UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
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Salvation Army Citadel Occupied and renamed Citadel Of Hope
28-12-2011 11:03
Early on 28th December 2011 the long abandoned Salvation Army Citadel on Cross Burgess Street, Sheffield, was occupied and renamed the Citadel Of Hope.Occupy Christmas
27-12-2011 01:16

Occupy and the meaning of Christmas
25-12-2011 01:16
As the world awaits the celebration of the birth of the Christ child -- and as, on the eve of this celebration, municipalities around the United States clear out Occupy encampments, pepper-spray peaceful protesters, and threaten them with felony convictions and two-year jail sentences -- it is worth remembering what the historical Jesus actually told people to do: he told them precisely to behave like Occupy protesters.All UK Anti-Austerity Campaigns Proven RIght!!
20-12-2011 23:21
An investigation by the Public Accounts Committee has calculated there is £25 BILLION in outstanding corporate tax, which is bigger than the UK budget deficit for 2002. This report vindicates UK Uncut, Occupy groups and anti-austerity protests, and in terms of the movement breaking-out of its cultural ghetto and linking with mass culture, the most important lesson for radicals is that there is outrage about this "from across the political spectrum", with even the right-wing Daily Telegraph admitting that "Conservatives should support left-wing campaign groups when they’re in the right".....Open Letter To Occupy London from 2 Working Class Old Buggers
20-12-2011 19:14

Poems for the Occupy Movement and the 99 percent
16-12-2011 19:05
TsunamiU.S. City
Historical Inevitability
EDL Thugs Plan Attack on Occupy Portsmouth
15-12-2011 14:02
Other far-right Groups Muster for Violent Confrontation!Portsmouth Nazi Watch have become increasingly alarmed by the level of serious threats Portsmouth EDL are making, both publicly and privately, towards local people supporting the peaceful, International 'Occupy' movement.
N30 Occupy London Tribute vid
14-12-2011 12:33
Short clips from the day spliced into 6 mins with accompanying track by Riot in London. In solidarity with all those who took part in the occupy and strike action on the dayPolice faked evidence and used dum-dum bullets to kill Mark Duggan
12-12-2011 22:39

Sicko Tory MP in Nazi stunt
12-12-2011 00:00

Audio: YT and Babar Luck Play @OccupySheffield
11-12-2011 00:54

Why Tanya and @OccupyLSX need to cut ties with Oasis.
10-12-2011 17:25

I think that what a lot of the discussions that Occupy have brought up is the fact the dots are not necessarily being joined. There was a big banner outside Occupy London and it said “Capitalism is Crisis” and essentially I think that when I first started Occupy I didn’t look at it as, I looked at it as “Capitalism is IN Crisis” and the more I’ve learnt on this journey of being with Occupy, and the more research I’ve done, and the more I’ve talked to people, and discovered and read about what is going on with our economy, with the global economy, with the financial crisis, with the political instability in Europe, I mean, effectively there isn’t a day when you can’t open the paper and find something that really does directly link to capitalism being completely and utterly in crisis. One of the things that capitalism can’t do, is it can’t add value to our lives. You can’t buy your childrens joy. You can’t buy anything that gives you quality in life. And the idea that capitalism can just continue and continue and continue is just to simply, it is utterly the most unsustainable system that could ever have been created, because it relies on continual growth.
Tanya Paton – InterFaith coordinator at #OccupyLSX speaking at Ethical Capitalism? debate jointly organised by #OccupyLSX and Oasis.
The origins of the Occupy movement
09-12-2011 19:41
If the catastrophe that is coming is to be avoided and humanity is to have another chance, it will be because the others, from below and to the left, have not only resisted, but are already sketching the outline of something else.8 Dec. Census Refuser court hearing and Solidarity Demo: Report
09-12-2011 19:20

Occupy SF Bradley Manning Plaza camp attacked by cops
09-12-2011 07:15
The SFPD is concerned about public health and safety. That’s why they have to hit the public with clubs. The OccupySF encampment was raided and completely destroyed by SFPD late last night and Justin Herman Plaza, now being called Bradley Manning Plaza was left empty except for a city sign which read “park closed for renovations” and the occasional pile of horse crap left by one of our proud mounted public servants. 85 arrests were made and all the tents and equipment were confiscated. They were cited with “illegal camping.”Occupy Birmingham University Press Release
08-12-2011 21:05
Hot on the heels of this story, Occupy Birmingham have released the following statement in support of protesting Birmingham Uni students to the national media.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Photos from Court: Census refuser cases, Liverpool
08-12-2011 21:00

Report Jeremy Clarkson to the Press Complaints Commission
08-12-2011 00:20
Indymedia users made a significant contribution to encouraging members of the public to register complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, in protest against Jeremy Clarkson suggesting striking public sector workers should be murdered. The Samaritans, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are also making complaints to the Press Complaints Commission, urging them to investigate Jeremy Clarkson for suggesting that the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals. Please help by registering your complaint with the Press Complaints Commission here...
VID - "Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.
07-12-2011 14:14
"Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.As in Brisbane and Sydney police repsonse to the Occupy movement has been brutal.
The Victorian cops were not expecting this reponse as the came to confiscate 3 tents

Occupy London Christmas Party
07-12-2011 01:03