In memory of SAlly Grace activist raped and murdered in Oaxaca
Kristin Bricker , 04-10-2008 - 12:16
Sally's murder may have passed as yet another case of sexual violence, completely unrelated to her political work with some of the most persecuted organizations in Oaxaca. But Sally's friends in Oaxaca City know that she was being followed as a result of her human rights work and her associations with CIPO and other Oaxacan organizations for whom political violence is a daily fact of life.
Solidarity and support for VOCAL and the Oaxacan social movement
sevastopol , 17-07-2008 - 17:54
Denunication of ongoing repression and call for international solidarity with VOCAL and the Oaxacan social movement.
Murder, Corruption and Illegal Logging in Oaxaca
GS & Translations Crew , 14-04-2008 - 16:46
The murder of two radio activists in Oaxaca has brought the repression suffered by indigenous Mexicans into sharp focus. Oaxaca has the biggest percentage of indigenous people who speak many different languages and suffering serious discrimination including the theft of their natural resources. One such example is the village of San Isidro Aloapam who have been fighting the destruction of their local forest by commercial loggers who are bending the law to justify their activity. Attempts by the villagers to protect the forest have been met with extreme violence leaving many villagers injured and imprisoned. The village is represented politically by indigenous action group CIPO-RFM who have organized a series of media and international solidarity events to highlight the struggle. CIPO-RFM activists Miguel Cruz Moreno and Pedro Bautista Rojas were recently interviewed by IMC UK about the struggle. There will be a prisoner support benefit gig in London on Wednesday April 16th. Related links: IMC UK coverage of Oaxaca election 2007: ‘1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | IMC UK coverage of CIPO-RFM 2004/5: Intro | Assemblies | Protest camp | Raid | Repression | CIPO/Zapatistas feature | CIPO Speaking tour
Christina an eyewitness to the repression.
GS & JNP , 12-04-2008 - 14:14
An eye witness account of what happened during one of the fatal confrontations between the people of San Isidro Aloapam and the paramilitaries. Christina Peres Alavas explains what happened that day and also testifies that the two dead paramilitaries from San Miguel were killed by their own people not the people of San Isidro Aloapam who are committed to peaceful action. The murder of people from San Miguel by their own paramilitaries is entirely possible as the town (which is under the control of the PRI) has many deep running internal disputes. The confrontation with the people of San Isidro Aloapam could have been used to settle a couple of scores while getting someone else blamed.
Press Conference by CIPO-RFM at the their Oaxaca headquarters.
GS & JNP , 12-04-2008 - 14:07
Before we travelled up into the mountains to the threatened forest, CIPO-RFM gave a press conference to explain the nature of the dispute and also to highlight the serious repression that they have been experiencing for a number of years. It took place at their headquarters in Oaxaca city. Many representatives from the Mexican corporate media were present but nothing that the CIPO people had to say was reported in the mainstream press. The local Indymedia did give the event a good write up and also attended the Encuentro (gathering) in the mountain village of San Isidro Aloapam.
Entering the threatened Forest in Oaxaca.
GS & JNP , 12-04-2008 - 14:01
Upon entering the forest one of the villagers gave us some of the history of the region as well as the recent events which had ended so violently for the local people. Visitors were encouraged to ask questions and verify any facts about the situation which were unclear. The forest itself is breathtaking and stretches up the mountain as far as the eye can see. The companero gave a pretty detailed account of what happened during the repression and also named the man believed to be responsible for the confrontation to begin with and the deaths that resulted from it.
We were also shown a tree that had been placed across the road by the villagers from San Isidro Aloapam. Its purpose was to stop armed paramilitaries from the nearby town of San Miguel from attacking the village by road in pickup trucks. The closure of the road has added over an hour to the journey made by villagers wishing to reach Oaxaca city.
Two indigenous radio announcers killed and four injured in ambush in Oaxaca
il Gatttopardo , 09-04-2008 - 14:43
Two announcers of the radio station ´´La Voz que Rompe el Silencio`` (the Voice that Breaks the Silence) were assasinated on April 7th whilst travelling by car to the west of the city of Oaxaca according to the civil society organisation Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos (CACTUS - Centre for Community Support Working in Unity).
Forum in support of Political Prisoners took place in Oaxaca
tsisay , 19-03-2008 - 19:37
From the 14 to the 16 of March a Forum to give a voice to political prisoners and spread awareness throughout the country took place in the city of Oaxaca. During this forum we listened to the denunciations and testimonies of cases such as Atenco, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco where the injustice and the violence of the State manifest, whilst unjustly holding dozens of compañer@s prisoner.
Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.
Sevastopol , 08-03-2008 - 19:37
After 11 months illegal imprisonment, David Venegas Reyes 'El Alebrije' has been released.
Protest March against Kidnap of Activist in Oaxaca
Il Gattopardo , 09-12-2007 - 00:06
On Friday several hundred marched through the streets of Oaxaca to protest the kidnap last Sunday of Nancy Mota Figueroa, member of the Coordination of Women of Oaxaca (COMO, which is part of APPO). Nancy was kidnapped by suspected cops and released an hour later after being tortured.
Megamarch and ceremony mark anniversary of Oaxaca mass arrests
Il Gattopardo , 28-11-2007 - 21:01
On Sunday 25th a megamarch of over 50,000 marched the 6km from the airport to the Zocalo. The march left at 8am and didn't arrive at the Zocalo until midday. Consisting of mainly teachers there were also many representatives of other groups in Oaxaca state and from other states like Chiapas and Guerrero.
testimony of Nicéforo Urbieta
claudio , 06-11-2007 - 02:42
I’m sending out the testimony of our comrade Nicéforo Urbieta, arrested and subsequently released on November 2 in Oaxaca. Claudio
New repression in Oaxaca
sevastopol , 03-11-2007 - 18:36
One year on from the PFP'd defeat, the repression is back.
30/10/2007: London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World is STILL Watching
Oscar Beard , 31-10-2007 - 19:54
Tuesday 30 October 2007: Protestors returned to the London Mexican Embassy one year on from the scenes of police violence that greeted them on the 2006 protest.
London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World Is Still Watching
IMC London , 30-10-2007 - 23:00
On Tuesday Tuesday 30 October protestors returned to the London Mexican Embassy to remember Brad Will and those who died in last year's civil uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico. William Bradley Roland was an Indymedia New York activist who was shot dead by paramilitaries whilst documenting the uprising in Oaxaca city [ Brad Will's last video] Even though the protest was small, the message was still there, that Brad Will and all the other victims of repression during the Oaxaca uprising are not forgotten, and that justice is still due. This year's protest at the Mexican embassy passed peacefully, contary to the scenes of police violence that greeted protesters in 2006. Links:: Brad Will: Open Letter International | IMC-UK's Oaxaca topic page | CMI- Mexico | CMI- Oaxaca
One Year Since Brad Will's Murder in Oaxaca, Mexico
Our Word Is Our Weapon! , 28-10-2007 - 15:59
Brad Will: Open Letter International
Like in the cases of so many other journalists, human rights activists, indigenous leaders and social activists, the murder of Brad Will, a U.S. journalist and documentary video maker from Indymedia New York, who was killed in Oaxaca on October 27, 2006, has been addressed by the Mexican Government with impunity for the murderers.
Brad Will's Last Video:
Brad Will's murder and solidarity actions reports in IMC-UK:
IMC-UK's Oaxaca topic page:
Oaxaca: PRI candidate house attacked, CIPO-RFM HQ facing repression
Oscar Beard , 10-10-2007 - 16:19
PRI Municipal Presidency house attacked with heavy caliber guns, neighbouring CIPO-RFM communal house facing repression following attack.
Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
cenutrio , 09-10-2007 - 16:19
Translation of Communique 2 from the Vicam Organizing Commission, Oct. 7
Translation El Kilombo Intergalactico
Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America Yaqui Territory, Vicam, Sonora, Mexico October 7, 2007
Thousands march in Oaxaca to mark anniversary of 1968 student massacre
Il Gattopardo , 03-10-2007 - 21:29
On Tuesday 2nd October between 2-3,000 students and members of the local popular resistance APPO ( the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca)marched from the edge of Oaxaca city centre to the Zocalo (central square).
An Evening With M - Oaxaca Talk At The Sumac
someone here , 15-09-2007 - 11:09
So I made my way to the Sumac Centre last night, where some people from the southern region of Oaxaca in Mexico would be speaking. I'd read quite a few things about what is going on in Oaxaca in this last year. The Oaxacians are trying to get rid off their governer who, after a teacher strike last year, has come down very heavy handedly on any form of dissent in the region. The teacher strike marked the start of what was to become the biggest popular uprising the world has seen in the last 10 years orso, with many dissapearences and deaths still happening under the regime of Federal Police. So I read some stuff on Indymedia and know a couple of people that have visited Oaxaca in the past and were inspired by its community spirit (and food!). Apart from that, I was eager to learn more...