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UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive

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‘Occupy’ protesters reclaiming foreclosed homes in 20 cities

07-12-2011 00:22

The 99 percent movement, which has been evicted from many of their encampments across the country, is finding common cause with thousands of homeowners who are also being evicted from their homes.

Even though the movement has often been criticized for a lack of defined goals, Tuesday’s “Occupy Our Homes” action in at least 20 cities makes it clear that they are standing up to banks to reverse foreclosures.

“We’re in the neighborhood in New York City that had the highest number of foreclosure filings in 2010 to send a message that the economy is failing the 99 percent,” Vocal New York organizer Sean Barry told Raw Story from a Brooklyn neighborhood as about 200 protesters chanted in the background.

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Egyptian Embassy in London occupied in solidarity with #Tahrir protests

06-12-2011 11:24

Yesterday, Four female activists entered and occupied the Egyptian Embassy in solidarity with the Tahrir Square movement. The activists were subsequently arrested and taken to West End Central Police Station.

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High Court rules that Assange can seek Appeal to Supreme Court

05-12-2011 13:25

Julian Assange was back at the Royal Courts of Justice in London today seeking permission - from the High Court judges who dismissed his appeal against extradition in November - to take his case to the Supreme Court. They haven't actually allowed this, but they're allowing him to ask the Supreme Court directly for leave to appeal, on one of the two points raised.

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The movement of the etcetera

05-12-2011 00:35
“As a social forum, a thousand things happen at the same time and this is how thing flow. The square is beginning to fill up. Having a thousand things and a thousand different ways is a path towards no turning back!” Rodrigo Bertame at Occupy Rio.

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Occupy Oregon Re-Occupies, Police Violently Evict Then Occupiers Re-Take Park

04-12-2011 22:46

In Portland, Oregon, Occupy Oregon (also known as Occupy PDX) re-occupied Shermanski Park last night. They setup tents, tarps, and folding tables at 4:35 pm PST. A police officer drove by and informed the occupiers it was illegal to “camp” in a public park. The occupiers continued to setup the new encampment. Families with their children were there and a kitchen went up in the park too. They even had a bat signal shining on a building that was able to broadcast text messages from people all over the world.

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3 #OWS hunger strikers arrested, 3 more replace them

04-12-2011 22:14
One day after it began, three Occupy Wall Street protesters participating in a hunger strike outside Duarte Square[1] were arrested today shortly before noon. The protesters were there "as part of a continued effort seeking sanctuary on Trinity Wall Street's unused and vacant lot of land." Laura Gottesdiener, the strike's co-coordinator, tells us that the three protesters have been replaced by three others, "and they'll continue to strike until the guys are released." The NYPD confirmed the arrests but couldn't confirm the charges, which Gottesdiener said were for trespassing.

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Squatting: a history. Progress to the future

04-12-2011 21:00

BBC Radio 4 program: From Frestonia to Belgravia, The History of Squatting

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Heard the one about Jeremy Clarkson?

04-12-2011 17:01

General Pinochet
Heard the one about Jeremy Clarkson?

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Egypt: The November Uprising

04-12-2011 10:34

The Egyptian revolution will not be settled in 18 days or months. It’ll take “years” for the dust to settle, may be four or five, I don’t know. There will be waves, ebbs and flows, battles to be won and others lost.

This November uprising is only one chapter in the Egyptian revolution, but not the final one.

We have come a long way. We can all recall the mood in February when you could have been lynched in a protest by the people if you had chanted against the army. Now there is wide disillusionment with SCAF, and the majority of the public can clearly see today they are nothing but Mubarak’s army generals who are in effect leading the counterrevolution.

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Occupiers Launch Hunger Strike to Liberate Outdoor Space

04-12-2011 09:08

On Saturday, December 3, in Liberty Plaza, we—THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS—began a hunger strike. We are striking to demand outdoor space for a new occupation. We are holding our strike at Duarte Square on Sixth Avenue and Canal Street in Manhattan as part of a continued effort seeking sanctuary on Trinity Church’s unused land.

