UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive
LSX Occupation: What is this Machine?
27-10-2011 16:09

Occupy West Midlands Police HQ 4 Justice
27-10-2011 13:01
From 5th to 7th November 2011, we will be occupying West Midlands Police Headquarters in support of the Burrell family. To date they have been waiting 6 months to have Kinglsey Burrell's body released for burial due to the IPCC investigation. They say they are still interviewing witnesses.Occupy Birmingham Gets Notice to Vacate from Birmingham City Council
27-10-2011 12:15
Breaking news, two representatives of Birmingham City Council have handed to the group occupying Victoria Square on behalf of Occupy movement, a notice to vacate the square, the message is as follows:“Corporate greed,” or just plain old capitalism?
27-10-2011 09:21

Pamphlet for participants in the "Occupy" aka "99%" movement, explaining why the problem is not "corporate greed," but capitalism, and what is meant by capitalism, crisis, anti-capitalist struggle, and "occupation" in a (libertarian) Marxist sense.
Pdf of illustrated pamphlet for printing here.
Calls Grow For Global General Strike Following Oakland Declaration
27-10-2011 08:18

Since that declaration twitter and social media have been abuzz with calls for a US General strike, and also a GLOBAL GENERAL STRIKE ON NOVEMBER 2nd!!
Independent media accounts of attack on Occupy Oakland in US
26-10-2011 23:04

Occupy Belfast
26-10-2011 15:38
Occupy Belfast have been occupying Writer's Square, opposite St Anne's Cathedral in the city centre, since 21 October.OccupyFS Site Update Day 3
25-10-2011 00:55
It's been a very successful 3rd day at Occupy Finsbury Square
It was really inspiring this morning talking to people going to work all throughout the morning. Was amazed to see so many people coming up and saying they supported us. The info front tent does need more people to do shifts, but I'd really recommend people do the morning just to experience how much support there is. One problem though, is that this level of support we're getting from people just isn't coming across in a lot of the mainstream press reports about the occupations. We've also been giving out flyers with the statement printed on it to passers by.
One nice story was a chap in an armani suit being quite critical of us this morning, then another person going to work stopping and beginning to argue with him, and before we knew it there were like 10 people having their own debate about the issue right infront of the camp.
Media wise we had CNN, Bloomberg, Sky and AFP all down today doing pretty fair and positive pieces and interviews. All saying how well organised and peacefull this camp is.
We also talked to lots of investmant bankers today, some with negative views on us some with positive. Because of this we're organising a discussion in the yurt on saturday with some investment bankers and invite participation.
There are now over one hundred tents set up at Occupy Finsbury Square - so many in fact that we need to discuss plans for allocating new areas. Some tents are free for new arrivals to use - see shelter group to find out which.
There were visits today from Islington Borough Council, Parks and Green Spaces, Health and Safety, and London Fire Brigade, who all toured the occupation camp and had nothing but praise and positive feedback for how organised we are. We're getting wheelie bins delivered for recycling and general waste. As regards toilets it looks like we will come to an arrangement with the council - there's another meeting tomorrow and we hope that the situation will be resolved then.
One of the main things people were saying was, 'We know things have gone wrong but what's your solution?' and 'we agree with you but we need to know the alternatives'. So we're encouraging them to come here and discuss their views of the alternatives.
Tomorrow (tues) at 12.15pm we've invited people to come along and debate or critique the occupation's statment and on Wednesday there's a banker coming to run a sesson 'Confessions of a City Banker'. The Yurt if available for scheduling workshops and talks - contact the free university to propose a session.
Blackboards are bing sorted out to put up daily schedules and updates. There's a load of art materials that have been donated so there's plenty of stuff to make placcards and banners. Pallets are available for making walkways, esp given the forcast of rain we now have. A new group is also forming for workshops to teach useful community tools and skills, as well as a new process working group.
The Kitchen crew have been doing a great job, and say that they welcome help from people who have experience of cooking for large numbers. Each day a few people are needed to do the washing up after meals (rather than everyone washing their own dishes). Donations have been flowing in as well as people offering money too. Also some local businesses have been supportive and some restuarants have even offered to cook for the camp on some future dates to show their support.
Email: occupyfs _ at _
Twitter: @occupyfs
(notes taken from the General Assembly held this evening - mon 24th)
Monday schedule and signs at OccupyLSX
24-10-2011 14:55
Few snaps from monday at occupyLSX showing some of the schedules.
Tent city univerwsity events listing:
OccupyLSC Calendar (not updated much)
Occupy Melbourne violently attacked by Police (for Queen's visit)
24-10-2011 11:44

