becoming a growing trend with newspapers publishing names and photos of individuals.
Sadly this is part of the landscape in the run up to any large protest - demonise the protestors, spread alarm and fear, justify a clampdown by police. Selling newspaperrs is one thing, spreading lies and fear another.
News Update : Bristol Indymedia Server Threatened by Police
24-06-2005 21:35
News Release : Bristol Indymedia Server imc bristol
24th June 2005
Bristol Indymedia Server Threatened
Join the Carnival : Edinburgh 4 July
24-06-2005 19:44
The Carnival for Full Enjoyment will burst onto the streets of Edinburgh at high noon on 4th July, as the demos against the G8 get into full swing. Here the carnivalistas reveal what is behind the Fiesta cries of "No wage slavery, No benefits slavery, No army slavery, No Debt slavery....African Woman – W8 conference, Edinburgh
24-06-2005 16:58
Yesterday saw the W8 conference in Edinburgh, where 8 women from Africa discussed issues of debt, trade, poverty, health and the situation of woman throughout the African continent. Invited by the council and as special guests of the Mayor of Edinburgh, café The Hub saw a day of debate and speech ‘For and About Women in Africa.’local film society launch event on Saturday, 25th of june, 11am to 4pm
24-06-2005 13:16
Launch of local North Edinburgh Documentary Film and Video Society with G8protest and antiglobalisation videos and speakers
Saturday, 25 June 2005
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Borders at the G8
24-06-2005 08:12

G8 countries spearhead the world system of borders; a system which renders many people illegal and which leaves all of us divided. Restrictions on our movement, restrictions on our right to work, restrictions on our right to receive medical treatment or legal aid or any other social benefit are all standard. What's more these restrictions are largely based on the arbitrary notion of nationality and on its ugly twin: race.
[Groups opposing borders and/or campaigning on immigration issues: No Border Network | No one is Illegal | Make Borders History | Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers | National Coalition of Anti-Deporation Campaigns]
[Opposing borders at the G8: Make Borders History tour (July 3, Glasgow)]
Tickets still available for Resist G8 train from London!
23-06-2005 20:23
Return & Single FaresLondon to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single (conc. fares available, Just email!)