UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
Friday update from #occupyLSX
22-10-2011 00:55
General Assembly report back and quick update:
Following a presentation of the letter from the Dean of the cathedral where he set out his reasons for taking the unprecedented step of closing the Cathedral, and the reading of the OccupyLSX press release initial response, the assembly had discussed in small groups the course of action. There were passionate contributions during the report backs with many questioning the official line from the Dean over health and safety.
Some said obviously that it would look bad with the cathedral closing, but that it was necessary to challenge this notion. There was overwhelming support for the camp to remain and to use the events planned over the weekend to highlight the issues behind the protest. There was consensus and a big cheer when they agreed to stay over the next days and try and resolve the situation.
The media team is preparing another press statement which includes supportive quotes from members of the clergy who were attending evensong.
The legal team noted that the camp is under no legal obligation to go, and that a series of legal steps would need to be gone through in order for an eviction process to be started.
The Faith working group has drafted a statement that faith groups can sign to support the occupation and an alternative sunday service will be held at 9am since the dean decides to close the cathedral to its normal service.
Various working groups have been meeting to discuss worst case scenarios and what to do in the case of a police eviction in order to ensure people are calm and that people have sufficient space to pack their things should they want to leave.
Tomorrow (Sat) sees the 'meet the movement' outreach day and the one week anniversary of OccupyLSX.
There's also a march tomorrow on Saturday, leaving OccupyLSX at 2.30pm, destination is a surprise! the activities and march tomorrow has been endorsed by the Unite trade union.
The tent city university lectures tomorow during the 'meet the movement' outreach day, will be a teach out - walking to the location at 2pm.
Recycling and waste management on site is going well, with the council remaking that the recycling they're been collecting is upping their figures for recycling in the area. Volunteers were requested for the weekend when there will be a lot of visitors who maybe aren't used to the recycling system, to ensure that collected waste is sorted into the right types.
The tranquility 'night watch' mediation team will be on duty 10pm-8am to address issues of noise and disturbance.
The main topics for discussion tonight at the assembly were then:
- a call to action?
- concrete proposalsof what to do next
- why we are staying
Pics #OccupyLSX Friday 21st
21-10-2011 20:55
Pics from OccupyLSX on Friday 21st including the emergency assembly to discuss the letter from the Dean where he took the extraordinary step to close the cathedral - when was the last time this happened? Wasn't it open throughout the blitz in world war 2?!
UG#574 - Occupy Wall Street Special (Hip Hop Audiocollage)
21-10-2011 14:57

day 6 of newcastle occupation
21-10-2011 08:42
well the weather maybe rough in geordi land but that wont deter uswe are the 99%
#OccupyLSX Updates Thurs 20th Oct
21-10-2011 00:55
Some updates from OccupyLSX (see also Indymedia feature + occupylondon wire)
In general the occupation has grown very well with something like way over 300 tents now. NB The space is getting pretty crowded now, so please contact the Shelter working group if you want to bring a tent - some tents are free - pls don't just set up a tent now anywhere you like.
There's an outreach event planned for 11am Saturday - "Meet the movement" type thing. The media re invited to come along and meet the different working groups, visit the kitchen, have a tour of the site etc This is the proposal presented to the General Assembly, and formulated by several working groups in discussion this morning and at the lunchtime assembly.
The afternoon General Assemly on sat is planned to be at midday (scheduled wedding pending) and to be a Public Assembly, starting with updates from news from the occupy movement, from the uk and the world - from the international movement.
Then the idea is to have personal testimonies from activists involved in setting up the OccupyLSX camp and the working groups.
We're also inviting testimonies from social justice movements outside occupation to show solidarity and the links, with people from or involved in:
- Occupy halfterm - a group from cambs planning an occupation during school half term
- A banker who has been sleeping here
- Electricians involved in dispute and strikes and action like the recent Blackfriars blockade
- Disablbed people's alliance against cuts (who are marching on saturday) and involved with atos office occupations
- Dalefarm - after the evictions
- Single mothers self defence campaigning
- Tottenham defene campaign
- Jodie McIntyre
- Queer resistance
- Women of colour
- Student occupations
- Polly Toynbee
The tent city university group is holding daily lecturesd and discussion - this Saturday there's a panel on systemic change and pragmatic ways to bring about change. If you have ideas for workshops email
The last two days has seen people from OccupyLSX linking up with the electricians who blockaded Blackfriars station site and protesting at mining company BHP Billitons annual general meeting.
There's been some hassle from the police in terms of health and safety regarding fuel for generators and kitchens and people have expressed concern over police Forward Intelligence Teams photographing and filming people in meetings.
In terms of communication there are plans to schedule specific coverage for the video livestream and to ensure that the main minutes from working groups and assemblies are published quickly.
Interview extracts from wednesday: So what's happening next?
There's some specific things we've got planned.
We've begun a daily lecture series chaired by university lecturers, authors and activists.
Tomorrow we are marching to protest a meeting of large mining company executives in solidarity with the victims who have been displaced by large-scale mining projects in South America.
