UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
Pictures of #occupylsx #occupylondon 3pm
15-10-2011 14:21

Pics from first part of #occupylsx #occupylondon
15-10-2011 12:55
Up to one thousand people at Occupy London as part of 15Oct global day of action
News from Occupied London
15-10-2011 12:55
At 12 O'clock around 1000 people have gathered on the steps outside St Pauls Cathedral, with a mobile sound system keeping the atmosphere going. An aray of anti-cuts plackards and banners are on show with the capitals media clicking away. Mounted police are in the area outside the Stock Exchange. At Paternoster square there are posters up in the advertising mounts stating that the square is private property and that the square is closed. There are also copies of a high court injunction taped around the area prohibiting anyone from occupying. #occupylondon
[12.30] The soundsystem has been pushed towards Paternoster Square where the police have re-enforced their line preventing any occupation of the square. Mounted police are being brought in along this line and the media are going crazy as some pushing and shoving starts on the front line. The crowd is chanting "We are the 99% - let us in", and "Fuck Fox News". Tension is starting to mount.
[12.45] Bust cards are being handed out and there are legal observers in the area.
Green and Black Cross Legal Support: 07946 541511
Solicitors: Bindmans 020 7833 4433
HJA: 020 7837 3456
[13.00] The crowd have now moved from this front entrance to Paternoster Sq around the side streets to other enterances, each time blocked by the police lines. They have gone past the front of the Stock Exchange, shouting "let us in", each time attempting to push through police lines. Police dogs have been brought out, and the crowd is spcontinuing to spread around the square increasing in numbers.
[13.10] A large group started to march off towards Bank but were again blocked by a line of police across the road, who started to funnel them back to St Pauls. With Paternoster Square and London Stock Exchange surrounded by protesters (at least symbolically) and the police preventing any entrance. There is now a pause while a general Assembly meeting is taking place outside St Pauls in the sunshine.
[13.15] Messages around the world of other occupations taking place: Brisbaine, New Jersy, South Africa. A large banner is being unfurled on St Paul's steps saying "We are the 99%"
[13.20] Another group to the North of the Sqaure are being prevented from leaving the pedestrian area by police cordons, not quite a 'kettle' but restrictions on the crowds movement.
[13.35] Most people arriving all the time, nice day out in London. Road blocks are being reported around St Paul's station. Fustration is mounting at how the police are restricting peoples movement. A fit team is reported around St Paul's Alley.
[13.45] A group of 100 have taken over the roads outside St Paul's chanting "who's streets - our streets" making sure the poilice dont kettle everyone tighter and tighter on the steps.
First pics in from #OccupyLondon
15-10-2011 12:55
People are starting to arrive in the City of London at St Paul's, ready to occupy the place. They have come with sleeping bags tents and food, in for the long haul. Police helecopters are overhead and the Patanoster Square has signs up claiming it to be private property, which says it all about capitalism and the general public; If you are rich you are OK, if you are not we will keep you out and you will probably get the bill for it!
We are here in solidarity with all the people round the world that are occupying today, we have to fight back and challenge the city and all it stands for. Come on down!
More to come as it happens...
Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
#occupy London gets underway #ows
15-10-2011 11:16

Brent-Kensal Rise library
15-10-2011 00:28
Brent SOS Libraries campaign was unsuccessful on thursday in the high court against closure. Local community resists full closure.Indignados in Brussels: real democracy under eurocrats’ noses
14-10-2011 18:12
They come mostly from Spain, but also from France, England, Germany, The Netherlands… Several hundreds of people are occupying for one week HUB University, in Brussels. A week of collective living, assemblies, political discussions and workshops – to end up with tomorrow’s big demonstration. On the eve of the October 15th, the indignados are everywhere – and came to Brussels in full strength.Reports from Occupations, Part 1: Portland
13-10-2011 13:04

Students To March On The City | Nov 9 [NCAFC]
12-10-2011 20:25

National demonstration will go to the City, rather than to Parliament
Students plan to derail the government’s HE white paper
Demonstration a key date in the autumn of resistance, ahead of the November 30th strike action
#OccupyLSX Callout – Let’s do this!
12-10-2011 16:48

Occupy the London Stock Exchange
15th October
St Paul’s Cathedral
The Impact of Occupy Wall Street: Some Early Indicators
12-10-2011 14:30

A quote well-known among activists, variously attributed to Gandhi or US labor leader Nicholas Klein, says that “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” In the space of just the past several weeks, it’s possible to discern the first three steps of this progression in the response of the US political, economic, and media elite to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. This fact should be a great source of encouragement for all those brave and dedicated individuals who have helped build this movement.
Eyewitness: Occupying Wall Street
12-10-2011 12:05

Before I went to Occupy Wall Street, I did some research to see what I was protesting. I went to which told me the time and location of the occupation, but not much more. “The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%,” claimed the site. I felt like I could buy into this cause, so I got a couple of people from my college dorm just outside New York City to come with me to Manhattan to be stereotypical protesting college students. We were going to go down in history, just like the kids from the UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement, the Paris spring of 1968, and Tiananmen Square. Hopefully not just like Tiananmen Square.
Slavoj Zizek at #OWS
12-10-2011 09:17
TranscriptsPart One:

…2008 financial crash more hard earned private property was destroyed than if all of us here were to be destroying it night and day for weeks. They tell you we are dreamers. The true dreamers are those who think things can go on indefinitely the way they are. We are not dreamers. We are awakening from a dream which is tuning into a nightmare. We are not destroying anything. We are only witnessing how the system is destroying itself. We all know the classic scenes from cartoons. The cart reaches a precipice. But it goes on walking. Ignoring the fact that there is nothing beneath. Only when it looks down and notices it, it falls down. This is what we are doing here. We are telling the guys there on Wall Street – Hey, look down! (cheering).
Boston Police Brutally Assault Occupy Boston
12-10-2011 00:08

The role of the police in the occupations
11-10-2011 10:40

#OccupyLSX First General Assembly
11-10-2011 09:41

London’s first General Assembly took place on 9th October during UK Uncut’s Block the Bridge, Block the Bill action on Westminster Bridge. The General Assembly is the main decision-making forum for #occupylsx – as it has been for other international occupations, drawing on the model pioneered in Spain earlier this year. It’s a form of direct democracy, a space for debate that is totally open to the public – it’s there for anyone who wishes to make their voice heard and there is plenty of room for dissenting voices, although we try to reach consensus.
It is intended that the General Assembly become a permanent feature of the occupation, an open forum which will provide a platform for everyone to air their grievances, demands and proposed solutions. The hope is that the General Assembly will be allow us to create a list of demands democratically – a unified message that represents the sentiment of the 99%.