Tickets still available for Resist G8 train from London!
23.06.2005 20:23 | G8 2005 | Oxford | South Coast
Return & Single Fares
London to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single (conc. fares available, Just email!)
London to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single (conc. fares available, Just email!)
The South East Assembly had chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland. However due to our finances being stretched, it has meant that we have had to cancel the short stay train. The long stay train however has now been 100%CONFIRMED, though we still have many tickets left that we will be selling up to the day of departure.
Return & Single Fares
London to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single
If you cannot afford £50 please let us know as we hope to offer some tickets at a concessionary rate. Likewise, if you can afford to donate some money to pay for another person to travel, we welcome donations (however small).
Where to buy tickets:
Tickets are on sell at the following places:
IFA, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E (please phone 07944135617 before you come) open 2pm-8pm mon-sat
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1
open 2pm-8pm, wed-thurs
56@ Infoshop, 56 Crampton Street, London SE17 open 2pm-7pm, thurs-sat
Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
12pm-4pm, Tues-Sat (tickets also available in the evening when the bar is open for members and their guests only)
For more info please call 07944 135 617
The South East Assembly had chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland. However due to our finances being stretched, it has meant that we have had to cancel the short stay train. The long stay train however has now been 100%CONFIRMED, though we still have many tickets left that we will be selling up to the day of departure.
Return & Single Fares
London to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single
If you cannot afford £50 please let us know as we hope to offer some tickets at a concessionary rate. Likewise, if you can afford to donate some money to pay for another person to travel, we welcome donations (however small).
Where to buy tickets:
Tickets are on sell at the following places:
IFA, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E (please phone 07944135617 before you come) open 2pm-8pm mon-sat
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1
open 2pm-8pm, wed-thurs
56@ Infoshop, 56 Crampton Street, London SE17 open 2pm-7pm, thurs-sat
Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
12pm-4pm, Tues-Sat (tickets also available in the evening when the bar is open for members and their guests only)
For more info please call 07944 135 617