This is a call for escalation, in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In dozens of cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and and unconstitutional force. Here in New York, on the night of November 14, the City—under orders from Mayor Bloomberg—violently evicted our community from Liberty Square.

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US Senate backs military detention of American citizens

03-12-2011 21:09

The US Senate voted Thursday night to approve a military funding bill that codifies into law the criminal state practices begun under Bush—and continued under Obama—in the name of the “global war on terror.”

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N30, corporate greed, Xstrata and the right to protest

03-12-2011 17:41

On Wednesday 30 November, Occupy London – part of the global movement for social and economic justice – sent a message to Mick Davis, CEO of Xstrata: As the highest paid director of any FTSE 100 company, we will not let your outrageous income go unnoticed. [1]

Occupy London supporters staged a highly memorable action with a banner drop from the roof of Panton House, Xstrata’s London offices at 25/27 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4EN.

We had to take a stand. These executives hide in their offices, and as they hoard capital they face no scrutiny for their actions. With our peaceful action, we wanted to remind the highest paid that they cannot continue to ignore this economic climate without repercussions.

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Sheffield University Occupation: Official Statement on the Court Injunction

03-12-2011 15:26

Sheffield University Occupation has been served with a court injunction which constitutes an attack on the right to protest. The injunction, obtained by the University management, has placed a one-year ban on all protests on University property (which could potentially include picket lines and campaign stalls) that have not been given written permission from the University. It is of course extremely unlikely that they would grant permission for any protest criticising the University over cuts, fees and education reform, hence this constitutes an effective ban on all protest at the University of which management does not approve. This will affect all groups and societies at the University, as well as lecturers and support staff picketing on days of strike action.

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Occupy Planet Earth: Resisting the Militarisation of State Power

03-12-2011 14:47

Occupy Wall Street Movement Goes Worldwide

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed spent the first half of the post 2001 decade analysing the West's Ties With Terror: Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period (2005), The Secret History of International Terrorism (2006) and the role of the West in Creating Terror (2006). Following this he moved on to analysing the The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis (2008) and the Food Crisis & Peak Oil (2008). His latest book is A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It (2010), has now been adapted into a documentary feature film, The Crisis of Civilization (2011) and it had it's first UK screening in Leeds, in November. Read on for an analysis of the multiple global crisis's facing humanity and the hope that a movement to change the course the 1% have society set on can be changed by the 99%, Occupy Planet Earth: Resisting the Militarisation of State Power by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed.

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November 30th: UK on Strike Video

03-12-2011 05:35

On November 30th, 2011 millions of public sector workers across the UK went on strike against massive cuts in the pension system. The following is a short documentary about the strikes.

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Occupy: From forum and movement to political force

02-12-2011 19:36

Direct democracy must become more than debate and agreeing policy in groups. Voting once every few years for an MP is a very ineffective way to run our public affairs. In order to achieve genuine reforms we must introduce those "tools" of citizen-led democracy which can enable us to steer policy continually. For this, regulations must first be drafted for Parliament, leading to a "Democracy Act" which establishes rule by the people.

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Occupy Essex!

02-12-2011 15:12

Essex University is occupied!

Students at the University of Essex have occupied a lecture theatre, in solidarity with the millions of public sector workers on strike on N30. Over 70 individuals visited the occupation on the first night; 35 stayed until the early hours and 20 stayed the night.

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Squatting in Scotland? The People's Cafe in Edinburgh!

02-12-2011 11:11

A diverse group of autonomous people are currently squatting1 3 Bristo Place in central Edinburgh. The 3-storey building has stood empty and unused for over 3 months since August 31st 2011. The non-hierarchical group are taking direct action to reclaim this space for use by the community.

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Introduction to the Bath People's Assembly

30-11-2011 23:41

A brief introduction to the Bath People's Assembly, mainly taken from the press released that was given to several media outlets.

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MAJOR successes for N30 Strike!!

30-11-2011 21:02

Far from being the "damp squib" it was portrayed to have been by David Cameron, a Sky News poll into attitudes towards to today's Nov 30 strike showed 67% public support, while a BBC poll indicates 61% support. Compare these figures to the 23% of British voters who supported the Tory Party in the general election!