UK History Newswire Archive
Iran Intelligence Report: Another Psychological Warfare?
05-12-2007 22:04
Under the current administration, it is increasingly difficult to know who the enemy is, but what is certain is that the latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is a brilliantly executed psychological warfare by way of misinformation. This dastardly plan is so devious that even the anti-war groups are jubilant at its release, and they are naively sharing its contents. Perhaps non are as enthusiastic about the report as the most powerful lobby group in America hostile to Iran.Senior Cops Massaging Figures To Keep Crack Houses Open
04-12-2007 12:37

Two news items about the criminalisation of Bristol's law enforcement process and Palestine in the Second World War
Lost History In Laos
04-12-2007 08:32
Just four decades ago it was the world’s most bombed country per capita. Yet today Laos is Asia’s latest little tiger, a nation chasing the greenback with the thirst of the long parched and anxious to forget its past.For nine years during the Vietnam War U.S. warplanes rained an average two million dollars worth of bombs on this landlocked country, accumulating a startling total drop volume of 2,093,100 tons of bombs worth 7.2 billion dollars to the American taxpayer.
2008 Diary available from Friday - not-for-profit DIY agit-prop from Newcastle!
03-12-2007 19:47
Wor Diary (the D.I.Y, collectively made diary for 2008 made by people in Newcastle to draw inspiration and ideas from our city's fine heritage of protest, rebellion, dignity and mutual aid), is available to order from Friday 7th December (following the 'pub quiz' launch event at the Star and Shadow Cinema on 6th December at 9pm).Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Hidden Holocaust--Our Civilizational Crisis Part 2: Exporting Democracy
03-12-2007 13:07
Part two (part one) of an article by Nafeez Ahmed on the history of imperial genocide follows, the subject of this article was the subject of recent public meeting, The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis.
Armenia - The Unanswered Question
03-12-2007 11:35

Distorting Fascism to Demonize Iran
30-11-2007 00:31
In their frantic drive to pave the way for a military strike against Iran, leading figures in the neoconservative pro-Israel lobby have embarked on a vicious campaign of demonizing that country by comparing it with the early years of Nazi Germany and its President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with Hitler.Blast From The Past: Short 2005 Scottish G8 Protest Video Rush
28-11-2007 21:02

Iraq : Looking Back : 'Internationally Sponsored Genocide'
28-11-2007 13:30

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Hidden Holocaust--Our Civilizational Crisis Part 1: The Holocaust in History
27-11-2007 20:34
Part one of an article by Nafeez Ahmed on the history of imperial genocide follows, the subject of this article was the subject of recent public meeting, The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis.
Archive of 1990s Critical Mass videos launched
27-11-2007 17:56

Dialect - Today's Stop The War Rally in Bristol and Northern Rock
24-11-2007 21:00

President Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination
21-11-2007 18:10
"On the first ever anniversary of the John F. Kennedy assassination since the passing of Gerald R. Ford who was the final surviving member of the Warren Commission, publisher Tim Miller releases President Ford's final comments on the JFK assassination with this exclusive book. Ford and his publisher argued over what information to include in this, Ford's final book which was released after his death. "I believe Ford and others knew more about the JFK assassination," says Tim Miller who is publisher of this book authored by the late Gerald Ford. This newly released book from Ford is part of a collection of his last written comments in book format on the subject of the assassination of John F. Kennedy."Blood and Belief. A history of the PKK. Alizia Marcus. A critical review.
20-11-2007 23:22

unknown major Babeuf manuscript discovered in Moscou yesterday
17-11-2007 03:21
Moscou: unknown 1790-manuscript of the French Social Revolutionary Graccus Babeuf found in former Soviet collectionPalestinian International Campaign - End Gaza Siege
14-11-2007 15:29
Nov 29th will see the 60th anniversary of the partition of Palestine which immediately led to the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous populations, culminating with what Palestinians call, ‘al Nakba,’ or ‘the Catastrophe'. Given the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza and beyond, what better time than NOW and during the next six months to raise awareness and help towards Ending The Siege?Load of WANC at rampART
13-11-2007 21:15

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.
The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.
( - The Unanswered Question
13-11-2007 13:57
On Tuesday 6th November, Aegis Trust and Nottingham Student Aegis Society, in association with Nottingham Playhouse, a pre-show talk for Beast on the Moon to look at the history behind this compelling play took place.Black Flag magazine's formal launch announced
13-11-2007 12:19

The evening will include a brief introduction including the history of the Black Flag, the magazine and the anarchist symbol itself, followed by a discussion in which comments and suggestions for the new version.