UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
10 days to go 'til the brighton hosts 2012 International Squatters Convergence
09-05-2012 17:47
SNOB (AHA) is hosting an international squatters convergence from 17th-19th May! with the imminent criminalisation of squatting in england and wales, squatters are coming from all over europe to plot and party against the ban, right on doorstep of the tory MP who pushed the ban through (mike weatherly).A Rebellious World or a New Dark Age?
08-05-2012 20:28
The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in fact. There’s never been anything like it that I can think of. If the bonds and associations it has established can be sustained through a long, dark period ahead -- because victory won’t come quickly -- it could prove a significant moment in American history.Concerns over Bristol mayor ballot box overnight security & count delay
04-05-2012 23:28

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
#12M World day of protest for real democracy
04-05-2012 15:14
The May 12 is the next upcoming global protest day of "indignant" or "occupiers" all over the world.A visit to Occupy Brookes
03-05-2012 01:05

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London Stock Exchange: Paternoster Square Occupied
01-05-2012 20:55

The original intended occupation site of Occupy London - Paternoster Square - adjacent to the stock exchange, has been occupied by Occupy London on Mayday since around 6.45pm
comparism between Arab and Jewish schools in Israel
26-04-2012 18:26

Noam Chomsky on America's Declining Empire, #Occupy and the Arab Spring
25-04-2012 21:04

Occupy Nottingham: the end of the beginning?
25-04-2012 18:55

On Sunday 22nd April, Occupy Nottingham packed up its camp in the Market Square after 190 days. This brings to an end a six month occupation in which they have faced down threats from the far-right, extreme weather, the council and random drunken hordes on the weekends. Despite their decision to leave, the campers are keen to "make it quite clear that although we are leaving the Market Place, we are not packing it up or giving in, we realise there is a lot more work to be done and many more people to be reached."
On the newswire: Occupy Notingham Withdrawal Announcement 21.04.12
Previous features: Possession Hearing in Court for Nottingham Occupy | Nottingham Occupy Camp get court hearing papers | Occupy Nottingham: Council serve notice | Occupy Nottingham: 100 days and counting | Occupy Nottingham: Xmas and New Year in Market Sq | Occupy Nottingham: Two months in | Student photographer hassled by Notts Police | Occupy Nottingham: No plans for eviction. Yet. | NSAFC Report on @OccupyNotts 36 Days In | Occupy Nottingham: Still there | Occupy Nottingham: Moved but still in occupation | Nottingham Occupation Continues | Nottingham is occupied
Day five at Occupy Brookes
24-04-2012 19:22
A summary of the fifth day of the Occupy Brookes MovementCalais: summary of the situation and urgent call out
23-04-2012 20:52

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A ramble round Daily Mail tax exile Lord Rothermere's Ferne Park in Wiltshire
23-04-2012 00:59

Occupy Brookes kicks off despite monsoon weather
18-04-2012 21:53
The occupy camp outside Oxford Brookes Uni started up today amid crazy downpours.Occupy and locals block Olympic construction
10-04-2012 11:49
#Occupy protestors and local residents blocked Oympic construction at Leyton Marshes this morning.Worldwide Children's Revolution proposed to lead May Day protest marches
09-04-2012 16:59

The proposal for the worldwide Children's Revolution is for kids' marches to be at the front of all the protests during the global General Strike, and for everyone else to lend their support by displaying banners reading “CAN YOU SAVE THE HUMAN RACE?” to help ensure the survival of future generations.
Saboteurs chain metro gates open for fare strike, New York (USA)
30-03-2012 15:43
"Rank and File Initiative" chained open the gates of 20 underground stations allowing passengers a free ride in New York (USA), March 28Leyton Marsh Camp update
29-03-2012 16:55

Stone Of Free Speech Was HIijacked By The Hampstead Heath Wardens And The Police
26-03-2012 22:20
On Mothering Sunday 18th March 2012 Hamptead Heath wardens and the police prevented a ceremony to honour Mother Earth @ the traditional Stone Of Free Speech. We are calling people to gather at the Stone on Sunday 1st April 2012, Wise Fools Day.