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UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive

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Anarchist N30 in St. Andrews

30-11-2011 16:56

our flyer
St. Andrews witnesses the first explicit anarchist bloc at N30 demo.

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Building housing Britain's highest paid CEO is raided.

30-11-2011 16:26

#OccupyLSX had announced an action at 3pm at Piccadilly Circus. They set off with the samba band and minutes later a flare was set off inside Panton House, Haymarket, whilst a banner was hung from the roof. Outside protestors challenged some plainclothes cops in the crowd, after which a 'bubble' or kettle was set up, apparently with more plain clothes cops trapped inside it.

See report from Occupy SLX below.

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Swansea now occupied!

30-11-2011 15:26

setting up camp
Occupy Swansea has now set up camp in Castle Square

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Cardiff: Evade? Avoid? Invade!

30-11-2011 10:06

Report from the Great Cardiff Tax Invasion.

Reposted from Radical Wales website:

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Sky News & Evening Standard lie about their own polls

30-11-2011 08:28

Sky News & Evening Standard lie about their own polls

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A Message to Occupy Birmingham from Chomsky

29-11-2011 11:29

The Occupy Birmingham camp has received the following message of support from Noam Chomsky

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You Can Shove Your Rubber Bullets...

28-11-2011 23:57

Take cameras to EVERY protest. Photograph the cops. Video the cops. Focus on their faces and ID numbers. Close up.

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Italy: Austerity is violence on the bodies of women

28-11-2011 21:21

In Rome, activist women responded to the #occupypatriarchy call out initiated by the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The group, composed of students, precarious workers and migrants, marched through the city centre’s high streets on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

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Dec. 5th. Solidarity with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks High Court London

28-11-2011 12:02

Solidarity with Assange at Occupy lsx, St. Paul's, London
An anti-war solidarity vigil will be held outside the High Court, The Strand, London on Monday Dec 5th against the extradition of Julian Assange. The vigil is organised by Veterans for and London Cathoic Worker
The vigil will start at 8.30 a.m. Updates and more info Phone/Text 079 392 90576

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London Occupy Activist - Tahrir Inspired Everyone - Video

27-11-2011 23:29

How one outspoken occupy activist got the police to fabricate an assaulting a police officer charge.

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Join Us Friday for Eco Build Fest/Tutorial

27-11-2011 23:17

Time 2 December · 10:00 - 13:00
Location Peace gradens birmingham/ Occupy brum

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Video: University of Birmingham occupation

27-11-2011 23:04

A short video from the N23 occupation when student protesters squatted an empty gatehouse at the University of Birmingham.

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Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home

27-11-2011 07:08

Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must be confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.

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Pay Council Tax Hove MP tells Occupy...

26-11-2011 14:53

Hove & Portslade (East Sussex) MP. Mike Weatherley suggests Occupy 'tents' in London/ Brighton etc should pay council tax...

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Total Failure of Class Struggle Politics in the UK

25-11-2011 11:28

In Sept 2011 a thread was posted on Indymedia under the title "Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain", and while that thread focussed on analysing the specific failure of the anarchist group "Class War", that thread is also a critique of class struggle activism generally. One thing Ian Bone was right about was the need to create a genuinely populist anarchist movement in the UK, but "populist" no longer means "workerist", and until British anarchists face up to that then they are doomed to fail forever in the UK.

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Occupied Barcelona: The Spanish Election Rejection

25-11-2011 10:27

In the midst of rising unemployment
rates, extensive austerity measures and increased privatization, many
Spanish people are losing faith in electoral politics. The video shows
the issues behind protests and occupations surrounding the November
2011 elections.

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U.S. Ambassador confronted at St. Paul's Cathedral with "Free Bradley Manning"

25-11-2011 10:23

A beefed up City of London police presence & deployed armed police greeted approx 15 activists demanding the freedom of Bradley Manning on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral on "U.S. Thanksgiving Day". The U.S. Ambassador was attending the annual Thanksgiving service at the cathedral along with a sizeable number of U.S. ex-pats. Those demanding the freedom of Bradley Manning also included U.S. ex-pats living in London.

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Northgate occupation ends, New Occupation Tomorrow

25-11-2011 02:38

The occupation of Northgate house ends but the occupation of a new location begins tomorrow

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Occupy - Just Do It

24-11-2011 18:07

Time 25 November · 09:30 - 12:30
Location north gate University of Birmingham.

Solidarity action in support of the Northgate occupation at the University of Birmingham

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Analysis of the white paper from the occupation

24-11-2011 16:22

The government’s white paper outlines the proposed changes to the structure of higher education. Currently there is a quota of 406,000 university places. Under the proposed changes, 85,000 of these places will be opened up to competition. Of these 85,000 20,000 places will be competed for by universities charging £7,500, 65,000 will be for students who achieved AAB or above at A-level. This will lead to a two-tiered system, with a small number of elite universities and a lower pool of universities offering poorly funded, badly taught programs. These will be mainly provided by for-profit companies who’ll be given access to government-backed loans.