On Saturday we've planned a rally called "Occupy London, Occupy World" to invite members of the public and community groups to speak out about their lives under austerity. It will also be an opportunity to stand in solidarity with all the occupations around the world and share experiences and new insights.
We're thinking more and more about our strategy. We feel like we're reaching out to the British people - to let them know that their experiences are mutual, that we are the majority, and that there are alternatives - but we're being pragmatic about how we might hold "the system" to account and to meet people's needs.
From reading about other social movements we know that organized people are the only way to create and safeguard our freedoms. The suffragettes and the civil rights movement showed how people don't get the things they need simply by asking the government nicely. Pressure has to be applied and we are a part of a new struggle to create a more civilised society.
I think we should take the following strategy very seriously. For our demands to be met, we have to make the costs to the government of not implementing humane and social policies so high that they are forced to concede. This is the only way we will tackle the power of the multinational corporations.
The first thing to say is that he next move depends on what we as a collective occupation decide to do. and where we decide to take the occupation, where we decide to go next. we don't have a pre-prepared plan, because we are building the direct democracy which allows us to take decisions collectively. I personally would agree with you that it would be great to keep dynamic and doing new things which reflects the newness and the excitement of what we're doing here. There have been loads and loads of ideas about what to do next. At the General Assembly last night about 300 people broke into small groups and shared ideas about things that we could do. These include: direct action, further connections with other grassroots groups and political struggles, e.g. this morning we connected up with the electricians who are currently striking over conditions, this hasn't been reported much in the media and we hope to use the momentum we do have now to make the connection with more working people who are suffering under the current system.
We'd love to hear your ideas, also would like to point out that although it's really great having media coverage, so others of the 99% can hear about what we're doing, we are not thinking primarily about if the papers want to cover us, but want to concentrate on working together collectively to build processes for ways of making the world better.
Postal correspondance or donated kit can be sent to:
Occupy London St Pauls Cathedral, The Chapterhouse, St Pauls Churchyard, LONDON, EC4M 8AD, United Kingdom
Wikis and wishlists:
General Calendar
Live video stream (sometimes live otherwise looped content)
Ideas / Manifesto bank (3,363 votes on 102 ideas from 236 people)
Flickr Pics
Youtube channels
Occupy Nottingham: Day 6
20-10-2011 22:55
The occupation of Nottingham's Market Square is now into its sixth day.
I wandered along briefly around 9pm. Not much was going on and occupiers and supporters were milling around chatting.
I understand a representative of the city council has been back today, but the authorities are still taking a relatively hands-off approach and a police van drove past, showing no interest in the camp, while I was there.
Call Out: OpposeThe EDL In Birmingham 29th Oct
20-10-2011 16:04
The EDL are to hold a demo in Victoria square, Birmingham on 29th October 12:00 - 18:00. Victoria Square is also the location of the Occupy Birmingham protest camp which could become a target for the EDL. This is a call out for people to come to Victoria Square on the 29th and defend the Occupy Birmingham camp and defend the city from the EDL.letter to the standard
20-10-2011 08:55
A ournalist from the Evening Standard has requested that a Christian linked with the occupation sends a letter to the editor. I thought all letters to the editors were spontaneous, but there you go. They request the type of person they want to send the letter, the theme and a word count. Next we'll hear they fake them.
Anyway, even though it was at an impossible deadline, I managed to produce about 180 words. Which I am publishing now in case the letters of my letter suffer any alteration - or vanishing - on their way to publication.
The request was "on how the protest should respond to concerns from the St Paul's authorities" (that they may have to close because of the occupation on its land). Wrong question. However, given the deadline pressure, I didn't want to scorn this journalist with a "wrong question. Please try again later", so here it is:
I think it would be those in power an in possession of property, in this case land and buildings, who "should respond".
It is a shame that the Cathedral is put in a position where it will be necessary to decide whether to close or not by those who could allow the occupiers to enter the building they intended to stay in, in the first place. The occupation is not against this or any other church. Indeed, both occupiers, christian and anarchists are most concerned with social and economic justice, equality and dignity of life. It is the powerful that are destroying all those that those are against, symbolised by the Stock Exchange. Those with the necessary power to make the Stock Exchange, or whichever other building or land that the occupation's assembly would deem appropriate, should the necessary steps so that the occupation can move and thus the carers of the Cathedral do not feel the pressure to need to close.
Good luck and all best wishes in your attempts to get this letter published. Sincerely.
Occupy Montréal - a brief report
20-10-2011 08:35
The recent CrimethInc. text written to the occupying movement was distributed in Montréal by the hundreds in both English and French, depending on the language of the recipient. We translated the text ourselves, and it's good. Otherwise, there was a very small visible anarchist presence, mostly in the form of backpatches, a few black flags or black-and-red flags, and a few banners. This must be contrasted to the Maoists of the Parti communiste révolutionnaire, the Zeitgeist Movement, the Lyndon Larouche cult, various ragtag bands of Québécois sovereigntists, and other marginals who managed to be visible. There are more anarchists than any of these groups, except maybe the sovereigntists, but the majority of anarchists chose either not to engage or they chose to engage in a way that didn't mention the A-word.One such way was the Décolonisons Montréal contingent (Decolonize Montréal or Descolonicemos Montreal, in English and Spanish), which consistently pushed the line that a strictly pacifistic protests is foolish and that the police are not the friends of the occupiers. They also pushed an anti-capitalist analysis early in the day, which might've helped to influence the character of the march later, and they helped to distribute some of the CrimethInc. texts, as well as promoting a demo against Canadian imperialism and the G20 summit in France on November 3 and a march organized by the family of people killed by police on October 22, both of which are cool.
