UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
National Occupy Conference 20th - 22nd Jan - Citadel of Hope - Sheffield
20-01-2012 14:39

The 3rd National Occupy Confererence, hosted by Occupy Sheffield, starts today in the squatted Citadel of Hope in Sheffield city centre (map).
Peaceful Anti-cuts Demonstration in Liverpool Attacked by Merseyside Police
19-01-2012 16:57
I arrived at the demonstration just after 4pm. Exchange Street West, to side of town hall, was already closed off by police, presumably to “facilitate” the demo. Councillors had already entered the building and there was around 100 people outside, more milling around than anything. The atmosphere was subdued compared to recent protests in the same location. The council meeting began a little later and the demonstration moved along the side street to be closer to the council chamber windows and to make itself heard to those inside. After some time elapsed with protestors shouting slogans and demanding answers from those within the council chamber, but basically milling around in the barricaded area on the side street, an attempt was made by the police to kettle the demonstration using officers on foot and mounted officers, and the situation immediately became tense.Merseyside Police violently attack peaceful anti cuts protesters 18.01.12
19-01-2012 00:33

Trials of one per cent to begin at Occupy Justice
19-01-2012 00:00
10-4pm tomorrow (Thursday) at the Court of Public Opinion, Occupy Justice, 350 Old Street Magistrates Court:Inquiry into war crimes committed by Tony Blair and the British government in Iraq.
Latest on Occupy lsx: Court allows 7 days grace to give time for appeal
18-01-2012 16:29
Occupy lsx tweet 4:19pm"...Lindblom allows for 7 days stay of execution. No enforcement before Friday 27th 16:00..."
Occupy Sheffield Benefit Bonanza!
18-01-2012 01:37
As part of the third national Occupy conference, Occupy Sheffield and Tribe of Xanadu bring you…Salvation for the Citadel of Hope
18-01-2012 01:32
Occupy Sheffield have come to an agreement with the proprietor of the Citadel of Hope building. At the application for Possession hearing taking place at Sheffield County Courts on 18th January, both parties will agree an end date for the occupation set for one month’s time. This stay of execution will enable negotiations to continue between the occupiers and the proprietor, to determine if there can be a proper legal basis for the use of the building. This agreement, which has only been possible due to direct and open discussions between Occupy Sheffield and the proprietor, will be ratified by tomorrow’s court proceedings.Jarvis Cocker: Agitating for the future
16-01-2012 21:45
Jarvis Cocker on why the Occupy movement is visionary, democratic... and like a starfish - feature article from the Big Issue.@OccupySheffield Court Hearings: Camp and Citadel Threatened with Eviction
16-01-2012 13:44
Two court hearings have been set for Occupy Sheffield, the first one this Wednesday, 18th January at 10 am when the owner of the Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street, Tandem Properties Limited, will claim possession of the property. The second on Thursday 26th January at 10:30am when the Cathedral will also claim possession of the property where Occupy Sheffield is located.occupy bristol Eviction Threat.
16-01-2012 13:21

A Tank of an Idea (part 1)
14-01-2012 18:57

Justice), in which a disused Court House was taken over with the intention of
holding a mock trial of the Banking system. The owners of the Old Street based
courthouse, Mastcraft (Old Street) Ltd were, unlike the Church, quick to start
proceedings against the occupiers determined that nothing should interfere in there
pursuit of profit redeveloping the site into a 162 bedroom luxury hotel.
At court the Occupiers for reasons as yet unclear, negotiated with Mastcraft and in
full agreement with the Court were granted leave to stay in the building until the
23rd of January, when full possession would be granted for Mastcraft (Old Sreet)
Court Papers Served on Occupy Sheffield by Sheffield Cathedral
14-01-2012 09:40
Occupy Sheffield yesterday saw court papers which appear to show Sheffield Cathedral (a Christian organisation) taking Occupy Sheffield (an organisation of peaceful protestors of all faiths and none, campaigning for economic and social justice) to the High Court in search of an injunction on the matter of trespass.We are leaving College Green
13-01-2012 19:25

One of the key concerns for us at this stage is to minimise any expense to the taxpayer. We hoped that the above route would mean that the Council would not need to spend unnecessary money on a legal battle. Occupy Bristol therefore decided not to legally contest the proceedings today.
Occupy Sheffield: Press Statement
13-01-2012 00:45
Occupy Sheffield started 2012 in determined fashion; unlike banks, parliament and many corporations we did not suspend activity or trading over Christmas and New Year. Instead we continued working for the many, expanding our Occupation and opening Sheffield’s Citadel of Hope.The movement of the indignados began in the Lacandon Jungle:
12-01-2012 19:57
Pablo González Casanova, now nearly 90, is a former rector of UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). A sociologist, academic and researcher, he is one of Mexico’s most respected intellectuals. This article was his contribution to the recent seminar “planet earth: anti-systemic movements” held in Chiapas on the 18th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising.
URGENT online collaboration needed by Occupy London to produce case against UBS
10-01-2012 21:45
Papers are needed *tomorrow* for the court case in defence of the threatened eviction of the Bank of Ideas
Defend Occupy London Stock exchange from eviction
10-01-2012 13:38
Tomorrow on the 11th of January, the High Court in the Strand is likely to service an injunction to the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp on behalf of the Corporation of London ordering it to move from the site outside St Paul's Cathedral. We want as many people as possible to come down and help defend the site from eviction.Benefit cuts to make 800,000 more UK homes unaffordable
09-01-2012 23:06
Welfare cuts will put a further 800,000 homes out of reach of those claiming housing benefit, according to study by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH)
Eviction - Press Release: 9/1/12 from Occupy Lancaster!
09-01-2012 19:21
There are over 1 million empty properties in the UK, 350,000 of these have been vacant for over a year. Money is being spent on keeping these places empty with no benefit to communities and with negative devaluation of properties in the surrounding area. Criminalising squatting in the middle of a housing crisis, as the Con-Dem government plan to do, is only going to make matters worse.