Occupy Bristol: One Week Later
24-10-2011 10:55
Bristol has been occupied for a whole week. What began as two tents midday last Saturday has grown to over 40 today, over the week numbers have fluctuated as people drop in and out to fulfil commitments to their work and family but steadily the movement is growingBristol has been occupied for a whole week. What began as two tents midday last Saturday has grown to over 40 today, over the week numbers have fluctuated as people drop in and out to fulfil commitments to their work and family but steadily the movement is growing.
Talking to people around the site it quickly becomes apparent how well organised the campaign is, especially without a coordinated leadership. Meetings are held each morning to discuss the pressing issues of the day, the day to day running is delegated to those most willing and most able to help. Everyone is encouraged to contribute in whatever small way they can to collectively run the campsite. Occupy might not be getting much praise from our Conservative overlords but it really is the model for the Big Society.
It takes a lot of effort to keep the campaign running. The camp is run on donations from supporters of the cause, from local businesses, political groups and from regular people. A finance officer collects and distributes the money to buy food and fresh water. A chemical toilet is a possible investment once funds can be raised as the facilities provided by the Marriot and the local library will become stretched if the camp grows much more. A media centre is run out of the back of art gallery to allow the cause to be promoted and spread online and a kitchen tent provides food for the occupiers. Tai-chi and meditation classes are run in the day and a family event is planned for tomorrow.
The people involved have had little to no experience of doing this before, it’s all still a learning process for them but the progress made in just the last week is impressive. That isn’t to say that the camp hasn’t had problems. Trouble in the camp has mainly come from the revellers parading down Park Street, one incident last week had a group begin tearing down the signs and banners, and threatening the occupiers. The police however were helpful and recognised that the outsiders were posing a danger to the peaceful protest and removed them. Security at the site has been tightened up and there are occupiers staying up all night to protect the rest of the camp from any further trouble.
The camp is very laid back and engaging, plenty of friendly people sit around on the chairs and sofas that have been donated and talk about the problems they face, the solutions they propose and everything else besides. The camp acts as an open forum to discuss the issues we face as a nation, and there is lively discussion, from a surprising range of people. There were teachers, social workers, people working in community groups, a guy that had been a commodities trader, people in healthcare, charity workers, council workers, programmers, a surgeon, the unemployed and the homeless. Everyone has a different set of issues, and a different angle on the ones they share.
From the people I’ve talked to on the outside I think the protest has rather an image problem. Many assume that the people staying on the green are simply the work shy with nothing better to do, exploiting the donations of others for their own benefit. They’re dead wrong. To typecast the whole movement grossly underestimates the people there.
The most persistent and most visible may be those that can dedicate the most time to the protest. What the people that haven’t been down to see the camp miss is the daily turnover of those that are working that come down to show their support, the people that camp on weekends because their kids need to go to school and the hundreds that go past and read the banners and placards and walk on glad to see someone with the time to dedicate to the cause.
Some might see the campers as the undesirables that society doesn’t need, but they are the public face of many thousands of “normal” people who agree with what they’re trying to say and can’t be there in person because they have their own personal struggles to deal with. Discounting a movement based on the image of the people supporting it rather than the message they are promoting is the easy option, and exactly what the powers that be would rather you do.
But the message of the protest is has been completely misrepresented in the media so many ordinary people still have no idea of what the campaign is about. The movement has been branded by the mainstream media as “against the banks”, little further discussion is needed to maintain the narrative of “hippy protesters cause trouble for taxpayers by illegally camping and griping about the free market”. It is beyond the scope of the broadsheets to legitimise the protest by having a full discussion of what they are actually about.
Anyone criticising that Occupy has no clear demands has missed the point. At this stage Occupy is a focusing lens for discussion of the wider problems facing our society, to make a demand they need to form a consensus, to do that they need to organise and to do that they need to gather and collect people to the movement for change. To make a real contribution to better society a fuzzy and diffuse stage is necessary, over the coming months we can expect the campaign to harden into a tool that can actually be used to pry our government open and allow people rather than corporations back into governance.
A common thread is that the world we’re in now is no longer a democracy but a corporatocracy The common person has no say in how the country is run, which is okay if we have people in power that are acting in our best interests. But I don’t believe that is true anymore and many agree with me. To get yourself heard you need a couple of million pounds of lobbying money and some mates that went to Eton.
It is the biggest globalised industries that have the closest attention of our leaders and they have only their shareholders interests in mind. Maybe you subscribe to the “trickle down theory” but I don’t buy that either. Big industry may be the biggest profit makers but they certainly don’t pay their way in tax, once you can offshore your operations then you can pay a lower percent in taxes than someone on minimum wage. It may be legal but it doesn’t make it right.
This isn’t a question of party politics, Labour are just as guilty of pandering to big business as the Tories despite what they may have been saying to the contrary. What we need is a way to return the government that has OUR interests at heart and not one that hopes business will sort out our problems for us.
The Occupy movement is only in it’s infancy, but as they learn and improve they will only become more effective in promoting the message for change. Let’s make a system that works for the 99% and not for the 1%.
Authored by!/therealelsid
Occupy Sheffield General Assembly - 8pm Tue 24th Oct
24-10-2011 10:16
Lets meet for a general assembly - Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 8:00 PM - The Benjamin HuntsmanOccupy Rome – one week after
23-10-2011 18:07
One week after the now (in)famous Roman 15th October that ended up on worldwide headlines as “the only protest of the Occupy movement that ended in violence and riots”, and here we all are reading and writing about it.Speech Julian Assange at Occupy London 15 oktober
23-10-2011 08:19