Dance Party Shakes Bank of America
20-10-2011 06:46

Nottingham Occupation continues: Wednesday Day 5
20-10-2011 00:55
Wednesday 19th October 2011
The occupation of the Market Square, Nottingham continues. More tents have arrived. A gazzebo and a field kitchen has been setup. Donations of food, blankets and assorted material have been given, but are still needed.
It is getting colder at nights now, so, warm clothing and bedding is in obvious need.
Since Saturday, a really wide variety of people hae been interested, contributed, donated, helped and stayed. Some of the more colourful characters have included a bunch of pirates, another bunch of mexicans in big hats. Robin Hood and Maid Marrion.....
and much to my further suprise today, Father Christmas emerged from the Council House for a photoshot with his accompanying photographer. Presumabley to big-up what a great place Nottingham is to buy presents. {I mean, for fucks sake .... it's the 19th of bloody October !!!!!}
Anyway, he stopped at the camp on his way and said Father Christmas was against the cuts, supported the NHS, and thought the bankers shouldn't get any pressies this year.
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
The story so far ........
2011 Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
2011 Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
2011 Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
2011 Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
2011 Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
2011 Nottingham Occupy @ Market Square Day 2 Sunday
Nottingham Indymedia have now added a further feature with more links ......
2011 Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Occupy Birmingham at the Fifth day
20-10-2011 00:19

Nottingham Occupation Continues
19-10-2011 20:55
Despite the Despite the wind, cold and rain, the Occupy Nottingham camp on Market Square is still going strong five days in, if anything it is actually getting bigger. Support from the public has been phenomenal, but the city coucil are now beginning to make the first noises about the possibility of moving (although not removing) the camp. A wishlist has been produced of things which would be useful.
On the newswire: Occupy Nottingham interview | Occupy Nottingham: Day 5 | Nottingham Occupy @ Market Square Day 2 Sunday | Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square | Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour | Occupy Nottingham: Day 4 | Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally | Nottingham Occupy 1 The March | Support your local occupation!
Previous feature: Nottingham is occupied
Although there was a slight drop-off of people after the initial surge over the weekend, numbers now seem to be growing. On day 5 there are now around 15 tents, a gazebo and a marquee.
Support from the public has been astonishing with donations of money, food clothing, blankets etc. all being gratefully received. So far the police have largely left the occupation alone, indeed some occupiers have gone so far as to suggest the police are actually offering their support.
Occupy Nottingham: Day 5
19-10-2011 18:55
Five days into the occupation of Market Square and the protest camp is still going strong, but the city council has begun to make noises about moving the camp.
While, I missed the inception of the occupation over the weekend and can't comment on it's size then, when I wandered along today (Wednesday 19th October), it was my third visit and the camp has got bigger each time. There are now around 15 tents along with a marquee and a gazebo.
Passers-by continue to be astonishingly supportive - while I was there, one person in a suit turned up with a bag full of chips. The city council, however, are not so happy.
When I arrived, a small group of occupiers was talking to a liason from the council. It emerged that (unsurprisingly) there are a number of events planned in the square, first a food market and then this year's Game City. The council asked that people moved, although they claimed that the occupiers didn't need to leave the square entirely.
Apparently, most of Market Square (except for two strips which are public rights of way) is owned by a company called the "City of Nottingham" (although I couldn't find this in the Companies House database) and consequently "private property" on which the occupiers are "trespassing."
The council's request precipitated an extensive discussion amongst occupiers and supporters which wasn't resolved when I left. There was much talk about the specific nuances of the law of trespass, although I suspect this will all be moot if (when?) the council send in the police or private security.
Whatever happens, the occupation is clearly going to need people's continued support. The occupiers have produced a wishlist of things that would be useful. If you haven't been down to visit them already, do and if you have been, consider going again.
Nottingham Occupy @ Market Square Day 2 Sunday
19-10-2011 00:55
Sunday 16th October 2011
Having camped overnight people are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began, in Britain, on 15th Oct.
The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
On Sunday, capitalism "cocked a snoot" by parking two Rolls Royces, right next to the protestors camp! I know it was part of a wedding exhibition but I was struck by the symbolism of this gesture :-)
There was however, a counter-balance to this imagery .... by the arrival of Robin Hood and Maid Marion. As we all know, Mr Hood was quite in favour of a bit of re-ditribution of wealth .... and hence fitted in just fine there. Welcome ...
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
18-10-2011 20:55
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
18-10-2011 18:55
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
18-10-2011 14:56
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
18-10-2011 14:56
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"