UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
Occupy gets Serious: Chicago Factory (re)occupied!
24-02-2012 03:35
Workers have re-occupied the 'Republic Windows and Doors' factory that was occupied in 2008. The factory is now owned by 'Serious Materials', and so the occupation has earned the amusing and appropriate title #seriousoccupation on twitter. Circa 65 workers occupying the factory following threat of closure and loss of jobs, eerily reminiscent of situation...Repost from libcom plus additional links below
Andrew Lansley Humiliated by Pensioner
20-02-2012 17:00
Andrew Lansley Humiliated by PensionerEDF Energy seeks high court injunction against protestors
20-02-2012 00:34

For immediate release Feb 18th
Nuclear energy company EDF today served papers on activists occupying a farm on the proposed site for nuclear new build at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The papers, served by Squire Sanders of London, are applying for possession of the premises and, in an unprecedented move, an injunction against all future protests at this site: this includes any protests by other local residents, such as campaign group Stop Hinkley.
Organized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. Occupy Wall St.
19-02-2012 15:12
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.4th UK National Conference: 24th-26th Feb - Liverpool
18-02-2012 23:25
This 4th UK conference is to be held over the weekend of the 25th-26th of February 2012, hosted by Occupy Liverpool.Hinkley Point Barnstormers - Occupiers aim to stop EDF land trash
16-02-2012 15:10

"This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at Hinkley point in Somerset. The activists took occupancy in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of February and are settling in to their new home and community."
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:

Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb
15-02-2012 00:45

What the Third National Occupy UK Conference Can Teach Us
13-02-2012 11:37
Occupy Sheffield hosted the third national Occupy UK Conference over the weekend 20-22 January. Around a hundred Occupiers from the north, south, east and west of Britain, plus visitors from Geneva and Australia, came together to share experiences and plan future strategies. The conference was, for many, a much needed fire-lighter, invigorating and inspiring. A place where passionate individuals, usually dispersed around the country, could find each other and create day of action against repression / 10.03.2012 – Free J.A.I.B. (vienna)
12-02-2012 12:42
On the 13th of March 2012, the opening of their trial will take place.They are being accused of arson, facing a possible jail time of one to ten years
We call for and support every form and way of action.
We call for an international day of action on the 10th of March 2012.
99 Days of Occupation: Occupy Sheffield Moving On
11-02-2012 19:12

Occupy Sheffield camp to end but a new phase begins
11-02-2012 00:26

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges
10-02-2012 20:08

Occupy Sheffield Moving Forwards Parade
09-02-2012 12:29

Hedging Our Bets on the Black Bloc: The Impotence of Mere Liberalism
09-02-2012 09:14
Chris Hedges has written some of the most insightful analysis of the U.S. war machine in recent years. His 2009 book The Empire of Illusion was an exploration of how exhibition has eclipsed truth and meaningful connection in American society. His acknowledgment of the ease in which one can buy into such spectacles is a small part of why it was so odd to read his article on Truthdig attacking both anarchists and black bloc tactics entitled “The Cancer in Occupy.”
Beware the Agent Procrastinateur...
08-02-2012 19:30

An Open Invitation to Occupy Brighton's first Public Meeting of 2012
08-02-2012 15:04

Date: Saturday, 18th February, 7:00 - 9.30pm
Defend the Right to Peaceful Protest: Drop Charges against Cardiff Castle Two
07-02-2012 22:16

On Friday 11th November 2011 the police violently broke up a completely peaceful protest on the green outside Cardiff Castle by Occupy Cardiff (part of the world-wide Occupy movement against inequality and injustice in the financial system). They 'kettled' the demonstrators in a subway and arrested six people.
Concerned Locals take to the Trees at Hinkley Point near Bridgwater, Somerset.
07-02-2012 11:02

Participatory Democracy and the Occupy Movement
06-02-2012 13:46
Organisation, hierarchy and transparency in activist organisations, and specifically in the Occupy movement, and in (previous) Climate Camps. Originally published at Feminist Action Cambridge.
Occupy everything...Oakland style
31-01-2012 23:04