UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
Support a Public Inquest into the deaths at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
05-04-2016 21:27

to speak fair against the stealing of
innocent life currently going on over
at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
in "Comfort Care". They openly,
without apology, deprive vital
medicines, while torturing the
patient with poisons such as with
my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as
crime victim to first degree murder.
The Polski line of control ,lolplopp, plopp, tongue theirfore clinical categore
23-02-2016 09:49
As assumption of the misdemeanor musik, paperworks, a simple registry unis of overtly negotiated Amsterdam the Interpol multilanguages without certifikations, and of course Ethno afiz, the Skinhead chord of to dump for refinance, aint a simple perspective quote positiv. The money dealing Hamburg doublebook Paulinenplaty%Pinasberg by NS longterm prom. Breath technik only.Pakistan Intl.Airlines Royal high Identity theft am Inn Amsterdam
11-02-2016 16:14
Shortly a must do up the Lords A.L.F.'No means no."-Militiapunk, the season after leaving postwar Hamburg by bnth brth the thierporn 'Chopper,'-phenomenun transparent for the US Embassy and the State Embassy of Israel, suposed OrgCrm sexual active brokerage Latinuum ante graecuum deny, Westeuropa will be strooke by her majesty GB never deals Germany foreign lingua francly.The MONDEGGI FREE SCHOOL OF FARMING - Scuola Contadina - is OPEN!
11-02-2016 09:39

The Occupants of the Mega Squatted Mondeggi Farm at Bagno Ripoli just a stones throw from Florence. Have started up a a Free School of Farming where lessons, given by qualified teachers ,cost absolutely nothing at all.
As in totally FREE !! no strings attached anyone can book in.
Mega Squatted Farm in Florence Italy "MONDEGGI COMMON GOOD - FARM WITHOUT MASTER
08-02-2016 14:54

30-01-2016 16:53

OccupyLondon and Occupy WallStreet
25-01-2016 13:35

Bank of England, London: Threadneedle St, London EC2R 8AH
New York Stock Exchange: 11 Wall St, New York, NY 10005, United States
Time: 06.00AM
Smashing the Abbas icon of Palestinian non – violence
14-10-2015 09:40
Israelis by their ongoing campaign of defamation of Abbas would be missing an irreversible historic opportunity for making peace.Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015
06-10-2015 22:34
This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly. Voters will decide whether to carry forward the Bolivarian Revolution by retaining a Chavista majority in the National Assembly or return the political intitative to the traditional elites represented by most of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD).Time for UN to shift mission in Yemen
28-09-2015 09:49
It is high time that the UN moves to facilitate an exit strategy for Saudi Arabia from Yemen.Mass Sleepout in Solidarity with Newport's Homeless People
26-06-2015 06:52
Police are harrassing, bullying and arresting Newport's homeless people even more than usual, telling them that they will be clearing them out of Newport. They are using the 1884 Vagrancy Act and imposing impossible bail conditions. This stinks of a clean-up ready for the opening of a new shopping centre in November. A mass sleepout has been organised so that we can help these exceptionally vulnerable people.LATEST LIVE FEED OUTSIDE OF THE KETTLED LONDON PROTEST -
09-05-2015 18:50

Runnymede needs You! Eviction Resistance ॐ
06-04-2015 19:36
To one & all, an invitation and call out to activists and lovely people across the gamma for talks and discussion on thoughts feelings and strategy leading up to the court hearing on the 9th of April at the County Court at Guildford. We would like to invite anybody with experience or advice in our situation to join us in solidarity with our views for freedom, justice and equality for all.All species and subspecies alike.
London: Blockupy the Banks on Weds #18M
16-03-2015 15:29
On the day Osborne delivers yet another austerity budget and EU elites gather in Frankfurt for the opening of a new ECB building, we will let the City of London know that we have not forgotten who got us into this mess![Toulouse] February 21st demonstration in support of the ZADs and against the wo
16-02-2015 21:31
On the 25th of October 2014, the death of a man by the police on the ZAD of Testet marked the beginning of two months of struggle in Toulouse, that continued with demonstrations, public actions and occupations. This movement echoes those of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Testet, and elsewhere where an occupation was set up to confront detrimental State projects. The different ways of organising and communal life practiced on the ZADs have been put in practice in Toulouse, in spaces momentarily snatched away from the control of the Metropol.Rebellions In North America
19-12-2014 18:53