Please help save Occupy London from being destroyed from within
22-10-2011 21:45
Its important for us all to attract middle England as historically revolutions are only won by attracting the middle classes. If its not correctly reflecting the actual views of the 99% who are still actually quite angry at the banks, then its doomed....This thing has now become over run by idiots, lost in a sea of different people wanting different things from the movement and its destroying it....The truth is no one in their right mind is going to support something that seems on the Occupy London facebook page to predominantly be these Internet drunk lunatics who have spent too much time watching unresearched youtube conspiracy videos....Its a real pity as the organisers and the Campers have worked so hard on this and frozen their asses off out their in the cold and for what so some dick head can sit in the warmth and post crap rubbishing thier cause.. the few nutters always ruin it for the rest of us in the most crucial moments it seems...Occupy London still has a chance....It just needs people to say something to the people ruining it that we have to focus on the simple things first and stop posting things and making protest signs about David Ike and Alex Jones and bloody Zeitgeist talking about taking the blue pill or the illuminate or whatever and just focus on the heavily researched and confirmed basics you guys started with, which was showing our universal anger at bank bailouts and the fact they have so much power over our politicians, the fact corporations own democracy right now and cause all the ills in the world...start the debate how we can modernise the system, maybe the Swedish system is better a more Socialist system or whatever...this has been lost amongst all this reference to home made Youtube videos from some of the occupy pains me to say but its so scaring people off right now - READ THE LINK I FOUND IT JUST ABOUT SUMS IT UPOccupy London stock exchange camp facing eviction soon
22-10-2011 10:10
The occupy London stock exchange is facing eviction soon, possibly as early as this coming Monday morning. The St Paul's Cathedral have now said that the occupation has been there long enough and has made its point. They have also said that the presence of the camp has forced them to close the Cathedral cafe and shop. This has caused them to lose trade which is their only income.The Future of the Occupy Movement: Solidarity and Escalation
22-10-2011 06:55

A month after it began with a few hundred people marching on Wall Street, the #Occupy movement has grown to include tens of thousands of participants throughout the country and has captured headlines around the world. If it has not yet succeeded beyond its wildest dreams, that’s only because its participants have dreamed big: imagining a sustained popular uprising that could force fundamental changes in our political and economic system—ones that could end corporate dominance and promote real democracy.
The movement can, in fact, propel significant changes. But #OccupyWallStreet and its allied occupations still have a ways to go before realizing their potential. The two issues most pressing as they chart their next steps: solidarity and escalation.
Nottingham Market Square continues occupied, Day 7
22-10-2011 02:55
Friday 21st October 2011
Nottingham Market Square continues occupied : Day 7.
But, Council want to put a christmas tree there! Now, in October ... grrrr!
I took these nightime piccys, before people were about to move elsewhere in the Square.
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
The story so far ........
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
Nottingham Occupy @ Market Square Day 2 Sunday
Nottingham Indymedia have now added a further feature with more links ......
Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Nottingham Occupation continues: Wednesday Day 5
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"